Peggle 2 is a sequel to the revolutionary casual puzzle videogame Peggle, by PopCap Games.
It has launched first on Xbox One on December 9th, 2013, at the price of $11.99. It's coming to Xbox 360 on May 7th, 2014. It will be coming to "as many platforms as possible" afterwards, but we don't know which ones or when at the moment, so please shut up about it for now. Thanks.
OFFICIAL NEOGAF REVIEW THREAD: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=731518

I could cram a bunch of information into gaudy JPEG's, but since I'm not getting paid for this I'll just post a copy and pasted PR/interview with Peggle 2's lead producer:
PopCap Games Q&A: Peggle 2 and the Power of a New Generation said:"Peggle 2", the sequel to the number one puzzle game of 2007, is launching this year first, exclusively on Xbox One. The game propels players to the peg-popping paradise of the original while delivering a host of new features and functionality including all-new levels, new and improved power-ups, fantastic multiplayer modes, gesture controls with Kinect for Xbox One, the ability to customize the "Peggle Masters" who host the game, and much more. Check out the Xbox Wire exclusive interview below with Jared Neuss, Lead Producer on Peggle 2 from the acclaimed PopCap Games and stay tuned for more news and insights from other renown developers of the hottest and most anticipated games coming to Xbox.
What are you most excited about for developing on a new generation hardware?
We're super excited to take advantage of all of the new platform functionality being introduced in this generation of hardware. Features like Game DVR and the new Challenge system give us a ton of freedom to create brand new experiences for our players!
How will a new generation of hardware revolutionize the future of "Peggle 2?"
Having the ability to experiment with new features, functionality and quickly react to player feedback. We now have the ability to try new things, see if our fans like them, and then adapt the game in near-real time.
What kind of different master powers are there in "Peggle2?"
All of the new master powers in Peggle 2 are much more explosive and over-the-top than anything you've seen in previous versions of Peggle. We're experimenting with a number of new mechanics, including powers that change the layout of the game board, powers that change how the master interacts with the pegs, and some even crazier ideas that we aren't ready to announce yet.
What kind of steps did you take to ensure that the gameplay in "Peggle 2" was a familiar, but evolved experience from "Peggle?"
Staying true to the core of what makes Peggle a classic series is our top priority. With every new gameplay feature that we add, we're constantly evaluating how the game feels. As soon as a power, visual effect or audio cue starts to feel out of place, we scrap it and start over again. Peggle has a certain DNA that our team is very much in-tune with at this point.
Here's some more details from IGN:
Masters said:I started with Bjorn, the gallant unicorn from Peggle. Bjorn's special power, activated by hitting one of two green pegs on a board, is similar to his original perk. It's basically a guideline showing where your ball will bounce based on the angle you shoot it. While it used to be a simple blue line, in Peggle 2 it's a bright rainbow with sparkles that turns to fire if you're going to shoot the ball at a slide that will hit multiple pegs.
Aside from Bjorn, there are four other cryptic Masters making their first appearance in the Peggle series. Each gets his or her own fanfare music, peg-hitting noises, and unique power-ups. They're all customizable as well, and before you jump into a level you can change their outfits, which impacts what type of animations they do. Only two options were shown for each character in my demo, but as you complete levels and objectives there's an opportunity to unlock more.
Jeffrey the Lazy Troll is one of the new Masters, but it's the goats riding around on his head that had me laughing the most. They get extremely concerned when you only have a few balls left – making nervous faces – and they keep close watch on the balls as they bounce through each board. Jeffrey's power-up allows him to use a massive bowling-ball esque boulder, known as a “bowlder,” that will shoot down at pegs and clear a big path, similar to Lord Cinderbottom’s Fireball powerup from Peggle, but larger and less predictable. It was particularly useful against Peggle 2's new armored bricks, which need to be hit twice in order to get rid of them.
Berg the Yeti is my favorite of the new Masters, as his power-up was original, festive, and beautiful. It activates immediately when you hit a green peg and works for the next shot as well. When triggered, the entire board frosts up like a window when the temperature dips, and any peg you hit will slowly push in to the other pegs around it. The strategy here is to shoot your peg up high, so that it has the chance to push in to as many pegs below it as possible.
Gnorman the Gnome is an adorable little guy who made a robot costume to appear larger. Hilariously, the robot suit is still only about two feet tall. Poor Gnorman. His power up, Ubervolt, is activated as soon as you hit a green peg and it charges up your ball to zap the nearest two pegs it hits. It reminded me of Splork’s Big Bang power-up from Peggle, but with a lot more pizzazz since it could zap tons of pegs rather than a specific area. Again, it seemed like a good idea to shoot this one up high. The sound on Gnorman's levels is unique as well, giving off an 8-bit vibe when you hit pegs.
The last Master, Luna, is the only female this time around (unless you use one of Gnorman's costumes to make him look like a girl), and she's a cute youngster that also happens to be dead. When you activate her power, Nightshade, she transforms in to a creepy demon child, and on your next two turns she makes all of the blue pegs on the board see-through. When you shoot the ball with the power on, it floats through all of the blue pegs and only bounces on an orange. Once the power goes away, the blue pegs you shot through don't reappear, allowing you to potentially create paths to hard-to-reach orange pegs. It felt a lot different than any of the other powers we've seen before, and added an interesting mechanic to an incredibly endearing character.
Content said:Each Master has 10 themed levels, so even though there are fewer Masters this time around, they have twice as many levels as to complete compared to the first game. Once you beat all 10 levels in the area with the associated Master, you can then go back and try them out with any character. For fans of Peggle's music, each level's sound changes based on how many pegs you've cleared, building up to the fanfare song at the end if you manage to clear all of the orange pegs.
In addition to the 10 levels for each Master, there's a Celestial Realm featuring the 10 hardest levels in the game. You can use any Master here, and they aim to test your Peggle skill. I didn't get the chance to complete any levels in the Celestial Realm, but it's nice to know it's there for people looking to show off their Peggle prowess.
Peggle 2 also has 60 trial levels with unique challenges that teach you how to play the game and use power-ups in interesting ways. These also feature a remixed version of each character's fanfare theme. For example, one trial level teaches you how to get an "Extreme Slide" by lining up three half circles in a way that if you shoot the ball at the correct angle it will hit every peg. Other trials test your ability to keep your score low throughout a level. The trials offer a perfect mix of luck and skill, and they're a great way to find new strategies.