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Giant fan of rainbow six, since I was a kid playing coop on the N64.

I have never played the first Vegas somehow, everyone told me to skip it for 2 and I see why and we’ll dive in below.

Strong enough score.
In 2006, 7, you were either playing gears of war or call of duty 2, 3, and 4 360 had just launch but Vegas took over peoples consoles for a moment with its new cover system mechanics, online play, command over your squad mates it’s agreed that Vegas was a step in the right different for the franchise and shooters in general.
Playing Vegas for the first time in 2025 I never been more disappointed in frame rate or graphics with a shooter, there’s some sort of bad camera shaking whenever a grenade pops, or multiple enemies crowd the screen.

Playing at 45 a time, for 5 days, I finally beat the campaign. The online servers on PS3 are offline, I really wish I played it at launch.
+ Positive, location, casino, theater.
+ Cover system.
- Chaos on screen, moments of poor frame rate, graphics haven’t aged well.
- Online servers dead.
2006 seems like a lifetime ago, it was a special time for gaming and shooters and no shooter today and touch those shooters…
What did GAF think of the original Rainbow Six Vegas? There’s a sense of siege carrying all the momentum today and if that’s your taste fine, I look forward more to ghost recon, splinter cell and hopefully one day Vegas 3 goddamn that would be a treat.