No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

Official HP
UPDATED 05/15/2014
*Special thanks to Alastor3 for the link!
Official trailers. (All in Japaneses)
Game guide part 1.

Game guide part 2

Promotional trailers

Creator Interview (Japanese)

My Gameplay Videos
15 minute introductory tutorial gameplay video here. (Click on Image to play)

*Spoilers warning & such
Gameplay from 2nd story stage. (Click on Image to play)

*Spoilers warning & such
Gameplay from 2nd story stage, my first actual playthrough in it. Amusing ending... plus what happens when you dont put much thought into how you go about combat. (Click on Image to play)

Video showing the character skill tree. The number at the very top that goes horizontally with the skills = level requirement. Also these skills can be changed at any time on the world map screen, but not while in combat. Useful so you can change up how your characters are depending on whats needed.

*Spoilers warning & such
Gameplay from the 3rd story stage. Part 1 & 2. (Click on Image to play)

*Spoilers warning & such
Gameplay from 4th story stage. (Click on Image to play)

Rank A Dungeon: Prepare to Die Edition (Click on Image to play)

*dont watch if you want to keep how one way of clearing the first part of the Rank A dungeon fresh.
Rank A Dungeon, first room cleared (Click on Image to play)

*Spoilers warning & such
30 minute run through another free dungeon. This is the one with 20 enemies on the floor. It takes a while due to all the enemies taking their turn and speeding it up doesnt really help much.

Heres footage from the Vita version running on the PSV TV. This is of the games starting tutorial. You can compare this video to the first one in the OP as thats all PS4 footage. But as you can see loading time is slightly longer on the Vita version. Asides for that runs perfectly fine for the most part, no complaints on my side.
(click on image to play video)

Both videos are from a brand new game at the start so no worries about any sort of story related spoilers in them. Though if you dont want to see dungeon event related spoilers, dont watch the 2nd video.
Footage from a run through one of the early free dungeons.(click on image to play video)

The following below is a post had made in a previous NaDoc related thread.
Am currently uploading the first 15 minutes which is the introductory tutorial for the game. Its going to take a while to UL and Process though. Wonder if I should make an impressions thread.
From the tutorial I can see myself enjoying this game regardless of what the graphics look like. Seems to be something quite different with the combat system. Also guns are not manual fire. Its automatic, all you do in the TPV is aim and it will lock onto valid targets then authorizing the turn to advance will allow the character equipped with ranged weapon to attack. So its stats based more than semi-manual like Valk Chronicles for example. Which personally is appreciated as it gives a bit of an uneven playing field for the AI.
Can imagine things are going to be quite difficult too and will have to really pay attention to party formation and where the enemy is placed. Seeing how the whole chain attack system works both ways. Having someone advance too far on their own is a good way of getting surrounded and taken out by an enemy chain attack.
The graphical effects on the PS4 makes me think that the characters in the game along with the world is like some sort of diorama with figures lol. Think Warhammer sorta, must be the filter effect or something. You folks will see what Im talking about with the 1080p footage I have recorded once its done.
Having played more after that currently replaying the 2nd dungeon over multiple times thanks to having done something stupid each time which ended in me getting GAME OVER. Folks were not kidding when people were saying this was difficult.
I think its more you need to really play defensive, as going on the full offensive when you are up against equal numbers usually ends in one of your guys getting singled out and wailed on.
Graphically this game may turn off some folks, but I think this gameplay will have people hooked who are into strategy titles. Sure only spent about an hour with the title so far, but having died multiple times on the 2nd dungeon and replaying it over and over has got me enjoying the mechanics and how the game is teaching me to rethink the usual strategies and such. Also word of advice, there is a reason why some things are behind bars. If you dont know what Im talking about, you will when you see it.
Anyways Ill put links up to the recorded footage here once its all done uploading and processing over at Youtube.
Looking forward to hearing what others who picked up the game have to say about it also.
I bet famitsu rated it so-so due to getting their mudholes stomped in. Same with am sure what happened to them with Demons Souls.
With this game units that can defend give the ability to grant another action to another unit in the same & or adjacent square(s). Which means you can move units in a chain out of their own turn. Laugh all you want at the diagram on cardboard below, but trust me its a pretty important mechanic that you will need to make use of in this game. Since the enemy sure as hell takes advantage of it every chance it gets, also explains the other function of defensive units. Pull them out into the front and allow another unit to pull back. Among other things that will make your overall experience a lot easier with the title itself.

Explanation of the diagram follows
*A & B are both unit types who can take the defensive stance. C is a non defensive stance unit.
#1: B moves first to square #2. A moves next to square #2 and takes the defensive stance.
#2: Due to A's defensive stance, B is allowed another turn and moves to square #3 and takes the defensive stance.
#3: Due to B's defensive stance, C is allowed an action and moves to square #4.
Will do a video later on to show the same thing, but till then the AWESOME cardboard diagram stays. Also with the above in mind, you might want to kill fuckers who can defend first along side ranged units to prevent the enemy from getting potential extra actions. Im trying to figure out if the effect works for anyone in the allied (blue) zone in general or if it has to be at least adjacent to the character taking the defensive stance. But one thing for certain is you do not need to be in the exact same square to give the effect to another ally. There does seem to be limitations with how it works to prevent things like infinite movement and such. Although the enemy when in large numbers does some real irritating stuff... Which you can see clearly in the next video Ill be posting. Though as always could consider it spoilers so view at own discretion.
Another important bit is characters who got another action turn from defense chain for example are unable to perform actions such as activating objects (door, chest, gate, switch, etc) but can do pretty much anything else. I think my cardboard diagram might be a little wrong since a reactivated defensive character cannot be used to reactivate another character further away.
Ok need to totally re-do the initial diagram about the whole defense extra turn system. This one while it looks confusing as fuck should be the most correct after having more experience with the game and gaining a better understanding. Before we begin with the explanation of what the hell is scribbled out heres a "key" for all the icons used.
A, B, C, D = Player Characters
*A, *B = Player Characters with Defensive Skills (As those are what activates the free actions)
Solid Line = Player Movement
Dotted Line = Denoting who is granted a free action from the defensive skill activated by "A or B".
Reserve Turn = Action performed when a free action is obtained which keeps your "Turn Icon" where it is at on the "Turn Bar" at the top of the screen. Partaking in a free action will count as an action taken on the turn bar, therefore pushing you further back in the turn rotation.

1: A moves to Square #2 and Defends. Giving free actions to B & D.
2: D takes free action and moves to Square #2.
3: B Reserves Turn not taking the free action, but keeping his place on the "Turn Bar".
4: B takes its normal turn and moves to Square #3 and Defends. Giving free actions to A, B and C.
5: A takes the free action and moves to #4
6: D takes the free action and moves to #4
7: C takes the free action and moves to #5
Useful wiki for those who can read Japanese. Also no sorry I dont translate things for people, so if you cant read the stuff in here cant help you. As doing posts for GAF takes up time enough as is.
Ok heres a slightly easier to understand explanation of how the initiative chain system works.
The easiest way I can explain the whole chain initiative is basically when it is a players turn, any action that effects your other team members will give them an extra turn (though using that extra turn pushes them back on the turn bar as if they had used their turn normally)
Attacking an enemy, all valid allies will be included. Which is why generally ranged is much more better than melee for starting this it seems.
Defending / using a skill such as ranged crit / accuracy up type of skills will give an extra initiative turn to any ally adjacent to the player
Using an item or spell on a player will give an extra initiative to all party members in same square as targeted ally.
Using an all party effect will give extra initiative to all party members. Such as Anca & Jeff's aura buffs.
As long as the character you are using is their turn and not a turn given by the chain initiative you can create chain initiatives for the other party members.
Even something like using a healing item from a distance will cause a chain initiative which I use sometimes even if the targeted ally's life is full. Allowing said ally to attack a target killing it, which removes it from the turn bar. Allowing my next party member to have their turn which I use to set off an all new chain initiative.
Hope that makes sense.