If you want to be invited to the Supergroup just leave a message in the thread with your in-game name in it and someone will get to you. If for some reason we still miss you just send me a PM and I'll invite you as soon as I can =)
Release date: 04/06/13
Platforms: PC/STEAM & MAC
Genre: ARPG, by the creator of Diablo II
Developer: Gazillion Entertainment
How Much?:F2P with cosmetic and convenience micro-transactions
System requirements:
Where do I get it?

Marvel Heroes was launched more than a year ago and since then it has experienced an unprecedented transformation into a fun, improved and fleshed out Marvel Action RPG.
Some of the things you'll find in it are:
[BLADE (img coming soon
)] [MAGIK (img coming 2017)]
Next Hero is:
Steam Group
Official Forums
Muspelheim is the first ever large-scale raid in an Action RPG. Surtur is the end boss on this one.
Raids usually happen on Wednesdays, at "night" (American time) although a schedule isn't set in stone.
They reset every week, so this is an ideal time slot to have them.
Ask in chat or this thread for specific details if you wish to join GAF Supergroup on one.
Some resources that you might find useful during your time with the game:

Wall of Shame:
Step it up people!

Release date: 04/06/13
Platforms: PC/STEAM & MAC
Genre: ARPG, by the creator of Diablo II
Developer: Gazillion Entertainment
How Much?:F2P with cosmetic and convenience micro-transactions
System requirements:

Where do I get it?

Marvel Heroes was launched more than a year ago and since then it has experienced an unprecedented transformation into a fun, improved and fleshed out Marvel Action RPG.
Some of the things you'll find in it are:
- 38+ Characters with more coming every month. Each character is a class of its own and can be acquired just by playing the game or with $
- Lengthy, repeatable story mode with 3 difficulty settings
- Substantial end-game content including Single Player and Multiplayer Instances, PvP and Raids
- Self-found gear and Trading
- More than 250+ costumes (cosmetic only, no pay2win)
- Several Team-Up characters and Pets to help you in battle
- Join our SuperGroup to chat&play with other members!

Next Hero is:

Steam Group
Official Forums
Muspelheim is the first ever large-scale raid in an Action RPG. Surtur is the end boss on this one.
Raids usually happen on Wednesdays, at "night" (American time) although a schedule isn't set in stone.
They reset every week, so this is an ideal time slot to have them.
Ask in chat or this thread for specific details if you wish to join GAF Supergroup on one.

Some resources that you might find useful during your time with the game:
- Latest Patch Notes
- Official Site
- Official Forums
- MH Promo Codes Codes that you can redeem on the main site. They can be anything from boost potions to even free heroes or costumes.
- MH COMPENDIUM (Details on everything from heroes, to quest rewards to individual item information & stats can be found here. Recommended)
- Hero guides and Build Generators
- Cybernetics System Bonuses *NEW
- OMEGA Stats planner (This collaborative site also has information on Unique items and other stuff)
- Runes and Runewords Guide
- Test Center Client (Standalone client used to test upcoming patches. Progress or currency don't carry over)
- GAF MH Steam Group

Wall of Shame:

Step it up people!