
Site | $14.99, PC/Mac/Linux | Steam, Humble, GOG
Releases October 15th
Launch Trailer | Gameplay Trailer | Teaser
Supported by Indie Fund (The Swapper, Antichamber, Her Story, Dear Esther, Duskers, Armello, Framed)

Mold an amorphous organism into any shape by pruning its cells. New cells will immediately grow, allowing you to traverse a mysterious world across brain-twisting obstacles, overcome swarms of bizarre mutated creatures, and understand the true nature of the devastation from which you emerged
- Unique Puzzle-Platformer where players remove cells to allow growth, and prune themselves to traverse the landscape and solve its challenges.
- A wide variety of novel puzzle techniques, based on the mushroom’s motion.
- 7 vast worlds to explore, each comes with a unique boss to defeat.
- Mushroom 11 has teamed up with Electronica supergroup the Future Sound of London for the game’s background music
IGN - 9/10
Game Revolution - 4/5Mushroom 11 captivates with its ability to make such a strange, unique mechanic feel so incredibly natural, but it’s in the clever applications of this system of motion that it hits its highest points. It’s an endlessly creative and exciting puzzle game that manages to make your failures just as fun and important as your accomplishments.
Hardcore Gamer - 4/5There's not much else to Mushroom 11 beyond the core movement mechanic, but the game is confident in its limited scope. It allows the simple and innovate control scheme to take center stage, and though it requires both patience and practice, it contributes greatly to the novelty of the puzzle platformer experience. If players fall into a few lava pits along the way, so be it. At least an overwhelming sense of accomplishment awaits the green organism at the end of each chapter.
RockPaperShotgunMushroom 11 is a maddening, difficult, beautiful and smart bit of puzzle platforming. Each level is a series of set-pieces in a hauntingly ruined world, growing off the remains of humanity but far from dead.
AV ClubIt’s rare for a puzzle game to be truly original, but Mushroom 11 can claim that accolade. It applies its originality in smartly traditional ways, employing 2D physics puzzles in a new style. It’s glitchless, which is a rare treat, especially for a game that lets you break your blob into many parts and jam them in between rotating cogs and swinging platforms. It’s one of the best puzzle games in a very long time.
Its real triumph, though, is in how it coaxes players to discover all of its little tricks and quirks via level and puzzle design that never dips below being consistently, delightfully intelligent. Considering that it’s only the second game from a relatively untested team, it’s a fantastic PC debut, and one that deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as other members of that aforementioned physics puzzler hall of fame.