SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
This is an awesome video revealing some of the steps Nixxes took to have Ghost of Tsushima running on PC. They speak of the challenges they faced porting a game with no PC code path whatsoever to PC. They also explain the significant advantages the unified memory architecture (UMA) on consoles offers and much more. I strongly recommend anyone interested to watch this. They do a great job breaking it down for the layman (even though there's still a lot of technical mumbo jumbo most of us won't understand).
I also found it interesting to learn that at the start, it was just two graphics engineer with Bruce Oberg, co-founder of Sucker Punch, helping them out for a couple of months to get everything set up so they could start working.
Key facts:
Typical multiplatform game:
PlayStation exclusive
I also found it interesting to learn that at the start, it was just two graphics engineer with Bruce Oberg, co-founder of Sucker Punch, helping them out for a couple of months to get everything set up so they could start working.
Key facts:
- PC development started in early 2022 with a team consisting of two graphics engineer supervised by Bruce Oberg, the co-founder of Sucker Punch
- There was no PC code path at all. They had to build everything from scratch
- Importing the particles system proved one of the more difficult part. Marco thought it would take a month. It took him 4 months
- Getting most render systems fully operational was accomplished by June 2023
- Full team came together in June 2023, adding teams for QA, input, multiplayer, etc
Typical multiplatform game:

PlayStation exclusive

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