You know when most of the EA fanboys view this as a bad sign, you're in the seriously fucking retarded minority if you think this is somehow potentially "good" for anyone other than EA's bank account (and there's not even any guarantee of that, considering the cost).
For the record I've been playing football games since Ten Yard Fight on the Nintendo, and before that on my Atari handheld with little fucking red dots for players. I loved Madden (and EA- NHL, NBA, shit even Mutant League, everything they touched turned to gold) back in the Genesis days, when it was something truly groundbreaking, when it wasn't the same old stale regurgitated shit every year and the only thing that made EA even try anything remotely new was the threat of any sort of competition. In case anyone still hasn't understood, competition is good for consumer, doesn't matter what game you're a fan of, that issue's totally irrelevant.