How involves is the finding the traitor section? Is there a mode where I don't have to bother with any of it?A couple typos but no misinformation I think.
I've completed the game so I clarify some things if needed.
A couple typos but no misinformation I think.
I've completed the game so I clarify some things if needed.
Looks good for a first time OT.
Though you might want to add the price info to the product info section.
I've never played Valkyria Chronicles; am I gonna be at a disadvantage?
How involves is the finding the traitor section? Is there a mode where I don't have to bother with any of it?![]()
Hoping that this arrives in the morning. Pre-ordered it without knowing too much, so if it turns out to be even remotely good then I should be happy with my purchase.
Can anybody comment on how it was received in Japan?
Also, awesome job for your first OT!
Thank you for this; will help me out immensely once I start playing.Traitor stuff
Coo! Reviews have been solid so far so it seems pretty much like I expected, hopefully this will provide a nice twist but still fill the Valkyria void in a way for me.
Seda how long did a play through take?
Looks interesting but since I'm European, subbed for now. Hopefully there are different difficulty settings, VC was a tiny bit too hard imho. Or maybe I just suck at tactical RPGs.
Any good reason to do multiple playthroughs?Pretty sure my first playthrough was less than 20 hours.
There is an Easy and a Normal difficulty that you can change between at any time. Normal isn't bad at all though. You can replay earlier easier levels to gain exp and such too.
Any good reason to do multiple playthroughs?
There is an Easy and a Normal difficulty that you can change between at any time. Normal isn't bad at all though. You can replay earlier easier levels to gain exp and such too.
Wow this will need me to be a lot more involved than just killing things, i may need to wait till after i finish re: hollow I don't want to push through this if there's a detriment to traitors making it past the vote.Actually let me clarify this. I know some other reviewers who were a bit confused at how this process actually works. Sorry, it's really not that complicated but there are a few steps so I apologize if this is a bit wordy.
!!Good info!!
In short I suppose you could ignore it entirely and let you squad execute whoever they decide to, but then there's a good chance you end up handicapping yourself.
So, this is my first OT, so be nice, please! If there are any errors or misinformation, please let me know. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Actually let me clarify this. I know some other reviewers who were a bit confused at how this process actually works. Sorry, it's really not that complicated but there are a few steps so I apologize if this is a bit wordy. Skip over this if you'd rather figure it out on your own (shouldn't be any spoilers though)
First of all, traitors are random with the exception of the first one in a first playthrough.
Once you get past the opening sections of the game, Sho (main character dude) will hear 'suspicious voices' after each battle you clear. (Note, you take five other characters into battle.) Text and character icons float across the screen, and red text will appear if there is a suspicious person in that five-person group. I know some people start by trying to match the text with the artwork but that's not how you're supposed to go about it at all. All that matters is the number of suspicious voices. Basically, there can be up to three suspicious (red) voices in any five person group. So, what you are supposed to do is change up your party composition and see how many red voices there are for each permutation. Then, the game gives you a useful tool to use simple deduction to nail down who the suspicious characters are.
After that, you use a 'Vision Point' (which start off as somewhat rare) to dive into a characters mind to see with certainty if they are a traitor or not. If you are efficient with your dives, you should have plenty of Vision points to work with.
The final step is to convince other people to vote against the traitor. You don't get to decide who is voted out of existence on your own, you have to manipulate the democracy. After battles, other characters will often ask you questions like "Do you think Marco is the traitor?" or "Who do you think is the traitor?" Basically answer their questions to sway their eventual vote. Note, if a character wasn't a traitor in section 1, they still could be a traitor in section 2! Basically after each stratum of the tower, the traitor (and suspicious voices) reset.
A couple of other notes:
- You can still befriend traitors
- If you fail to execute a traitor, they will not out themselves and will still be cooperative in the next stratum, but they are still traitors and there will be a new traitor too.
If you fail to catch one traitor, you have a chance to make up for it later
In short I suppose you could ignore it entirely and let you squad execute whoever they decide to, but then there's a good chance you end up handicapping yourself.
2, Finding the traitor is easy. Persuading your teammates is not. I'd continuously have to run the same missions over and over, TRYING to convince party members of who the traitor is. Since you get a premonition of how people will vote, you can see the outcome and keep repeating missions to see the changes.
huh, I sometimes had clear a 'dummy mission' (like, one of the first ones you can beat in a single minute) an extra time or two to persuade votes but getting an overwhelming majority on the traitor was never a problem.
Can anybody comment on how it was received in Japan?
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Cool! I figured there'd be some typos, haha, but I don't mind correcting them. I have OCD tendencies like that
I considered it, but the thought that stopped me from putting it in is if someone discovers the OT or looks into the game in a few months time, the price wouldn't be up to date. I suppose it's worth adding as most people will be seeing the thread now.
Its just good to have in there initially as folks generally seem to ask that otherwise. Once a thread is old people will have to imagine that the price possibly has changed, that and no one really expects the price to be updated again. lol
That is an excellent bit of trivia.are the stage layouts/other elements randomized as well?
also, its awesome that the protagonist nearly has the same name as 80's ninja movie star (and original Tenchu motion/voice actor) Sho Kosugi.
an Atlus game going down in price, that soon?, I'm not so sure about that. Regardless make sure you download the DLC within the next two weeks, otherwise you'll miss out on the free stuff while its still free.Cancelled my pre-order for this today. I want it, but I reckon I'll be able to get it cheaper a few weeks after launch and I'm in no rush to play it.
Love this OT though, very nice.
Last minute character impression nonsense.
Grayed out means I give no fucks if they bite it. Bloodstain means traitor/bad guy/kill on sight. Little sparkle mark means they will be the best characters. All these are based on looks alone and the "Meet the SEALED Team" trailers.
Heh, probably. But still.You may say that now, but you're probably gonna need that healer in your party.
This is pretty much how I feel too, except replace Agito with George for loljustice. Need a healer though, so I suppose I'll begrudgingly let Sojiro live until I get rich enough to heal through items alone, lol.Last minute character impression nonsense.
Grayed out means I give no fucks if they bite it. Bloodstain means traitor/bad guy/kill on sight. Little sparkle mark means they will be the best characters. All these are based on looks alone and the "Meet the SEALED Team" trailers.