loves Arcade Sticks

NeoGAF FEBRUARY 2015 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods + MORE!
Hope you all had a great first month of 2015! It is currently Feb. 1st where I'm at (Tokyo, Japan) so I wanted to get a jump start on this thread early!
Let's start off this NEW thread with your favorite pick-ups from January 2015 + any new ones you may have! Without further adieu...
Welcome to the monthly tradition on NeoGAF! Since November 2006 <3 !!!
NeoGAF FEBRUARY 2015 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods + MORE!
For those of you new to this thread, this is a place for us to show off our new pickups and discuss them!
REMINDER! Or get banned!
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....

Mods are <3 and have banned people that DO NOT READ/FOLLOW the op!
Do not CRITICIZE other people's pick ups. This is a friendly thread. No need for insults!
Do not CRITICIZE other people's pick ups. This is a friendly thread. No need for insults!
Do not CRITICIZE other people's pick ups. This is a friendly thread. No need for insults!
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Oh yea I wanted to say one more thing!!
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....
Post ACTUAL pictures! No one cares to see pictures they can find on google images....

I'm currently in Tokyo, Japan for some important work stuff. Which is good and bad. Good because I'm going to be going nuts while shopping as the dollar exchange rate is so good. Bad because I'm here for a few weeks and will probably spend way too much. lol. Here are my favorite pick-ups from January and some pick-ups from my Japan trip so far!
My pick-ups from January...

Dual wielding with the iPhone 6 & 6 Plus.

<3 Gina Darling (link may be slightly NSFW) got me some new shoes. I already have these but the white ones are my favorite of all time I don't mind having multiple pairs

New phone case! I'm a big fan of SLAM DUNK!

Still celebrating that 20th anniversary in style with my 20th anniversary PlayStation jacket!

Had to import these from EU. The Nike Blazer "Metric" !

... with the above two Air Jordan XI pick-ups (Space Jams & Anniversary) I only need ONE more XI to complete my collection >.> the Defining Moments Package (DMP) Air Jordan XI. >.>

Best hair and best beard from the Street Fighter X Sanrio collection?

Finally got to complete my Parasyte manga collection by getting the rest (already had the first few)...

20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 HDD cover.

Got a care package from my friends at NIKE! It was nice to come home from a long CES and see a huge box of fresh kicks for me. <3

Picked these up during CES week. Yes I'm aware I have too many pairs of shoes. This is what happens when I run out of arcade sticks/games to buy >.>

... and finally! Completed my Air Jordan X Slam Dunk shirt collection. Now I have both!
Stuff I got during my Japan trip...

Screw pre-ordering Rosalina in North America! Japan has her NOW!

Sleeping Saiyans never lie...