Warning: May contain spoilers!!!
So yeah, I picked up the HD Collection about two months ago and finally got around to playing it over the last few weeks.
Been kinda wanting to play the games for a while, but I had no real interest in ZOE and ZOE2 was a pain to find for PS2.
But since I got a working PS3 now, figured I'd finally get around to playing the ZOE games!

I had kinda heard things about the first game being something like a prototype or demo, and it kinda shows a bit.
Not terribly interesting (until about the end), very repetitive, and I felt an urge to kick Leo's ass greatly because of his whining.
Also didn't help that a good chuck of the Subweapons felt useless.
There were maybe like 3-4 that had any real practical purpose.
Was pretty short though. Sorta sucks in a way since the game ends just right when stuff actually felt interesting.
That said, it was interesting for what it was, but obviously pales in comparison to its sequel...

Uh....wow. This game was nuts.
Where do I even begin?
Initially, it feels like a much faster-paced ZOE, but it turns into something so much more. It's also pretty damn hard, or at least it felt like it. (I played on Normal for reference.)
Normal enemies seem to go from very passive to super aggressive and it doesn't take too much effort for them to mess you up VERY quickly.
Bosses were probably some of my favorite (and most irritating) moments.
Just stuff getting crazier and crazier. Although some of them have quite terrible instructions on what to do. (I had to consult a FAQ a few times to get some tips on how to deal with a few bosses.)
Probably the most intense fights were the Aumaan Crevasse (the giant battle) and the last couple of bosses (Inhert, the Anubis fights).
The Aumaan Crevasse I sadly only got S on, because I wasn't terribly sure what to do until about halfway through and I accidentally let one unit die.
The Anubis fights...oh man. the second-to-last fight was just madness. Took me a ton of attempts to beat him.
The Opening song is pretty catchy, and the actual Intro is pretty hype (even if it admittedly gives away quite a bit of the game).
Subweapons felt like a major improvement as they seemed much more usable than in ZOE.
But for shits and giggles, I'll give my opinions on them (mostly ZOE2):
- - Geyser: Wee! Immobilization is fun! Pretty good for getting some enemies under control.
- - Gauntlet: Was a pretty fun weapon as well. Very useful all-around since you can knock enemies against walls and do 2x damage with it.
- - Comet - Didn't use much. No comment.
- - Decoy - Used a little bit. I imagine you can probably do some really interesting stuff with it with big mobs.
- - Phalanx - Shitty in ZOE, slightly better in ZOE2, but I only used it a few times. Just better options out there.
- - Vector Cannon - Holy shit. Just...wow. Too bad it's a plot weapon, but it's ridiculously awesome. Especially with the animations for charging the thing up.
- - Halberd - Decent in ZOE, a bit better in ZOE2. PEW PEW LASER! Too bad it eats a good chunk of SUB.
- - Wisp - Loved this weapon. Grabbing is quite fun. Throwing them even more so. But a long-distance Grab? YES!
- - Mummy - Very useful in both games. Sadly, I missed it in ZOE2 because I didn't know where it was.
- - Homing Missile - Woo! Homing Missiles! These are probably awesome in a New Game+ since they just wreck stuff. Too bad using a lot of them eats large chunks of the SUB gauge.
- - Floating Mine - Didn't use it and frankly, I don't remember having it all that long.
- - Zero Shift - HOLY SHIT. My exact words upon using it for the first time. It's goddamn amazing (and makes most regular enemies a complete joke in small numbers).
Being able to move at ridiculously fast speed and almost effectively teleporting behind enemies is insane. No doubt my (and many others') favorite subweapon.
A few annoying things though:
-VA: Yeah, the VA in this game is just..off. Granted, I guess it's really the dialog/script more than anything.
-Camera/Lock-On: The camera does wonky things sometimes and Lock-On when dealing with LOTS of enemies is a major PITA.
-Train Sequence: That sequence can burn in hell.
All in all, ZOE2 is nuts. But it was incredible and fun!