A new generation of gaming is here with the Wii U, but some of us still hold on to what made gaming special from past generations. Super Mario World, a game that launched with the SNES back in 1990 ('91 in the US) still holds a special place in the hearts of gamers. Super Mario World started a legacy; one that cannot escape us. For the first time since the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo is set to launch a 2D Super Mario platformer alongside a new console: Wii U. New Super Mario Bros. U has shades of Super Mario World, but will it be able to build upon the legacy that Super Mario World built, create a new one, or do nothing at all? Ladies and gentleman of NeoGAF, let us go on another 2D epic with the Italian plumber to seek out the answers, and above all: to relish this amazing legacy of old. Welcome to the Official Thread.
*Special thanks to Quick who made the banners and Cystm for the other awesome .gif banner.

North America - November 18, 2012 | Europe/Australia - November 30, 2012 | Japan - December 8, 2012
- Platform: Wii U
- Publisher: Nintendo
- Developer: EAD - Software Development Group 4
- Players: 1-5 (offline only, online co-op is not supported)
- Data: 14MB required for save data
- Supported Video Output: 480i, 480p, 1080i, 720p, 1080p (this isn't its native resolution)
- Supported Controllers: Wii U Gamepad, Wii Remote, Wii Remote MotionPlus
- Nintendo Network: Sharing of experiences through Miiverse

- It was just another lovely dinner at the castle with Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess Peach... Until suddenly the ferocious Koopa fleet invades Mushroom kingdom airspace, and launches a full-on assault! With Bowser at the helm and his Koopalings each in their own custom airships, the castle is under siege with the Princess trapped inside—and the heroes have been cast out to the furthest reaches of the Mushroom Kingdom. Can they make it back in time to save the day?

- Solo Play: traditional single-player story mode. Players will progress along the World Map, with the path they take depending on which level exits they find. Levels can be replayed to discover new secrets. Players will be able to stock up on up to ten power-ups, which they can use from the World Map before entering a level.
- Co-op Play: with up to three additional players. These players can control Luigi, one of two colored Toads, or a Mii character. The screen will pan out to accommodate these other players if they get too far from one another. When players lose a life in Co-op Play, as long as they have an additional life remaining and there is another player still standing, they’ll appear in a bubble and can re-join the adventure. Other players will have to pop the bubble to release the revived player.
- Challenge Mode: tasks players with completing specific objectives, such as clearing a course without touching a single coin or touching the ground. There are four single-player Challenge categories: Time Attack, Coin Collection, 1-Up Rally and Special (miscellaneous challenges). Boost Mode Challenges require two players, with one player using the Wii U Gamepad controller and the other using a Wii Remote controller. Once players complete a Challenge, the game saves a replay of the action so players can show off their accomplishments.
- Coin Battle: up to five players can play together and compete to see who can collect the most coins. One player will use the Wii U Gamepad controller while the other four players use the Wii Remote controller. The player using the Wii U Gamepad controller in Boost Mode can place Boost Blocks to help grab hard-to-reach coins. Players can also use the Gamepad to edit and customize the coin layout in courses found only in Coin Battle. The coin layout can then be saved and played by the players using Wii Remote controllers.
- Boost Mode: adds a fifth player to Co-op Mode who controls the game using the Wii U GamePad. By tapping on the screen, the Boost Mode player can create mid-air blocks to either help or hinder other players. Sometimes these blocks will spit out coins. The Boost Mode player can also tap enemies to stun them.
- Boost Rush Mode: is a special challenge mode that turns each course into an auto-scrolling level. Players will have to move efficiently to survive. Built in to the mode is a feature that speeds up the auto-scrolling as players grab more coins, so you can set better times if you grab more coins. The mode is designed to be played cooperatively with a Boost Mode partner, as jumping between Boost Blocks can help the stage scroll even faster and will power up the Boost Mode player so he or she can defeat most on-screen enemies with a simple tap. Like New Super Mario Bros. 2, Boost Rush Mode will be played in various “Course Pack” sets, with leaderboards indicating the best players for each of the Course Packs. Players will have a limited number of lives when playing in Boost Rush Mode.

- New Super Mario Bros. U is the first side-scrolling Mario game since 1991’s Super Mario World that features a seamless World Map with named worlds and courses. The map contains many secret exits, which might change the map and cause shortcuts to appear. The worlds are interconnected, so people can play through the game in a nonlinear fashion. There are 8 worlds in the game and they are:
- Acorn Plains
- Layer-Cake Desert
- Sparkling Waters
- Frosted Glacier
- Soda Jungle
- Rock-Candy Mines
- Meringue Clouds
- Peach’s Castle

- Super Mushroom: transforms Small Mario into Super Mario. He’ll grow in height, can sustain one extra hit of damage, and can break Brick Blocks with jumps and ground pounds. Extra power-ups gained beyond Super Mario will grant yet another extra hit.
- Super Acorn: all-new power-up acorn that transforms Mario into Flying Squirrel Mario. While wearing the Flying Squirrel Suit, Mario can glide for short distances, get a small vertical boost, and cling briefly to walls.
- Fire Flower: transforms Mario into Fire Mario, which gives him the power to toss fireballs at enemies. These can incinerate certain enemies as well as melt ice.
- Ice Flower: returns from New Super Mario Bros. Wii and retains its previous functions. Balls of ice can freeze some enemies, allowing them to be picked up and thrown or shattered with a ground pound.
- Penguin Suit: has all the powers of the Ice Flower, plus the power to slide at high speeds along ice and swim freely underwater.
- Mini-Mushroom: turns Mario into Mini Mario. While in this form, Mario can fit into tight spaces, run on water, and run along walls. If Mario sustains damage in this form, he’ll lose a life.
- P-Acorn: lets Mario glide through an entire level before its extra powers expire. It can only be obtained from the mischievous creature Nabbit.
- Super Star: grants Mario temporary invincibility. While bathed in the power of the Super Star, Mario can run right through enemies to defeat them.

*Special thanks to Quick who made the banners and Cystm for the other awesome .gif banner.