ChatGPT 0.001

If there were a script that had the guy from house of cards as the main villain in a call of duty game I probably wouldn’t believe you but it’s what I’m looking for.
I liked what I played in this campaign, which includes a star actor and for 2014 that was ahead of its time.
Kevin Spacy has plenty of screen time in this.
Now we have advance warfare 2 rumors.
The biggest takeaway though from this game is the “exo skeleton” that made everyone cry at the time, it had a learning curve.
I’ve been playing the multiplayer and there’s a lot of good maps, team death match has around 490 players.
Overall the game felt fresh and obviously ahead of its time.

Did GAF have fun with advance warfare at the time? The shields, the weird gernades, drones etc. were great to see. I could see the franchise going back to the future time period.