About the game
Rayman Legends is a 2D platform game developped by Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft. The game is directed by Michel Ancel, creator of the original Rayman (1995) and sequels but also Beyond Good and Evil, King Kong and Tonic Trouble.
The game is the sequel to 2011's Rayman Origins

(Thanks Alpha_eX for the picture)
Descriptions are courtsesy of Peff
Wii U

+ Lead version. The main gimmick was designed with the Pad in mind.
+ Off-TV Play.
+ The only version that allows 5 people to play at the same time (one of them has to be Murfy).
+ Includes exclusive (duh) Luigi and Mario costumes
+ 1080p/60fps.
- Seemingly the most expensive version, at least in some places.
- Missing 5 levels exclusive to the Vita version.
- AI-controlled character during the Murfy sections in single-player.
- Depending on sales, competition in challenges could dry up pretty soon. Although this wasn't the case for the Challenge App.
PS3/Xbox 360

+ Safest bets for the online challenges in theory. But you never know...
+ 1080p/60fps
+ Trophies/Achievements (lol)
- No Murfy during multiplayer.
- Murfy amounts to little more than a QTE in single-player.
- Missing 5 levels exclusive to the Vita version.
Playstation Vita

+ Portable.
+ 5 exclusive levels, exclusive Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell skins.
+ Keeps all the touch functionality from the Wii U version.
+ DAT OLEDyaddayadda.
+ Cheaper than the console versions.
- Worse graphics.
- Multiplayer is 2 people only.
- AI-controlled character during the Murfy sections in single-player.
- Invaded levels present in other versions are missing. They will be patched in later for free, as per Ubisoft confirmation

+ 1080p/60fps... and beyond!
+ PS360 control pads are both playable.
+ The cheapest version of the game. Even cheaper with TF2 keys.
+ Playable with 3D Vision.
- While Origins was DRM-free, Legends seems to be tied to uplay.
- No Murfy during multiplayer.
- Murfy amounts to little more than a QTE in single-player.
- Missing 5 levels exclusive to the Vita version.
Release Dates
PAL : August the 29th 2013
North America : September the 3rd 2013
Except on VITA (delay confirmed):
PAL : September the 12th 2013
NA : September the 3rd 2013 (date un-changed for NA as per Joystiq article based on Ubi PR)
A distinction can be made between the two versions having touch controls (Vita and Wii U) and the three which have not (PC, PS3, Xbox 360).
The 2D platforming gameplay and content are similar for all versions. Cross the levels in random orders. New Levels unlock as we free little beingsnamed "Teensies" throughout the game. Rayman and the other Heroes (4 different types, 26 costumes + retailers exclusives costumes) have a selection of movements going from run, dash, jump, float, wall-runing, slide, shrinking, punch, "rodeo attack" style.
The game has 3 main types of levels :
Classic 2D platformer with ton of ideas and ever-changing level design.

Murfy's Level
Main difference between versions. On Wii U and Vita, Murfy's levels put the player in control of Murfy's action through the touch-screen while the on-screen character moves in response (or is directly controlled by another player in co-op). Initially intended gameplay, as Rayman Legends was created as a Wii U exclusive initially.
On the other platforms, Murfy's actions are mapped to a single-button. The player controls the on-screen character and Murphy places himself automatically on the interactive items, waiting for your button input.

Musical Levels
These are platforming levels with "Raymanized" covers of famous songs. Plays in rythm with the music.

The Game Features local Co-op up to 4 players (5 on Wii U, with Murphy's touch controls)
The game features a multiplayer mini-game (6 players) which consist in...well...chaos mostly, but you have to hit a soccer ball to score on the other camp...but it mostly ends up in bruises and slaps (on-screen and off...).

The game offers daily challenges allowing you to compete online to obtain the best scores through several modes (time attack, marathon on endless levels...). Online ranking, but also race against other player's ghosts.
Rayman Legends offer 6 different "Worlds", each containing several levels.
On top of that the game offers 40 "reworked" levels from Rayman Origins.
The game also offers "Invaded" levels which are mostly "Time-attacks" levels reworked to give a proper challenge, that is where the spice of the game lies.
The game offers plenty of un-lockables (costumes, Rayman Origin level, "Creatures" offering lums).
Sample of exclusive costumes :

And More Media

Launch trailer
A sample of reviews :
Gametrailers : 91/100
Gameinformer : 9/10
Joystiq : 4.5/5 Stars
Edge : 9/10
IGN : 9.5/10
Eurogamer : 100/100
Gamespot : 9/10
Polygon : 8.5/10
Cubed³ : 10/10
Destructoid : 8.5/10
Gamekult (French) : 8/10 + Selection
Be kind GAF, first OT, slightly amateurish, but Rayman Legends couldn't live without an OT any longer.
As for the Title, it's a translated quote from an Interview Michel Ancel had with french website Gamekult, linking the "lack of scenario" in Rayman Legends to something akin to porno : as long as you enjoy it, you don't really wonder why the people were there in the first place