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LTTP - Halo MCC (PC)


So I always had up-down relationship with Halo as I was adament PS fanboy back when Halo was rising . Mostly due I was teenager didn't had financial to buy Xbox basically. Tried PC Ports of 1 didnt like it that much back in 2007 or something. Halo 2 PC port I played that because I always envied how fun it looked and it was early Youtube days blue-red etc always liked them but never had xbox systems so kinda felt shitty. Halo 2 on Vista was fine game to be honest liked it was Games for Windows it kinda felt like I had xbox.
But didnt play campaign lol.

SO years later I played entire series(atleast MCC) on PC.
First of all I would say ports are really good (or became really good with patches). All support from a modern PC game , all type of input settings , multiplayer etc. Only thing is not in co-op cross play but thats ok i guess.

Gameplay :
First of all Halo plays really fun, there are enough weapon variety not too much but useful enough. Levels usually designed to take care of them sometimes forces you to use them.
But game is designed in a way you can do stealth and still complete missions. Or just get some vehicle to levels that shouldnt be possible to take them like interiors. It super fun to use ghost interiors etc. Makes variety in gameplay. Feel like sometimes its bit repetitive in terms of design but I feel like its designed to be like played with friends so its kinda full on shooter unlike say Half Life which has puzzles etc. No zooming feels weird at when you first play (ADS) but its nice feel of change. Playing with Keyboard + Mouse is godsend. Playing on x360 controller really sucks I dont like it. In any case grenades are pretty important also melee. If you use your tactics well you can take out a lot enemies with these basically cover greaneda melee in first game easily. Each game tactics change though.

Story :
Really interesting background/lore. Though when you start with Reach you dont understand jackshit so play CE first. I stupidly believed reach would be good start point when its most advanced game and doesnt have any lore for starters. I didnt understand what is these alien types why they attack who are these halo guys (spartans etc)
Play 1-2 read some lore for books and comics (pretty good ones in youtube) . Then you really become attached to story , its a basic sci fi story but some of religion etc aspects kinda feel good also as well like cyberpunkish modificiation of human body etc.
Cortana is fun character as well

Audio :
Really important. Anniversary versions sound kinda bad in weapons sadly. OG games have gamey sound may not be realistic but more memoryful/remembered/fun. Announcer dude is legendary like Mortal kombat announcer. Songs are badass and they really play in where game needs a boost - gets boring. Voice acting is really good on Cortana and AI - elites etc

Halo 1 : feels like star wars movie. Very long , very hard compared to other titles. Feels half life -ish . Scarier than others. Best AI by far. Anniversary version is eh colors are too colorful.

Halo 2 : Anniversary looks better than Halo 5. Dual wield is amazing. CGI cutscenes look like marvel movie.- Guardians. Story is best by far even though cliffhanger. Multi is pretty good songs are also the best. some weapons are shit like shotgun sadly.

halo 3 : most archaic one sadly. 2 Got anniversary and 1 is timeless but 3 feels like product of its time. obviously I wasnt there when it was hype. Meh for me , feels like most of stuff is perfected by reach(in terms of gameplay) . Multi is worse than 2

halo reach : multi is best. Art style is worse too dark - rainy mode. Lots of gameplay modes. Story is trash to be honest people see some skull dude and think its good. I didnt feel any connection or motivation . Master chief + cortana much more interesting. Feels like star wars rogue one . Has best gameplay by far

halo 4 : cod basically. Cortana is great in it rest is shit.

didnt play 5 or odst


ODST is the best as far as i'm concerned. The noir vibe and haunting OST really delivers. Halo 3 was awesome as well, I didn't like the 360 version that much (felt kinda slow after 2), but the remaster plays well.


What is trash about Reach's story? Found it to be the most interesting.
no offense but there is no motivation to care any of its character or what they try to do. maybe its me but i cant feel connection to bunch of characters that have no character that dies later. Give me one personality trait or hell even name of characters in squad beside Kat.

like star wars movie (rogue one) feels useless and just doing prequel for sake of it. For example dude in halo 1 general dude has more characterization in one game than any of halo reach squad noble6. or avery johnson in halo 2 .

hell even arbiter just introduced in 2 is much more fleshed than any of noble 6


I've tried several times to get into Halo. I always fail. I just don't care for the games.
understandable they always felt like trash games outside to me. Weird kid looking weapon designs , military dudes in warhammer costumes look cringey from outside.

Also gameplay is very different than classic FPSes.
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Play SPV3 for Halo:CE. It's a blast, new missions, new weapons/abilities, WAY more enemies, levels are better layed out. Way too much to even mention...

understandable they always felt like trash games outside to me. Weird kid looking weapon designs , military dudes in warhammer costumes look cringey from outside.

Also gameplay is very different than classic FPSes.

Part of it, is there are very few FPS games I like. I love BioShock, Resident Evil VII and the latest Prey, but there are few other FPS games I could get into.


I played through so many Halo games last year. I was sooooo hooked. It's very rare for me to play games in quick succession, but I played Halo Reach, and after a a month or two I played Halo 2. After finishing Halo 2 I immediately jumped into Halo 3. I NEVER usually play two games from a series back to back. Amazing series. Also beat ODST straight after Halo 3 and this will probably be the only time in my life I play 3 games in succession from the same series.

Reach was my favourite.
no offense but there is no motivation to care any of its character or what they try to do. maybe its me but i cant feel connection to bunch of characters that have no character that dies later. Give me one personality trait or hell even name of characters in squad beside Kat.

like star wars movie (rogue one) feels useless and just doing prequel for sake of it. For example dude in halo 1 general dude has more characterization in one game than any of halo reach squad noble6. or avery johnson in halo 2 .

hell even arbiter just introduced in 2 is much more fleshed than any of noble 6

This is the shittiest reply ever. Halo requires movement, shooting, driving, turning, and hitting shots. There are not ‘connections' in Halo. Master Chief's job is literally to kill. Horrible analogy, kind of embarrassing.


Gold Member
I remember Reach. I'll never forget any of them...Carter, June, Emile, Kat, Jorge, Six. They gave their lives to get the package off Reach and give humanity a fighting chance.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Loved Halo when it first arrived, but got bored halfway through 2. Bought MCC a week ago on the Steam sale, because I played a little Destiny 2 which made me curious about the Halo saga again.

Damn, it plays like a dream on PC. Sure, it's missing a lot of modern day features, but it's still fun as hell. Just so damn smooth.

Granted, I'm still only plowing my way through 1, but i can't wait to try the rest of the games.

Crashing a lot though, and tabbing out of the game makes it disappear completely, even though Steam says it's running. Weird shit.


Loved Halo when it first arrived, but got bored halfway through 2. Bought MCC a week ago on the Steam sale, because I played a little Destiny 2 which made me curious about the Halo saga again.

Damn, it plays like a dream on PC. Sure, it's missing a lot of modern day features, but it's still fun as hell. Just so damn smooth.

Granted, I'm still only plowing my way through 1, but i can't wait to try the rest of the games.

Crashing a lot though, and tabbing out of the game makes it disappear completely, even though Steam says it's running. Weird shit.
go windows settings
open virtual desktop - multithreading
click to show ALL desktops. That solves it yeah its bugged


I installed it last Christmas and uninstalled it ten minutes later. I even asked on here if it was supposed to be so slow and was attacked by Halo fanboys.

Thanks but no thanks.

All legacy campaigns have stood the test of time, and still play great.

MP not so much. MP from 1 to 3 is painfully slow and archaic compared to today’s games. There is no way a modern gamer introduced to that MP would find it engaging. Definitely a ‘you had to be there’ thing.

Halo 5 MP is great though. It has sprint, dodge & slide mechanics, and plays much more modern as a result. It’s still halo at its core though (you won’t do much good going lone wolf as the time to kill is too great) so COD skills still won’t transfer!


All legacy campaigns have stood the test of time, and still play great.

MP not so much. MP from 1 to 3 is painfully slow and archaic compared to today’s games. There is no way a modern gamer introduced to that MP would find it engaging. Definitely a ‘you had to be there’ thing.

Halo 5 MP is great though. It has sprint, dodge & slide mechanics, and plays much more modern as a result. It’s still halo at its core though (you won’t do much good going lone wolf as the time to kill is too great) so COD skills still won’t transfer!
I think MP is great. Maps are pretty small even BTB maps. It is vehicle + armor Counter Strike basically and that plays pretty fun. I would say even MP holds better than some parts of single player


Very nice. Glad you dug them OP, now go give ODST a shot and get ready for a totally differential vibe.


I played countless hours of Halo 1/2/3/Reach/ODST coop campaigns on the original Xbox and the 360 over 2001-2011 in couch coop or with system link. I'm a big fan of the series and would love to replay the games with the MCC. Me and my friend tried.

The big problem with the MCC is, you just can't play the games like you want to in online coop mode. If I host a game, my friend has stutters every few seconds and the other way around. It is a well known problem, the developer doesn't take care of, because it's a problem deep inside the code and would cause a lot of work.

So for me and my friend, the MCC is a huge disappointment, because no one of us likes to play through the Halo games alone, the coop gameplay IS Halo, at least for us. With this underperforming code in the MCC it's just a sad pile of wasted storage on our SSDs.

They don't even want to fix it
Co-Op Latency: At this time, we have not been able to identify any issues around this feature and the functionality is on par with the rest of MCC. There is no active development happening around improving/re-writing the legacy network code around this area of the game. Unfortunately, this would be a massive undertaking and just isn’t within the realm of what the team can currently support.


ODST is my fave after CE, you really should give it a go, unlike Reach, it has a memorable story and characters.

It's music is possibly the best in the series (certainly up there) and the graphics hold up very well also.


Currently playing near middle of Halo4 and then may continue to Halo 3 odst. Halo 4 is really interesting game , series lost most of charm. No flash, grunts arent comic relief anymore(like they were laughing etc in old game this feels like imitation)
weapon sounds are really off , warthog controls super weird , most guns are really weak
shotgun especially feels like joke

while model quality and textures are high res feels like art style even worse than ce 1 anniversary
Bought this yesterday. I have never played any Halo and this was cheap so I figured why not?

So far it’s pretty cool. I want to play through SP campaigns in the first three games at least.

Just one question, I’m getting lost. Is there a map? It doesn’t seem like there is.
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Bought this yesterday. I have never played any Halo and this was cheap so I figured why not?

So far it’s pretty cool. I want to play through SP campaigns in the first three games at least.

Just one question, I’m getting lost. Is there a map? It doesn’t seem like there is.
There is no map. All Halo campaigns are quite linar though. There are only a few instances in the first one where is possible to get lost because Bungie did a lot of copy and paste.
I've been playing with original graphics mode by hitting Tab. I take it that's the recommended way? I tried it with the updated graphics but I prefer to experience it more as it was released.
I've been playing with original graphics mode by hitting Tab. I take it that's the recommended way? I tried it with the updated graphics but I prefer to experience it more as it was released.
There is really no need for that. I played it back when it was released, on the 360 and a couple of months ago on PC. The anniversary treatment is very good (especially on part 2!!) and I'd recommend everyone to play it with the updated graphics.


For CE, I feel the original graphics are the best way to play the game. The new graphics are layered over the old models, so everyone looks overweight. All the navy personnel look like middle aged old men. The colors are also too bright and everything just looks slightly off.


ChatGPT 0.001
Bungie has stole the headlines with Destiny 2 but Halo hasn’t slowed down, bottom line it’s a nice FPS that Sony will never have.


I really liked halo back in the day and my friends and I would often spend hours playing MP together at each others' houses. I played all of them on release except ODST and 5. Now that I've had the chance to go back to these games with gamepass, they're not very appealing anymore and I'm not sure why. After I got a Series S I was excited to give 5 a try after all these years and I didn't like that either- ended up deleting it to make room for other shit.
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About 5 hours into the first game, still having lots of fun. The vehicle was a bit awkward to maneuver for a minute but the twitchy shooting is just too fun.

Feel like every game where you enter an arena, the doors close, then enemies spawn until you kill a certain number owes this game a lot. Level design is really nice here, there are so many rocks and things to use for cover during waves. Corridor shooting is great too. I can see how these maps would be seared into your brain if you grew up with this game.
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