Been playing through this thanks to PS+ and I both like and loathe this game at the same time. I think Im almost at the end so here are my impressions of this weird ass game.
The highs:
-Its very very pretty first of all. The tomb "reveals" are usually stunning and the environmental details are excellent. Swimming is a big part of this game and it looks properly pretty underwater as well. There are tons of gorgeous vistas and dense jungle environments to enjoy and it just gives the impression of a high budget game overall.
-Climbing is great. It gives just enough depth to stay interesting and is much better than Uncharted as its less "on rails" and requires more player engagement
-The bonus tombs that are hidden around are usually pretty good. They are definitely the highlight of the game as they are puzzle and traversal oriented.
-combat fucking sucks. Guns feel terrible and melee combat is a joke. Stealth is the only way to really enjoy combat encounters and even that feels wonky and unrefined. Why is it that gunplay got worse with each iteration of this "new" Tomb Raider series? It feels like you are shooting cap guns.
-The story, fuck me....Its fucking AWFUL. The characters are all insufferable or/and have incoherent motivations. Jonah is the most useless friend-zoned piece of shit sidekick I've seen in any game. Every time he's on the scene you cant help but wonder why the fuck he hangs around this psychopath Lara. It hurts the game because I cant fathom why anyone would give two shits about the story at all.
-The "open world" sections. There are several instances where you are free to wander around a town and the surrounding areas. When you are exploring for hidden tombs, its pretty good but the rest of it is totally bleh. You can get side quest from several completely uninteresting NPCs but most of them are garbage pointless quests.
-The amount of "open world" style collectible garbage. There is so much shit to pick up that the game designers dont even try to put them in logical places. You'll find pointless doodads and "logs" or "reports" just laying on the floor all over the damn place and the game seems to keep track of your progress for ALL OF THEM. If you are someone who cant play UBI games because of the constant % reminders that you havent collected 2987349239487 of ::insert pointless collect-a-thon nonsense here:: then stay away.
The Weird:
There are several bizarre moments in this game that just dont make sense. One involves Lara getting through a tomb via a riddle that leads to a secret city, but once you get to the other side of the tomb and get outside, there is a fucking steel bridge being traversed by Humvees literally right next to the tomb going towards the secret city.
There is also a moment late in the game where Lara goes totally psycho out of nowhere. It starts when she gets close to a refinery and she gets a message from some baddie (I guess we are supposed to remember from a previous game?) that tells her that her ally is dead. There is a big action scene and she gets knocked into the water from an explosion. She remembers some call back lines from earlier in the game that doesnt really seem to pertain to anything happening at that moment and then....
She is portrayed like some movie monster and proceeds to brutally stab the fuck out of some dude looking like Rambo. (This scene would actually be pretty rad if they did it correctly) She then gets a light machine gun and lays waste to an oil refinery killing dozens of guys and downing a helicopter. After the whole refinery explodes, her friend, who the baddie said was dead, casually walks out of all the wreckage like nothing ever happened and she goes back to the normal annoying character as before. Unless there is some big character beat at the very end, its never mentioned again.
This would probably work if over the span of the last few games if they painted her as some PTSD survivor who snaps but they dont. It feels like someone on the team thought this would be cool and fought really hard to get it inserted into this game even if its jarring as fuck. This is several hours into a game where you murder dozens of people with a knife and guns and she doesnt even change her demeanor afterwards.
I will finish the game because its fun enough to at least see it through to the end, but overall its been a very strange experience. IMO the series has gotten worse as time goes on so I would say play the original reboot and forget about the other ones unless you are really desperate for some more Tomb Raider.
The highs:
-Its very very pretty first of all. The tomb "reveals" are usually stunning and the environmental details are excellent. Swimming is a big part of this game and it looks properly pretty underwater as well. There are tons of gorgeous vistas and dense jungle environments to enjoy and it just gives the impression of a high budget game overall.
-Climbing is great. It gives just enough depth to stay interesting and is much better than Uncharted as its less "on rails" and requires more player engagement
-The bonus tombs that are hidden around are usually pretty good. They are definitely the highlight of the game as they are puzzle and traversal oriented.
-combat fucking sucks. Guns feel terrible and melee combat is a joke. Stealth is the only way to really enjoy combat encounters and even that feels wonky and unrefined. Why is it that gunplay got worse with each iteration of this "new" Tomb Raider series? It feels like you are shooting cap guns.
-The story, fuck me....Its fucking AWFUL. The characters are all insufferable or/and have incoherent motivations. Jonah is the most useless friend-zoned piece of shit sidekick I've seen in any game. Every time he's on the scene you cant help but wonder why the fuck he hangs around this psychopath Lara. It hurts the game because I cant fathom why anyone would give two shits about the story at all.
-The "open world" sections. There are several instances where you are free to wander around a town and the surrounding areas. When you are exploring for hidden tombs, its pretty good but the rest of it is totally bleh. You can get side quest from several completely uninteresting NPCs but most of them are garbage pointless quests.
-The amount of "open world" style collectible garbage. There is so much shit to pick up that the game designers dont even try to put them in logical places. You'll find pointless doodads and "logs" or "reports" just laying on the floor all over the damn place and the game seems to keep track of your progress for ALL OF THEM. If you are someone who cant play UBI games because of the constant % reminders that you havent collected 2987349239487 of ::insert pointless collect-a-thon nonsense here:: then stay away.
The Weird:
There are several bizarre moments in this game that just dont make sense. One involves Lara getting through a tomb via a riddle that leads to a secret city, but once you get to the other side of the tomb and get outside, there is a fucking steel bridge being traversed by Humvees literally right next to the tomb going towards the secret city.
There is also a moment late in the game where Lara goes totally psycho out of nowhere. It starts when she gets close to a refinery and she gets a message from some baddie (I guess we are supposed to remember from a previous game?) that tells her that her ally is dead. There is a big action scene and she gets knocked into the water from an explosion. She remembers some call back lines from earlier in the game that doesnt really seem to pertain to anything happening at that moment and then....

She is portrayed like some movie monster and proceeds to brutally stab the fuck out of some dude looking like Rambo. (This scene would actually be pretty rad if they did it correctly) She then gets a light machine gun and lays waste to an oil refinery killing dozens of guys and downing a helicopter. After the whole refinery explodes, her friend, who the baddie said was dead, casually walks out of all the wreckage like nothing ever happened and she goes back to the normal annoying character as before. Unless there is some big character beat at the very end, its never mentioned again.
This would probably work if over the span of the last few games if they painted her as some PTSD survivor who snaps but they dont. It feels like someone on the team thought this would be cool and fought really hard to get it inserted into this game even if its jarring as fuck. This is several hours into a game where you murder dozens of people with a knife and guns and she doesnt even change her demeanor afterwards.
I will finish the game because its fun enough to at least see it through to the end, but overall its been a very strange experience. IMO the series has gotten worse as time goes on so I would say play the original reboot and forget about the other ones unless you are really desperate for some more Tomb Raider.
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