Looks like son of BFI.
The tech should work fine on an 120hz LCD display, but the effect improves with more frames. Expect it on Retroarch & Retrotink devices in the future.
Finally a use for the new 480hz screens, play Sonic the Hedgehog as it was meant to be viewed.
Source is released with an article going over details at Blurbusters.

CRT Simulation in a GPU Shader, Looks Better Than BFI - Blur Busters
Who Is this for? CRT Enthusiasts, software & hardware developers, emulator authors, all of who wish to reduce display motion blur of 60 years of legacy 60fps 60Hz content with softer flicker than BFI. New Open Source Algorithm of Simulating CRT Raster-Scanning People who have seen a CRT tube in...

Source code
GitHub - blurbusters/crt-beam-simulator: A shader that simulates a CRT electron beam in real time.
A shader that simulates a CRT electron beam in real time. - blurbusters/crt-beam-simulator
Real-time demo


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