J-Stars Famitsu Vs.
Wii U vs. GC
week 105 - 2,008,548 / 2,431,847 -423,299
week 106 - 2,037,959 / 2,446,227 -408,268
week 107 - 2,074,356 / 2,461,742 -387,386
the weak sales for GC (Oct.2003) reduced the gap to a level we had in week 100 (-381k); considering the incoming week 52 and 01, the gap will decrease more but after that a rise is expected (GC winter 2003 vs. Wii U Q1 2015)
PS3 vs. PS4
week 42 - 1,143,798 / 809,751 -334,047
week 43 - 1,160,614 / 873,768 -286,846
week 44 - 1,174,164 / 895,425 -278,379
thanks to a couple of bundles the gap showed a big drop and it has been reduced as week 37 levels (-273k). The incoming weeks will show a decrease, PS3 had 8 weeks with an average 10-15k sold, then PS3 winter 2007 will show how much strong PS4 Q1 will be (PS3 had a 50k average for 8 weeks)
PS4 vs. Wii U
week 42 - 809,751 / 1,065,742 -255,991
week 43 - 873,768 / 1,071,302 -197,534
week 44 - 895,425 / 1,075,155 -179,730
same here, Wii U had 3k average for 3 weeks, than winter 2013 will come (with the mighty week 55, 119k), but after week 60 a turnaround is expected
3DS 2013 vs. 2014
week 48 - 4,171,682 / 2,459,956 -1,711,726
week 49 - 4,293,808 / 2,552,848 -1,740,960
week 50 - 4,477,570 / 2,716,292 -1,761,278
week 51 - 4,722,616 / 2,934,704 -1,787,912
Luckly after 2 weeks this depressing comparison will end, but looking at the glass half full : 2012 week 51 LTD 4,722,616 (difference is -2,425,269; AC+NSMB2 >> YW2.5 + Pokemon ORAS + MH4G + Smash + n3DS + n3DS LL)
bonus :
PSV 2014 vs.
week 50 - 1,077,756 / 637.287 +440,469
week 51 - 1,107,413 / 656,343 +451,070
After all those negative trends it was time for some positive thing
and now, what everyone was waiting for......
XB1 vs. Pippin@Mark
LTD : 45,143 / 43,000 +2,143
finally XB1 is not the worst selling system in Japan anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11