Agreed. Hell just put Victory on 3DS (you might be suggesting just that anyway. XD).
With the big one on 3DS and bringing in that fanbase, you'd think the clones would come with it, ala PSP. Phantasy Star Portable/Victory and God Eater 2 should've followed MH to 3DS.
There's always God Eater 2 Burst and whenever Phantasy Star Portable 3/Victory shows up.
What's worrying is that Sega has nothing in JP for 3DS, Miku was the last or Rhythm Thief were, what are you thinking Sega?
Shining series I'd say is likely to move to 3DS more than Vita, but again, Sega's put their eggs on Vita for some weird reason.
well maybe they feel the Vita is the hardware that suits there games the best. Then its the hope that if they make the content, more people will buy Vitas and then their games.
If everyone just went by what was simple most likely to sell and not factor in what hardware suits the game the best then no one would ever make anything for anything but the very most popular system. New systems wouldn't have any games at all.
I hope more devs take a chance on it but just do a sensible job with it. Dont over shoot your budget. Plenty of games have been profitable on Vita, just maybe not as profitable as it might have been on another system but then maybe the game would have suffered for that.
Its kinda odd that we at GAF hate it when companies like EA try to turn loved franchises into a more popular franchise by trying to make it sell to as many people as possible and water down the game to do so (such as dead space) and then mock the devs that try and put games out on a system where they might have made more money on a different one but the game clearly suits the system they made it for. You can just use a lower budget and not need to sell a million copies to have a success.
I applaud any dev that takes the system into consideration to how it suits their game. Prof. Layton is perfect on DS because of the stylus and duel screens. Res Evil would have been much more suited to Vita than DS (duel sticks) and so forth.
I hope SS sells well. I have no idea if it will and wont pretend to KNOW its going to succeed or fail. I will watch the outcome with great interest. However there seem to be more and more indie devs getting interest in making games for the system and I at least hope this brings it a healthy life. Its not going to have 3DS success, thats pretty obvious but I think it can have its place.
I also don't believe Sony will kill it. Sony have never really seemed to do that. Plus they need it to integrate with PS4 to keep up / have one over the competition.