AC Shadows is going to feature a female sumo wrestler.
Ok, for those who don't know: it is strictly forbidden for women to become professional sumo wrestlers to this day in Japan. Hell, it is even forbidden for women to get into many (if not all of them) sacred places in Japan, including a sumo ring.
The fact is that this is a tradition taken so seriously to this date that a few years ago, more precisely in 2018, some female paramedics had to step on the ring to help a guy that collapsed and they were readily told to leave the ring immediately, even thou they were there to help.
And after the women left, the tournament staff threw salt in the ring again to purify it, because women are seen as impure in Japanese religious culture.
This is how much they respect this tradition.
Now I won't discuss if this is right or wrong here, it is what it is and It's none of my business since I am not born in Japan.
Ok, back to AC Shadows: they putting a female sumo wrestler to represent the biggest and most important martial art in Japan's history in this game, even thou only men can become professional sumo wrestlers, is clearly another indication (like we still needed huh) that they never had the intention to properly represent the Japanese culture.
They only want to disrespect Japan, Japanese people and their culture.
They don't care about anything but to shove their own personal beliefs of what is right and what is wrong into this game, period.
I love sumo, I really do. And seeing they doing this with such a beautiful aspect of the Japanese culture makes me even less interested in this game.