Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
For newcomers:
1. Play on Veteran difficulty. It's the original games' Normal. Trilogy's "Normal" is a new easy mode.
2. Enable "Advanced" sensitivity at first. If it's too fast, then turn it down.
3. Your game settings are universal across the three games.
4. Know that Echoes was designed as an incredibly challenging game for hardcore fans of the original Prime. When starting the game, make sure you can play almost every day until you finish it. Echoes' world is a labyrinth of twisting passages that exists in two parallel worlds you can hop between (it wouldn't surprise me if the level designers came from NASA or some shit, it's that crazy), so it's easy to get lost if you forget the layout - a difficult hole to climb out of, especially later into the game. Echoes is a thoroughly challenging game that takes a considerable amount of skill and dedication to complete, though the satisfaction gained from mastering it is immense.
Bit of advice for newcomers: disable "lock on free aim" when playing Primes 1 and 2, but make sure it's turned on for 3. It allows you to decouple the aiming reticule from your lock-on pivot-point, which is great in Prime 3, the game where the feature originated, but not so great in the GameCube titles. There are many enemy encounters in prime 1/2 where the game assumes you can just lock on to a target and have your shots hit it. The first miniboss in Prime 1, guarding the morph ball (or is it the bombs?) is a prime (ahuhu) example. It jumps around super fast, and you are not meant to try and manually aim your shots at it.
Scan and Scan again and scan a third time too! Assets in game sometimes have multiple scan states depending on changes. And Bosses in particular have multiple scans when they change their appearance or activate new modes (especially in Echoes).
There is a TON of Lore and World-building stuff in these games and lots to read to get the story. Read the Logs especially, they are fun stuff.
I bought the Trilogy on the Wii and loved all three games. But here's a piece of advice for newcomers: I love Echoes (it might be my favorite), but I recommend playing it on Normal first, not Veteran.
I know Normal difficulty for Echoes is actually a new, easier mode than the Normal setting for Echoes on the GC, but... well, it isn't only "easier"; it's better. The thing is, you have to shoot a lot in order to kill your enemies in Echoes, and since the game is pretty long, it gets really, really boring. I was about 70% complete and couldn't stand the game anymore; then I quit and restarted the game on easy. The game is so much better this way, trust me.
For the other two games, I recommend playing on Veteran.
Personally I turned the HUD opacity way down when I played through the trilogy, just enough so I can see the health and missile count. Helmet made my field of view way too cramped otherwise.
It's worth noting that they're pointer controls, which are pretty fantastic for aiming and shooting. It's not piles of senseless waggle.
This isn't Wii Sports. You just aim with your wrist.
It is not really "motion" controls (except for the very few tiny parts in MP3).
You do a lot more motion with your right hand when you play a FPS with mouse and keyboard than playing Metroid with a Wiimote.
The only slightly moving part of your body is your right wrist.
A little PSA for everyone getting this tomorrow:
Prime Trilogy comes with a huge Extras section where you can spend various types of "credits" (badges earned by doing stuff in the Prime games) to unlock things. One type of credit, however, cannot be earned ever since the game's online/social component was shut down in 2013.
I recommend going here and using the save that has 15 Friend Credits on all the otherwise-empty save files. That makes it possible to unlock all the content in MPT, including the screenshot tool, dioramas, and the cosmetic stuff for Samus's ship in Corruption.
Other than that, enjoy! This is likely the best ten bucks you'll spend in a long time.
1. Rename downloaded save to "data.bin"
2. Paste the save into this folder on the SD Card (create these folders if you don't have them)
private/wii/title/r3me ["r3me" is for the NTSC version, not sure what the game ID is for other regions]
3. On the Wii U, transfer from the SD Card to the Wii memory
Sucks about the friend vouchers but this is pretty smart.
Wii games look a bit better coming from the Wii U over HDMI than they do coming from the Wii over component. The Wii U also outputs a 1080p image, which is nice especially if your TV's scaler is bad. Of course, you're still getting an image that was originally 480p so it'll be a bit fuzzy.
Sharpness to zero, overscan "on" is all I can think of for global settings.
For plasma owners worried about potential image retention, the in game visor graphic can be disabled, and HUD opacity can be modified via a slider.
Yes; all three games are 60 FPS, absolutely glorious.
The games are all 16:9. No cropping that I'm aware of.
So having played a few hours of metroid prime 1 now I can say that the game still looks pretty good on a 1080p screen. Way better then Super Mario Galaxy which got a LOT uglier with the upscale. There's some pixelation when you use the visor and scan things but nothing major.
Is there a way to get rid of the black bars? Does it have something to do with the upscaling? Really annoying.
It has to do with the original resolution being 480p. If your TV has a view mode with overscan on it, use that.
Actually, there is.
Trilogy has a built in screenshot tool that you can buy with in-game tokens. Use it with up on the dpad. It goes in the Wii message board, can then be moved to SD.
I'm curious if you still need the "green tokens" which can only be sent via friends. I know WFC is no more, so I don't know if that can still be done. If it's still possible, you need 15 tokens to buy everything and there's an extremely fast way to get and trade them. I'll post it if it's needed.
In the gamecube games (Prime 1 in particular) the beam effects are turned down. Like your cannon doesn't frost over with the ice beam for example.
Worth mentioning that this is due solely to aspect ratio shift--the old effects were straight overlays and would have been distorted.
Metroid Prime Trilogy Load Times: Disc Vs eShop version (Metroid Prime 3)
this is a really big difference. this area is notorious for bad load times on disc but there's many like this all over the game. the eshop version is way better.
Metroid Prime Trilogy Load Times: Disc Vs eShop version #2 (Metroid Prime 3)
Metroid Prime Trilogy Load Times: Disc Vs eShop version (Metroid Prime 2)
Metroid Prime Trilogy Load Times: Disc Vs eShop version #2 (Metroid Prime 2)
Metroid Prime Trilogy Load Times: Disc Vs eShop version (Switching between games)
Metroid Prime Trilogy Load Times: Disc Vs eShop version (Metroid Prime 1)
There have been several questions about how the credit system works, so it would probably be good to have something about it in the OP. Here's the gist of it:
"Credits" are a type of currency introduced in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Think of them like Xbox Achievements, but they can be used to buy cool things from the extras menu, like a screenshot tool (used with up on the dpad), or a bobblehead of your Mii in the ship among other things.
The system was brought into Metroid Prime Trilogy, where you can do things like use the Fusion Suit in Prime and see concept art of all the games. Since Prime 3 was built with this mechanic in mind, it has a ton of credits to go out and get. The other games had this feature ported in, so they do not have nearly as much. Here's what they are:
Metroid Prime
Orange Credit: You get these from beating all of the bosses in the game. Since you will face all of the bosses as you play through, you will automatically get all of these once you beat the game.
Silver Credit: You get these by accomplishing some objectives, such as beating the tutorial and getting all of the Artifacts (required to beat the game). However, two of these are only acquired when you fill up 50% and 100% of the logbook, so you need to get all of the scans to get all of the silver credits. There's also one for getting 100% of the collectable items, so you'll need that, too.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Purple Credit: You get these from beating all of the bosses in the game. Since you will face all of the bosses as you play through, you will automatically get all of these once you beat the game.
Silver Credit: You get these by collecting all of the 18 Keys in the game (all required to beat the game). Note that you do NOT need to scan everything in Prime 2; that's just a personal achievement if you want to do it. Also note that Silver Credits can be acquired in both Prime 1 and 2, so if you're short one credit, you can get it from the other game.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Gold Credit: You get these from beating all of the bosses in the game. Unlike the other two games, there ARE optional bosses in Prime 3. You will have to beat them all, in Normal or Veteran AND in Hypermode difficulty to get all of the credits. Yes, that means you have to play the game twice to get them all. There are also very tough enemies that appear on each planet once you've beaten its boss, and you'll have to kill each "Red Phaazoid" to get additional Gold Credits.
Red Credit: You get these by scanning every single creature in the game, organic and mechanical. There's actually a glitch in the game where you can get one additional red credit, so make sure to ask if you want to know how to get it, don't want to fill up this post too much!
Blue Credit: You get these by scanning all of the lore in the game. There's also an additional three to get where you have to save three troopers from being killed in the tutorial sequence.
Green Credit: These can only be gotten by having a friend send you Friend Vouchers. As people have said, you can't do this anymore since WFC is permanently down, so download a save file with 15 friend credits BEFORE playing.
Friend Voucher: Even though these are effectively useless since you can't trade them, you can still get these. Most are little Easter eggs in the game, others are simpler like killing a number of enemies.
So, to conclude: for MP1, you will need to completely fill the logbook to get all of the credits: that's all creatures, all lore, and all research. For MP2, none of the scans are actually required to get the credits, it's just a fun distraction! And for MP3, you need to get all of the creatures and lore scans. Research is not necessary.
For collectables, only MP1 requires all items for a Silver Credit. But hey, it's nice to see three "100%"'s on the title screen, right...!?
Hope that helps!!!
Holy shit I've just started playing Metroid Prime for the first time ever and what an opening! Beautifully introduced to the world and controls through that opening level, and then boom!The Parasite Queen boss fight that I recognised from Brawl!
I've just touched down on the Tallon overworld and the Metroid theme starts blasting out, my god I love this game already and aI can see why it's been raved about for all these years. I just had to come on here and gush as I had no idea I'd been missing out all this time!And then an escape sequence where I managed to get killed because of dicking around too much. And then just as you think you're safe, fucking Ridley appears and I've lost all my suit enhancements!
Okay, some first impressions from a new comer.
I started the game on Normal, but that was seriously too easy for me. So I began a new game on Hard, which is JUST slightly out of my comfort zone. I'm still getting used to the aiming a little bit, so getting shot a few times results in me going down 20%. It's not bad now, but I can tell this is going to be the kind of game that throws enemies at you by the dozens at one point or another. Anyway, I got up to the first save point on Tallon, having just explored a tiny bit of the Chozo ruins.
So, my thoguhts? This game is the fix I didn't know I needed. The first level threw me for a loop given I never expected Nintendo to go fucking Alien on me and give me this creepy dead space station where enemy corpses are littered and dying in horrific ways. As I said before, the game was a little too easy on normal, so bumping it up to hard made the boss fight appropriately difficult.
I'm still annoyed that I lost all my shit at the end of the level. Oh well.
Anyway, I get down to the planet, and now I'm exploring all these ruins. Where as the opening level was borderline horror, this now has a more action adventure feel, and I'm having fun scanning all the stuff. I really hope I get the map to this place soon because I feel so lost. In a good way, so I'm able to explore, but no one ever wants to stay lost.
Also, am I going to have to keep up this scanning shit the whole game? I don't mind it here and now, since being on a new planet, I feel it's appropriate to scan all the things, but I'm worried it's seriously going to slow the game down if I have to scan everything the whole game. And by 'have to' I mean 'miss out on vital information if I don't'.
Overall, first impressions are very good. I just want to get my abilities back right now though. I always thought the giant ass shoulder bumps looked a bit unweildy, but Samus looks so much less badass without them now that I miss them.
I'm going through the original game for the very first time, and after 4 hours of play (I just acquired the), I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this is the best console first-person shooter ever made.space jump boots
I know that's a big statement to make, and it hurts me to say it since I hold Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, and (to an extent) the original Halo in such high regard, but this one is just so well-crafted and holds up so well today even despite being nearly 15 years old, I don't think any of those aforementioned games are even on the same level.
Although it doesn't have the epic multiplayer that those three games touted or the impressive AI and gunplay that helped make Halo's campaign such a joy to blast through, what it does have is excellent pacing, an interesting story that isn't shoved down your throat, awesome gadgets and abilities, huge boss battles, and some of the best level design I've ever seen in a console shooter. The sheer verticality of the levels has blown me away, and the game perfectly demonstrates that yes, platforming can be done well from a first-person perspective.
Adapting Super Metroid to a first-person perspective must have been such a tall task, but man did the guys at Retro Studios knock it out of the park with Metroid Prime. I just regret not playing this game many years ago when it first made its debut on the Gamecube. Each time I fire it up I can't help but ask myself, "Why can't we have more first-person shooters like this?"
Metroid Prime
Title Theme
Main Menu
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Title Theme
Main Menu
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Title Theme
Is it good with Wii controls?
Dat OT title
I'm ready to re-purchase the single best gaming package for
Is it good with Wii controls?
Is it good with Wii controls?
depends who you ask. ask me? no, but i make do
I really want to get this game but I only have 12gb left on my Wii U and it might eat up my entire hard drive.....
YesIs it good with Wii controls?
Wiimote and Nunchuck only??
The Wii controls speed up gameplay by like 300% while adding extra precision and control.
Yessss. One of my all time favorite non-disaster GAF threads, lol.
I loved Prime 1 and 2. Both are top 5 GOAT in my opinion. I bought a Wii for Trilogy and ended up selling the game within 24 hours of my purchase. I HATED the controls. I never got more than an hour into Corruption as a result. I ended up giving my GameCube and entire library of games to a close "friend" who, brutal, long story short, I will never get those games back from. So, basically, tomorrow is the day I force myself to love Metroid Prime motion controls.
Good to know, I'll have to try that.The key is to turn the pointer sensitivity way up so you barely have to move your wrist. Then it feels just as natural as a mouse.
Well, you can buy it, then delete it, and whenever you get more space or just feel like playing it, you can redownlaod it free of charge forever.
basically triple dipping now
10 fucking dollars. 11 something for the poor Canadians like me.
What a steal.
controller debate? I like the GC controls and still do but the pointer controls shit on them so bad. I could take a hot shit all the way above Sanctuary Fortress, have it magically pass through Magmoor Caverns and finally get mixed by robot oil from SkyTown and pointer controls would still produce nastier shit on GC controls