Bullet Club
Platinum's Hideki Kamiya says he wants to make Okami 2, Viewtiful Joe 3, and many other franchise sequels
Capcom, please understand
Hideki Kamiya was part of a Platinum Games panel at PAX East, and he had the chance to answer some fan questions. Kamiya was asked if he'd like to return to older IPs for new entries, with Okami 2 and Scalebound specifically mentioned. Here's what Kamiya had to say.
"Okami 2.. Scalebound.. Viewtiful Joe 3.. Dante VS Bayonetta.. Devil May Cry 0.. I want to make everything! ..please email Capcom"
Kamiya's interest is there, but many of these projects can't go on without Capcom's blessing. Let's hope people take Kamiya's advice and email Capcom!
Source: Go Nintendo
I would like Viewtiful Joe 3 as well. Come on Capcom, let him do it!
Capcom, please understand

Hideki Kamiya was part of a Platinum Games panel at PAX East, and he had the chance to answer some fan questions. Kamiya was asked if he'd like to return to older IPs for new entries, with Okami 2 and Scalebound specifically mentioned. Here's what Kamiya had to say.
"Okami 2.. Scalebound.. Viewtiful Joe 3.. Dante VS Bayonetta.. Devil May Cry 0.. I want to make everything! ..please email Capcom"
Kamiya's interest is there, but many of these projects can't go on without Capcom's blessing. Let's hope people take Kamiya's advice and email Capcom!
Source: Go Nintendo
I would like Viewtiful Joe 3 as well. Come on Capcom, let him do it!