corporate cheerleader

- September 12:
- September 12:
- September 3: Heihachi will be in the upcoming public beta.
- August 17: Version 2.00 released.
Known bugs/glitches
Known bugs/glitches
- There are occasional freezing issues, try not to use the XMB at all while the game is playing or loading.
- Level 3 supers freeze the match often, prepare for hatemail if you're the perpetrator. (prepare for hatemail period if you play as Sly)
- Incorrect victory poses.
- Music can go silent in the character select screen. Exit back to title screen to restart it.
- Sometimes you can't pick up items.
Beta version 2.00 changes
- Background wave in the menu is blue/purple now
- Slight touches to the loading screen, you can see which player you are before you enter an online match
- Victory screen has the stage in the background
- The number 3 in the super meter gauge is now on fire
- Items have an aura around them, making them more visible
- Spear of Destiny added
- Supers are rebalanced, you can hit characters out of certain super animations
- Characters have a new dizzy animation
- If you stay in the lower area/water of Sandover Village for too long, you get teleported back up in a dizzy state
- When you attack a blocking opponent, you now earn a little bit of AP

Welcome to the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Beta Thread 2.0! Post here to brag about your victories, tell fellow Gaffers that they're cheap and untalented Sly Cooper players, or simply share your mind about the game! Plenty of people have tried it out now and the general concensus is that it is a very fun game; even skeptics who assumed this was a blatant rip-off were convinced otherwise. Not only that, the online play is very smooth, asides from the occasional teleporting in certain matches. You can scroll down to read GAF impressions, character tactics, move lists, informative videos and the list of players who you can grief.
How to enter the beta
How to enter the beta
The beta will be available in the fall, Plus members have access to it earlier. You can also download it in the Hong Kong store as a Plus exclusive download. Or you could be lucky and receive an email invite from Sony. If you're already in the private beta, then you also have access to the public beta that's coming in the Fall.

If you haven't kept up with the development of the game and have no clue what this game is about, I'll bring you up to speed real quick with this here section.
Rules of the game
Rules of the game
- 4 player free-for-all
- Win the 3-minute match by earning the highest score
- Each kill is +2 points, each death -1
- Kill opponents with super attacks
- Keep attacking opponents to earn AP that fill your super gauge
- Super gauge has 3 levels: level 1 supers are hard to kill with and level 3 supers the easiest
Left Analog Stick/D-Pad: Movement
Direction on Right Analog Stick: Throw
X: Jump
Square: Attack 1
Triangle: Attack 2
Circle: Attack 3
L1: Block
L2: Taunt
R1: Item pick-up/drop
R2: Super Attack
L1 + Left Analog Stick/D-Pad movement: Evading/Rolling
Direction on Right Analog Stick: Throw
X: Jump
Square: Attack 1
Triangle: Attack 2
Circle: Attack 3
L1: Block
L2: Taunt
R1: Item pick-up/drop
R2: Super Attack
L1 + Left Analog Stick/D-Pad movement: Evading/Rolling

Here are the available characters and their reworked move lists. Special thanks to tribal24 and others for the information. Also thanks to the anonymous IGN member for ripping off the design of the original move list down to a T and using it for their wiki without crediting tribal24. Ripped off their move list table design in return. What is it with this game and rip-offs? Geez.

JStein0222 is perhaps the most prominent beta player here on GAF, just ask any person who got his ass kicked by him. In this section, he'll break down every character in full detail. You can find information here that's not only useful to new people, but more advanced players as well. Listed below are the pros and cons of each character, click the link to read the detailed breakdown. JStein0222's Write Ups.
JStein0222 said:This Versatile Spartan Warrior Is Pissed Because This Game Isn't Rated M![]()
- Strong combo efficient attacks have long range
- Variety of moves for any distance/angle
- Insane level 3 super
- Level 1 and 2 supers are just okay. Moreso the level 2.
- Bald
The Up Close And Personal Rapper Who Will Make You Believe In Yourself![]()
- Very accessible fighter, good for beginners.
- Quick melee moves
- Excellent straightforward supers that are easy to land
- Parappa is an awesome character
- Not very ranged or varied moveset making him more predictable.
- Has a hard time dealing with more ranged attackers like Radec and Kratos.
A Thief That Leaves The Opposition Confused, Disoriented And Broke![]()
- a ton of movement options lead to awesome avoidance abilities.
- quick cane attacks are sweet
- Being invisible is really useful for offense and defense
- Level 1 super is great.
- Has no long range attacks
- Helpless when dealing with mid-close range physical attacks
- Level 3 super is meh
This Colonel Has A Very Huge Personal Space And Will Shoot Anyone Who Enters It![]()
- Long Range attacks have great knockback and build a ton of meter
- Low level supers can kill from long range, so you know you won’t be counter supered.
- A lot of different attacks; keep foes guessing.
- Bad Ass catchphrases
- Slow. Can be annoying when you need to get to the other side of the stage.
- No movement options like other characters. Can basically only run and jump which makes it harder to avoid getting killed by supers.
- Doesn’t have the same up close combo ability as the other characters, strong attacks push people away.
Assassin, Racer And A Clown: This Tough Guy Has Quite A Resume![]()
- Strong meter building attacks
- A lot of tricky attacks to keep foes guessing
- Level 3 super can score a ton of kills.
- Level 1/2 supers are harder to land than most
- Not a lot of mobility options
- Big hit box
The Above Average Princess Who Can Work The Crowd![]()
- Easy to combo with
- Area of effect moves, good for groups
- Easy to land supers
- Lacks range
- Not a ton of moveset variation
- Obese
- Has stage 2 diabetes
Man-is-Obsolete also did some write ups, here is a snippet of his favorite, Fat Princess:
- Great at chaining combos, especially juggling.
- Can rain death from above with bombs and a very effective but stomp that can be used to lead into a combo. Also the Warrior attack out of the air can be chained into a combo.
- Throw swings opponent around and can hit others around you
- Outside of the Belly Dash mobility isn't great.
- Is a character that will require patience and blocking to be effective
- Have to work for your AP, slightly slow gainer (heh heh).

Below are some official description videos by Sony. They briefly explain moves, strategies and fighting styles of the characters. Very useful, worth checking out for the beginners.
Fat Princess
Sly Cooper
Sweet Tooth
Fat Princess
Sly Cooper
Sweet Tooth

Banner is self-explanatory, post your info in the thread and I will include it in the list
. For the sake of convenience, follow this layout (don't forget to bold):
Your GAF name / PSN ID / Country
It's sadly not possible to invite friends to matches, but this serves as a reference if you saw a worthy Gaffer online and you want tostalk befriend him.
unless you're a total shithead, then I don't owe you anything
Your GAF name / PSN ID / Country
It's sadly not possible to invite friends to matches, but this serves as a reference if you saw a worthy Gaffer online and you want to
North America/South America/Canada
North America/South America/Canada
SSReborn / Klipz-Wish / Canada
k_Reign / k_Reign / US
The Grim Heaper / TheGrimHeaper / US
Sarcastic Response / renewman1 / US
JStein0222 / jsnake22 / NA
TimeEffect / Alpha-Male22 / NA
SmithnCo / smithnco / NA
MyMyAxaco / GottaBeat / NA
jondabomb / jondabomb / NA
Tribal24 / Tribal24 / NA
Jonboy / jonboy_jlf_2004 / NA
jtir123 / jtir123 / NA
baekshi / sharingan_itachi / us
Drago / PokeDrago / US
Fancy Corndog / Malpractice / US
Jakfu / Jafku / US
LuuKyK / LuuKyK / Brazil
Miutsu / Miutsu / Venezuela
Solidus51 / solidus51 / east coast USA
Tagg9 / TaggSte / BC, Canada
Ploid 3.0 / Ploid / Central USA
Cyborg009 / Jimmy-DeBABA / USA
IntelliHeath / IntelliHeath / US
SykoTech / SykoTech / US
CryoLombax / Timberland2K7 / US
Gorillaz / EboyWasHere / US
Oyashiro-Sama / FFVIIguy / US
thepotatoman / thepotatoman / US
ScraftyDevil / emeraldphoenix7 / Canada
Man-is-obsolete / Man-is-obsolete / USA
Figboy79 / Figboy / US
xkillthemx / killthem16 / NA
paskowitz / thepatriots / US
lolez2matt / lolez2matt / Chile
Kal Balboa / FoomMan / USA
Pai Pai Master / PaiPai / USA
libregkd / libregkd / USA
B.O.O.M / rathne / U.S.A
cool_trainer / cool_trainer / USA
Byronic Hero / MAST2DAA / US
k_Reign / k_Reign / US
The Grim Heaper / TheGrimHeaper / US
Sarcastic Response / renewman1 / US
JStein0222 / jsnake22 / NA
TimeEffect / Alpha-Male22 / NA
SmithnCo / smithnco / NA
MyMyAxaco / GottaBeat / NA
jondabomb / jondabomb / NA
Tribal24 / Tribal24 / NA
Jonboy / jonboy_jlf_2004 / NA
jtir123 / jtir123 / NA
baekshi / sharingan_itachi / us
Drago / PokeDrago / US
Fancy Corndog / Malpractice / US
Jakfu / Jafku / US
LuuKyK / LuuKyK / Brazil
Miutsu / Miutsu / Venezuela
Solidus51 / solidus51 / east coast USA
Tagg9 / TaggSte / BC, Canada
Ploid 3.0 / Ploid / Central USA
Cyborg009 / Jimmy-DeBABA / USA
IntelliHeath / IntelliHeath / US
SykoTech / SykoTech / US
CryoLombax / Timberland2K7 / US
Gorillaz / EboyWasHere / US
Oyashiro-Sama / FFVIIguy / US
thepotatoman / thepotatoman / US
ScraftyDevil / emeraldphoenix7 / Canada
Man-is-obsolete / Man-is-obsolete / USA
Figboy79 / Figboy / US
xkillthemx / killthem16 / NA
paskowitz / thepatriots / US
lolez2matt / lolez2matt / Chile
Kal Balboa / FoomMan / USA
Pai Pai Master / PaiPai / USA
libregkd / libregkd / USA
B.O.O.M / rathne / U.S.A
cool_trainer / cool_trainer / USA
Byronic Hero / MAST2DAA / US
Desmond / DessieB93 / Ireland
Drencrom / Drencrom / Sweden
Acquiescence / Acquiescence / England
Napalm_Frank / NapalmFrank / Fin
Grokbu / Grokbu / Sweden
TurkishEmperor / TurkishEmperor / EU
#1 defender / everlong416 / EU
Leezard / Fysik-orange / Sweden
Drencrom / Drencrom / Sweden
Acquiescence / Acquiescence / England
Napalm_Frank / NapalmFrank / Fin
Grokbu / Grokbu / Sweden
TurkishEmperor / TurkishEmperor / EU
#1 defender / everlong416 / EU
Leezard / Fysik-orange / Sweden
bakedpony / bakedpony1 / Phi