Hello everyone

I was quite happy with the PSX event today and will post some re-cap for news (includes non-PSX stuff too).
- Shantae Half Genie Hero is out to Early Access Backers and GameXplain released footage of the PC Version (Link:
- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Officially Shown Off: Focus on Crash 1 for playable footage and trailer but will also remaster Crash 2 and 3 Warped.
- Uncharted 4 DLC and Last of Us 2 Announced
- Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite announced and UMvC3 out now for PS4: Mega Man X and Captain Marvel new-comers to MvC series!
- Ys Origins PS4 and Vita Port announced
- New trailers for indie games (Rain World for example) released
- Lara Croft GO, Genu Mark of the Wolf: Out Now for PS4 and Vita
- PaRapa The Rapper Demo Out Now: Remaster of PS1 Classic for PS4. LocoLoco and Patapon also getting remastered for PS4
Edit: There was ALOT more then the above list of course, but will come back with a later post. If you guys would be interested in a daily (or bi-daily) news recap for this thread, let me know
