The PlayStation Network Thread is a monthly discussion thread for everything related to PlayStation systems, with a focus on PSN games and updates.

- Blazblue: Central Fiction (PS4, PS3)
- Root Letter (PS4, Vita)
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (PS4)
- Dishonored 2 (PS4)
- Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
- Killing Floor 2 (PS4)
- Amnesia Collection (PS4)
- Darksiders Warmastered Edition (PS4)
- Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
See a more comprehensive list of future releases at PSNStores.

Free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers this month:
- Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, PS4
- The Deadly Tower of Monsters, PS4
- Dirt 3, PS3
- Costume Quest 2, PS3
- Letter Quest Remastered, PS Vita, PS4
- Pumped BMX+, PS Vita, PS4, PS3

I will be Switch-ing to Nintendo next year, so the December thread will most likely be my last. Please PM me if you are interested in taking over the PSN thread.