I can see it now, Republicans are all excited because Bush has been re-elected. Its been 3 years since 9/11, large portion of Americans believe we are safe because of Bush. It doesn't matter 9/11 happened on his watch, but somehow he's a great defender of this nation. The first attack on the WTC happened in 93, 8 years later WTC is attacked again but this time result is 3000 dead and the Pentagon hit at aswell.
3 years has past and everything is all gravy, not one attack. What was that guy name that said terroist cells plan their attacks and that it could take years before they attack again.
It amazing how easily people forget, after all the investigations, articles, news reports and news conferences that the guys that flew those 747 passenger planes into the WTC, had been in America for years before they actually carried out the attacks.
Whats even more strange is the State that the WTC is based in, voted Democratic.
OBL sends a video to Al-Jazzera, telling the American people that neither candidate can protect them. Also included that are safety was in our hands. Naturally attacks Bush and his administration and foriegn policies.
He's supposedly on the run, but he has time to sit and film a long ass video. His cloths look like they have been to the cleaners and pressed. Where the video was filmed didn't look like a cave, which I assumed he would be in since he's on the run. Whats even more fucked up, this man on the run also had enough time to obviously sit down and watch Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11.
I don't have much to say on the war in Iraq, I'll just say, smart people think things through. Intelligent people do research, weigh the pros against the cons. They plan to the most accurate %.
We don't just live in America, we live in a world. There is no force field over the U.S. Every action has a consequence, whether that consequence is good or bad depends on the action.
Who here thinks the insurgents are gonna give up?