speedpop said:
Creating a console that focuses itself entirely on this controller means it forces dev's to create games for it or not at all.
If they do give a flying turd about it though. One thing is the tech fan and the game fan which wants the system for those games as well as the other systems as he/she is just such a game fanatic, but unless Revolutions sells very well I do not know how many developers will feel very forced. I do not think the only thing about Revolution is its controller... or at least I hope so, I would want a system that can technically compete well against the horsepower of the other two machines which as you have seen so far can put a lot of performance in areas beyond graphics and areas that are processor intensive.
Sure, Nintendo might put it "either you focus on this new controller as we want or you do not get to play with Revolution at all"... you know it is like Dodge saying "either you learn to drive this Neon with our two-pedals clutch system or you walk out of here!"...
I think this controller can have some very cool uses and as I did with the N64 and the GCN I will probably get it for Nintendo games alone, but I am not your mainstream gamer... will the masses be enchanted by this new controller... ? Maybe, but then maybe not. It would help them greatly IMHO if instead of a Shell add-on they developed a full Wavebird 2 with motion sensing (gyroscopes and the BlueTooth based system) integrated ina regular suzed controller.
I do not know how heavvy is this new controller and how heavvy and weight balanced the empty shell you attach it to is, but generally I am against that kind of solutions to make the controller "regular" (empty shell in which you plug a remote-controller like device): it could feel a bit weird, but hopefully it won't be wierd at all.