Here are Wii hardware sales for the first 3 weeks of December in 2007-2009. First by units, and then by weekly percentage increase.
Percentage increase for Week 50 over Week 49 was the lowest in 2009 out of the 3 years. Most likely due to increased Wii hardware demand for the week 49 (NSMB Wii launch week).
- If this weeks Wii hardware sales increase at the same rate as 2007, Wii hardware for the week will be 185.6k
- If this weeks Wii hardware sales increase at the same rate as 2008, Wii hardware for the week will be 194.3k
With this in mind, I guess 180-190k would be the expected Wii sales for the week. I don't see the Wii breaking 200k, but it will still have a good week.
[i]Wii weekly Hardware sales (units)[/i]
week 2007 2008 2009
49 115.057 56.702 106.555
50 170.558 91.641 135.898
51 232.907 131.054 ???
[i]Wii weekly Hardware sales (percentage increase)[/i]
week 2007 2008 2009
49 115.057 56.702 106.555
50 +48.2% +61.1% +27.6%
51 +36.6% +43.0% ???
Percentage increase for Week 50 over Week 49 was the lowest in 2009 out of the 3 years. Most likely due to increased Wii hardware demand for the week 49 (NSMB Wii launch week).
- If this weeks Wii hardware sales increase at the same rate as 2007, Wii hardware for the week will be 185.6k
- If this weeks Wii hardware sales increase at the same rate as 2008, Wii hardware for the week will be 194.3k
With this in mind, I guess 180-190k would be the expected Wii sales for the week. I don't see the Wii breaking 200k, but it will still have a good week.