December 2
- The Crew (PS4)
- Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy (Vita)
- Final Horizon (PS4)
- Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series, Episode One (PS4)
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix (PS3)
- Secret Ponchos (PS4)
- Syberia (PS4)
- Boss! (Vita)
- Flyhunter Origins (Vita)
- Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series, Episode One (PS3)
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Directors Cut (PS4)
- JUJU (PS3)
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4)
- Rock Boshers DX (PS4, Vita)
- Scourge: Outbreak (PS3)
- Tennis in the Face (PS4)
- Guilty Gear Xrd SIGN (PS4, PS3)
- Loadout (PS4)
- Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee HD (Vita)
- Super Mega Baseball (PS4, PS3)
- Tetris Ultimate (PS4)
- Broken Sword 5 The Serpent’s Curse: Episode 2 (Vita)
- Fieldrunners 2 (Vita)
- Resogun (PS3, Vita)
- Shake Spears! (PS3)
- Switch Galaxy Ultra (PS4, Vita)
- Trine Enchanted Edition (PS4)
See a more comprehensive list of future releases at PSNStores.

- Deadly Premonition (PS3)
- Final Horizon (Vita)
- Hitman HD Trilogy (PS3)
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (PS4)
- Secret Ponchos (PS4)
- Titan Attacks (PS4, PS3, Vita)
[*]Driveclub: PS+ Edition

I wasn’t sure if PDF 2nd would win, so I prepared a sad Miku header in the unfortunate event that the game lost. It turns out that I had nothing to worry about. These posters had the right idea:
The PD series has always been solid, and F 2nd is no exception. Catchy tunes and challenging gameplay make it more than worth the $40 price tag.
Bound to find a song you like, pretty graphics, and can get challenging.
Because people would get salty if we named it GotY already.

Quote to view and add yourself to the PSNGAF friend list!

The banner sure looks empty this month...