User 144492

Developer Starbreeze/Overkill
Publisher 505 Games
Release Date August 16th UK, August 13th NA.
Platforms PlayStation 3, X-Box 360, PC.
Editions Normal, Collectors Edition, Criminal Edition. Pre-orders include loot bag DLC.

Collectors Edition

Criminal Edition

Official topic open for business, see you at the safehouse fellas.
Note: Apologies if the opening post appears to change a lot, the BB code isn't playing nice.
--- Update 17/08/2013 ---
I have a few questions via personal messages on here about any Payday groups and ones people want to join.
I choose to run this official thread because I had interest in the game and wanted to have a little responsibility on NeoGAF. I'll be updating the thread as I go along, I've only just got a laptop today from weeks of not having one courtesy of moving so I have work to do.
However, I have my own group of players that I play with on PlayStation 3, with all due respect I'm not here to link people together, organise groups or hook you guys up, that's for you to discuss. The official thread is for any discussion relevant to the game that doesn't really need a whole topic to itself on the forum.
I'll keep updating the thread as I can.
Also, Payday 2 is already making a profit before release as I'm sure you all knew and I will be adding information about the DLC and any relevant news as I see it. Thanks.
--- Update 27/08/2013 ---
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. My work has been bare crazy this past week, I'm doing 9 days in a row and it takes me two hours to get too and from work so I'm mainly keeping up with GAF via my mobile phone.
Anyways, as many of you know, Patch 1.01 has come out. I haven't found a proper list of updates yet but if I come across one, I'll upload it. Also Payday 2 was the top selling game in the UK on it's launch week and subsequently fell down to 18th this week. But what the hell, it's all profit. I'll try to better keep the topic updated for upcoming DLC and content. Cheers.
Happy hunting guys, see you at the safe house.