
After two weeks of voting, I'm proud to bring you NeoGAF's Essential Fighting Games of 2016.
You can't give it up.
Go for broke.
(For sake of my sanity, most variations of games were counted under the same title, i.e. Ultra/Super/Vanilla SF IV and just about every incarnation of SFII. KOFs, VFs, and Tekkens were counted separately.)
Top 11+, in Descending Order:

Six HeroesZyrox said:Blazblue's strength definitely lies in its cast of crazy and (mechanically at least, YMMV on the aesthetic, I for my part really like it) well designed characters. almost every character has some cool unique mechanic going on that helps them to stand out from the rest of the cast. I really love that.
Another thing I gotta mention is the, albeit crazy and convoluted, maybe even crazy convoluted, story. It's ANIMAY to the max basically but that's what makes the like 40+ hours that there are now of it really enjoyable and entertaining to me. It gives all these over the top characters a little bit of spotlight and context which is something that I greatly appreciate in general. Speaking of story, I also really like how that carries over into the actual battles with unique intros and battle lines between some characters based on their story relationship. I love that.

Cave ThemeNeoleo2143 said:The definitive Busted Fighting game. The amount of creative potential with this game is absurd and is absolutely hilarious. Many strong memories with this game.

Way of the Bladecj_iwakura said:This game is poetry in motion. Watching two skilled players go at it is like watching a classic samurai duel unfold, with the atmosphere and music to match.

I'm Back (To Rise) [TJ Combo]Eolz said:After being extremely hyped, then cautiously optimistic, then disappointed, then interested again, I'm now convinced (thanks to the PC release) that KI is not only a great reboot for this old franchise, but extremely well managed and one of the best modern fighting games on the market today.

Jin Kazama's ThemeTu101uk said:Tekken 2 was one of my earliest PlayStation games and I was hooked instantly on Namco's brand of 3D fighting games. For me, T5DR was the culmination of everything they tried and tested during the PSX and PS2 eras, before the age of Rage as a comeback mechanic and ground bounces that extend combos to infinity. It was also the last time I used Lei Wulong - after they significantly changed his movelist in T6 I switched over to Leo, who was just more fun for me.

Spread The WingsStrangeRoboMemory said:With this game, SNK combined everything that was great about all of their big hand-to-hand fighting franchises - Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, King of Fighters - and then purified it all down into one muscular, polished, finely-honed punch of a game. The opening movie, with its quick shots of Terry raising Rock and taking him on the road, does more storytelling work in six seconds than some games can manage in as many hours. It's an absolute crime there was never a direct sequel to this.

Charlie's ThemeTo me, this is the fighting game at its peak: the most stylish, the best music, the most fun and fresh gameplay, the best cast. Switching between Gen's mantis and crane styles, soaring up the elevator on Rolento's stage, that epic background with swaying grass and the storm brewing in the distance...there are so many sublime little details here. The music is out of this world, I think it's Capcom's best OST of the 90s, and I love the big, bright, crisp anime character designs.

Fountain of DreamsNEO0MJ said:Flawed as it may be, this is probably my favorite fighter of all time to play. It arrived at just the right time where I didn't have much to do yet was smart enough to understand how to improve. I was on a Nintendo high at the time and so the cast was perfect for me. Fast gameplay, up to four play with free for all and teams, nice variety of characters with plenty of strange picks, and a sweet soundtrack.

Jogging / Countdown (Punch-Out!)Neoxon said:Smash 4 is quite easily the 2nd best Smash game in the franchise in my eyes (under only Melee). The only reason why I didn't mention Melee in this list is because I'm mainly focusing on games that can still be obtained within reason (yes, Capcom's license to sell UMvC3 expired a few years back, but you can at least pick up a used copy of UMvC3 at a reasonable price). That said, Smash 4 has a massive roster, solid balance, & interesting gameplay that's still growing to this day. And while sure, it's not as hype as Melee right now, Smash 4 is well on its way to catch up. Sure, Smash 4 isn't your typical fighting game (same for the other Smash games), but it's still a great fighting game for what it is.

Vazra said:This one tends to have a divisive audience for it but I simply loved the match ups even if the sprites are missing animations and are recycled from other games. Just seeing the huge cast of characters from the iconic Capcom and SNK rosters duking it out was mesmerizing to me and the game plays just damn great. Im on the small group that prefers this over Marvel Vs Capcom series.
This Is True Love Makin'

London Marchpetran79 said:The apex of 2D sprite based fighting games. Hard to master but it is perhaps the most rewarding and balanced fighting game, fixing the errors of the previous installments. This game will have the same status as SF2T in a few years, considering the franchise moved to 3D and needs few years to readjust to the 3D character models. Prefer the original sprite backgrounds instead of the 3D ones, though the AST is very good as well.

Theme of JuriTerareflection said:This game made the FGC what it is today. It's probably not the essential game to play, per say. But it an essential game to know.

Morrigan's ThemeEssay said:This game gives a rush like no other. Incredibly well-thought-out system mechanics, engaging players fully, body and mind. The way that the Tech Hit (pushblock) system weighs on the meta game is like nothing else, and emphasizes an element of the genre that's too-often overlooked: the essential gap between hand control and decision making. The only reason I ever get down on this game are for some of the glitches and oversights that really define and separate the character tiers. If not for that, this is the one game that could've given me what Guilty Gear does.

Ruins StageSiegfriedFM said:The gameplay is still unmatched. I try others like Tekken 7 and DoA5:LR and they feel like Kensei in comparison. Just so tight, swift and precise.

Karin's Themelucebuce12 said:There's very little I can say that other great posters haven't already said about this fantastic game. Truly one of the best looking and best made fighting games I've played. The mechanics just feel so "honest" and it's gonna be a juggernaut for years to come and will help grow the fighting game community in general IMO.

Condor CanyonApenheul said:I had always ignored Tekken except for a few experimental plays in the arcade but it wasn't until TTT2 that I gave the franchise a serious try. It took a while before the momentum and its defensive options clicked with me but when it did it felt like mastering some sort of rhythm game. It just plays beautifully.

Tsuki no Shikai (Theme of Raven)Tyrant Rave said:Guilty Gear is the most metal series out there and it's my favorite. The Roman Cancel system is hands down one of my favorite mechanics to be featured in any game. Xrd shakes it up by eliminating the FRC for the Yellow/Red/Purple system and it's genius. The textbook example of how to make mechanics accessible without ruining what makes them good to begin with. The best fighting game on the market.

Raise Thy SwordCommandThrower said:The first sequel in the Soul Calibur franchise holds up as it's best one. Guard impacts were simplified, character fighting styles were expanded upon, and overall it is a very simple 3D fighter that is very easy to get into. The console version's weapon master mode is also a very fun single player mode, with a lot of gimmicky fights against the AI.

Guile's Themeneoleo2143 said:The definitive Fighting game in my opinion. The core is so strong and the variety is just good enough to produce spectacularly addicting play. The "1 more fight" syndrome is strong with this one. Even for casual play, it's not half bad and the art for the most part holds up well with a slew of classic tunes.
And NeoGAF's best fighting game of all time IS...

HG101 said:We have games about games, and we have games about the people who play them, but Divekick is a strange beast that makes itself about a subculture of gaming fans. The entire identity of this game was born from the fighting game community and its many sub-sections, and it is impossible to fully appreciate it without a bit of understanding of that culture. But it goes beyond just humor and creates its own play style no other fighting game can say it has. Where more and more fighters try to complicate things with move lists and complex combinations, Divekick goes in the opposite direction and simplifies it to the most core mechanic.
Just kidding.

.la1n said:This game was and will always be hotly debated among SF aficionados. I grew up spending every moment I had with friends at the local arcade playing Street Fighter II. It was easily the most played game of my childhood. To say I was excited to hear there was a true third entry coming to the franchise would be an understatement. I waited for what felt like hours to get some play time in on the machine when my arcade got it and was not disappointed. It felt really fresh, both in game play and the roster. Speaking of the roster, this was the source of most player's love or hate for the game at launch. You either liked the weird new ensemble or pined for more Ryus and Kens.
InfiniteCombo said:Perfected the Street Fighter III formula, and it's a very solid and fun fighting game. Solid cast of "weird" characters. Great acid-jazz/hip hop soundtrack. Absolutely beautiful art direction and animation. The only thing that prevented this game from breaking my top 5 were its serious balance issues; most characters can't stand a chance against the "triumvirate" of Chun/Ken/Yun; actually, Super Art II Chun is obnoxiously overpowered in this game. That messed up balance brings the game down some notches for me. Also, in the aesthetics department, this game is a bit of a step down from its precedessors New Generation and Double Impact.
~Devil Trigger~ said:Complex simplicity. One of the best designed video games(not just fighting games) of all time. Fun ass formula that works in so many levels. Coupled with what is still one of the best character animations in gaming and a top notch sound track. SF3 is still my GOAT fighter
Jazzy NYC '99
Theme of Q
You Blow My Mind
The Rest
(Game - Vote Count)
Guilty Gear X2 18
Marvel VS Capcom 3 17
Dead or Alive 5 17
Tekken 3 17
Virtua Fighter 4 16
Persona 4 Arena (Ultimax) 13
SF Alpha 3 13
Melty Blood 12
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 11
Skullgirls 11
Mortal Kombat X 11
Soul Calibur V 10
King of Fighters XIII 10
Soul Calibur 10
Dead or Alive 2 9
Tekken Tag 1 9
Street Fighter X Tekken 8
Arcana Heart 3 8
Bushido Blade 8
Virtua Fighter 2 7
Virtua Fighter 3 7
Mobile Suit Gundam XFB 6
Under Night In Birth 6
Soul Blade 6
Marvel VS Capcom 1 5
Mortal Kombat 2 5
Mortal Kombat 9 5
Tatsunoko VS Capcom 5
Samurai Shodown 2 5
Killer Instinct 1 4
Hokuto no Ken 4
Injustice 4
Tekken 6 4
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 4
Street Fighter EX2 4
Nidhogg 4
Power Stone 4
Dead or Alive 3 4
Fatal Fury 4
Def Jam: Fight for NY 4
DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 4
Jump Ultimate Stars 4
Soul Calibur 3 3
Dengeki Bunko FC 3
King of Fighters 2002 3
Samurai Shodown 3
Pokken 3
Bloody Roar PF 3
Fighters Megamix 3
Psychic Force 2012 3
Marvel Super Heroes 3
Nightwarriors: Darkstalker's Revenge 3
Reckless Cyclist 2
Shaq Fu 2
Tekken 7 2
Battle Arena Toshinden 2
Catherine 2
King of Fighters 96 2
Naruto Clash of the Ninja 2 2
Art of Fighting 2
One Must Fall 2097 2
Fighting Eyes 2
Breaker's Revenge 2
Battle Construction Vehicles 2
Cyberbots 2
Red Earth 2
Bloody Roar 2 2
Nitroplus Blasterz 2
Power Stone 2 2
Rival Schools 2
King of Fighters XI 2
Tekken 2 2
Samurai Gunn 2
Project Justice 2
Dead or Alive 4 2
Chaos Code 2
Evil Zone 1
Dissidia Duodecim 1
SSB Brawl 1
Barbarian 1
Budokan 1
Rampage World Tour 1
The Outfoxies 1
Time Slaughter 1
XMen VS SF 1
Samurai Shodown IV 1
Fighter's Destiny 1
SF Alpha 1 1
Power Instinct 1
Rakuga Kids 1
Primal Rage 1
Arm Joe 1
King of Fighters 97 1
Koihime Enbu 1
Castlevania Judgment 1
Divekick 1
Tekken 4 1
Eternal Champions 1
Aquapazza 1
Samurai Shodown 4 1
Be ready for the next battle.