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PSN Donations - EU GAF show the world who's boss


Eurogamer said:
PlayStation players have donated more than 129.7 million yen (over £1.01m) to Sony's Japanese earthquake appeal.

Thousands of gamers answered Sony's call for support following the devastating natural disaster in Japan earlier this year.

North American PSN users raised £260,955, those in Europe and PAL territories stumped up £538,122, while Asian countries other than Japan coughed up £16,673. Japanese gamers themselves put down £181,751.

The money is being donated to organisations in each region already supporting relief and recovery efforts in earthquake and tsunami hit areas. Beneficiaries include the American Red Cross, the British Red Cross for Europe and the Red Feather Community Chest Movement for Japan and Asia.

PSN users who donated have now been given several unique PS3 themes as a reward for their efforts.

Sony itself initially donated 300m yen (£2.34m), a figure matched by Nintendo. Sega, Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei were among other companies to make sizable contributions.

Yay Europe and PAL territories, we truly are the land of charity and Sony.


Dr Frasier Crane said:
This is why we got the Last Story and Xenoblade. Our Japanese cousin's reward those who support their kin.

never forget


yes... i have donated
This comparison doesn't work without knowing the install base in each territory. If there's twice as many PS3s in Europe than in NA, then Europe raising twice as much doesn't mean that NA is cheap.
Mr_Brit said:
Embarrasing for non Euro GAF.

Why is this embarrassing? That statement slights each and every person in a non-Euro country that donates. Are you suggesting that an individuals contributions are lessened by somewhere else having a larger collective total?


GrandHarrier said:
Why is this embarrassing? That statement slights each and every person in a non-Euro country that donates. Are you suggesting that an individuals contributions are lessened by somewhere else having a larger collective total?

it begins...

to be honest I was expecting even less from the USA... anyway, this thread is more a 'good job Europe' than a 'shame on you USA'. Have a look at the amount raised by the Asian countries other than Japan.


toythatkills said:
This comparison doesn't work without knowing the install base in each territory. If there's twice as many PS3s in Europe than in NA, then Europe raising twice as much doesn't mean that NA is cheap.
Well, here's a list of the amount of PSN accounts. Anyone having the patience of combining all the european countries, go ahead.

Majine said:
Well, here's a list of the amount of PSN accounts. Anyone having the patience of combining all the european countries, go ahead.


Yeah I did it.

Row Labels	Sum of Volume	Sum of Volume2
Asia	         1789374	         2.31%
Japan	         7427038	         9.59%
North America	35621867	        46.00%
PAL	        31842947	        41.12%
South America 	  759224	         0.98%
So I call substantial PAL victory. With 41.12% of all PSN accounts EU donated 53.95% of donations. Boo to the US with 46% of PSN accounts but only 26.16% of donations.

Special mention to Japan who with 9.59% of accounts donated 18.22% of donations, and this with their PSN down!

[EDIT] Yes I know that this is overstating the numbers because people can have multiple accounts however they are what they are.


For a site calling themselves "Euro"gamer you'd expect some euro conversions in that article.

As I've said before, just rename the damn site to Britgamer.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Guessing this is USA's way of saying "Thank you for Pearl Harbor."

I'm kidding. Seriously though it's nice that people actually contribute. I did my part.
Actually does anyone know who administers South American PSN? Is it SCEA/SNEA? I mean it won't massively change the numbers.

Also India, is that PAL or Asia?
I think you Americans need to be a bit more charitable with your monies, tsk tsk.

Europe representing here. I just hope those stats give Sony pause for thought about where their consumers loyalty and generosity lie the most. Would be nice, for instance, if this charity were rewarded with a shift in the European launch price for the Vita. $249 is great value, but what we have to pay over here? You better believe we're getting shafted.


Yup, I donated.

I recently got asked by the red cross to give money to Ethiopia, right away I thought "pfft, no way" and threw it away. Later I remembered I donated to Japan, a first world country that is very able to support itself, especially compared to somewhere like Ethiopia which I refused to help.

Am I subconsciously racist?


Spiffy_1st said:
Yup, I donated.

I recently got asked by the red cross to give money to Ethiopia, right away I thought "pfft, no way" and threw it away. Later I remembered I donated to Japan, a first world country that is very able to support itself, especially compared to somewhere like Ethiopia which I refused to help.

Am I subconsciously racist?

Japanese aren't white, Ethipoians aren't white.



Nice! Well done, Europe.

The whole of PSN can be proud regardless of much or little was given, even the smallest amount makes a difference.


Charity begins at Home.

Glad I donated, after all this is bigger than gaming IMO, and glad other folk did too no matter where they're based.


Goldrusher said:
For a site calling themselves "Euro"gamer you'd expect some euro conversions in that article.

As I've said before, just rename the damn site to Britgamer.

Isnt there different eurogamers sites for each country?, im sure there is other versions.
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