I was wondering when a major dose of reality was going to sink into MS and they'd have to pony up a heapin' healping of Truth! /Colbert
Seriously though, I gotta agree that this cinches it the entire launch was bloody rushed and slapped together. All things told, it was slapped together with great skill, I have to admit. Reality just sabotaged MS in two many key areas. It's possible they could have launched in March (with the PS3 "surprise" delay) and done just as well - with fine-tuned software, bug-free firmware, and plenty of supply.
The thing is, I feel the 360 launch is the best I've experienced in the end, overall. The system is incredible, the launch software is the best lineup since the Dreamcast launch, if not better overall. And that's WITH bugs. Glitches. Oversights. If this bitch would have been fully polished up... woah.