ChatGPT 0.001

Resistance 3’s point during the PS3 area was interrupting Halo sales.

We have seen an alien shooter before, now the reason this game was made was because of resistance 2’s cliffhanger.
There’s shooters out there with more character than this game, better and bigger.
You are going to have a bunch of weapons, one that freezes enemies, many more you can dive into but nothing to obsessive over.
You can say shooters were important to Sony during the ps3 era (socom, killzone etc.)
The chimera and their logic you can throw in the trash, the worm holes, you’re talking about hybrid versions, I love how they’re designed but the fall short to species like the helghast, the Covenant or gears of war’s locust horde.

The only character that seems to matter in this game is Joeseph Capelli. The scientist who had a cure dies, the other guys you don’t hear from.

This would not be a game id play again, regardless of what’s said above I like the graphics, art style, the big open spaces to fight enemies, I think you should count the guns as positives. The combination of multiplayer and campaign isn’t here in 2024 due to server shutdown.
What did GAF think of resistance 3?