
So I recently started another playthrough of FFXVI due to the recent DLC (Really good DLC BTW) and I realized that what I liked the most about the story was the Timeskips and how we get to see Clive at different stages of his life, first as a teenager, then in his 20s and finally in his 30s and now I'm looking for new games that use timeskips for their storytelling, any platform and type of game is fine.
Other examples:

Tales of Graces: The story starts when the main characters are children, sets up several plot points that will impact the story later and then the characters get abruptly separated, a timeskip happens and the characters get reunited again but now they are all grown up.

Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2: Several Timeskips happen in these games and some are incredibly meaningful, they are probably well known by now but I'll avoid spoilers and just say that even the endgame in each game is a timeskip in itself.