monkeymagic said:
Nope - DS2 is perfect for WE/PES. Unless the DS3 feels the same I won't be using it or any other controller for this game.
PS3 will cater to the hardcore gamer and family gamer equally well.
Just like PS2.
Maybe in the long run when the price goes down, but not at launch. It seems a bit ridiculous to consider a $400-500 console (speculatively, I know, but somewhat realistically) being aimed at a family-based consumer.
Sorry, the 4 game attach rate kind of sticks me as odd when there is only one game at launch that interests me. Not saying other people might not find a few games in there, but really the best that can be said about the launch lineup is "there are a bunch of ok games". Just find it odd that with a selection of mostly mediocre at best games it has the highest attach rate in the history of gaming. wondering if there is more to it than meets the eye.
I may have waited out in line for one, but I don't play more than about an hour of games a day so I wouldn't consider myself a "hardcore gamer". I picked up more titles within two weeks of launch than I still had in my Xbox library. Amped 3, NFSMW, Kameo, Condemned, PD0, and PGR3 are still getting much play in my house and, backed up by the Live infrastructure, are beating out every other console I own. Sure I could play Wipeout Pure again or Sonic Rush or keep chipping away at San Andreas or start that Final Fantasy revival I keep wanting to work on but in the smallest of ways, the 360 keeps making it so much easier to just go back to it.
Perfect example: I am a complete, shit-scared pussy when it comes to horror games. I bought Condemned for my wife (yes, I know, I won the matrimonial lottery). She's up to Chapter 9 at this point, but I always find myself watching her play and getting totally sucked in. It's a game that actually makes want to play even though I know I will be petrified, which is not a state of entertainment for me. So, we're at this point in the game where we know we'll have to go back through if we want to get all the achievements and that's something neither of us are looking forward to. So I'm at the main menu and I notice the Load Chapter option. A small and widespread phenomenon, I know, but it basically took a game that had approached inapproachability for me and turned it into something I could just take occasional cracks at, level by level, whenever I felt like it. If it weren't for Achievements, I wouldn't have bothered.
So, my point is, even if there's some anomaly in that attatch rate, I don't see it going down significantly, especially as new releases of significant (even if not exceptional) quality start making waves on friends lists the instant they hit stores and, once multiplatform next-gen games start getting released, if I had choose between two games with very similar graphics and only one had achievements and hooked me into the XBL infrastructure, well, no contest.
I hate to ramble, but I have yet to play on a non-portable console since the 360 release and I can't imagine it feeling anything other than awfully lonely. It just honestly makes for a better experience when you can talk with your friends about random shit while at the same time your working to unlock stuff that might put you in a better position than them for all of ten seconds. For a game player like me, who's never been competitive or just straight up GOOD enough to really beat my friends one on one, I finally at least have the ability to say, "Well, yeah? I fucking beat that Water Boss on Kameo before you did. Try a reversal combo on THAT."