
"As we were exploring Westerns, one of the main themes to emerge was the idea of movement, of journeying across the land. At the same time, we asked, 'What does the West mean?' Is it outlaws and gunfights in one-horse towns, or the conflict between America and Mexico, or the coming of modernity to the great plains?
We couldn't really decide, and so for this to be the complete Western, we needed all three of those environments in there."
-- Dan Houser
We couldn't really decide, and so for this to be the complete Western, we needed all three of those environments in there."
-- Dan Houser

♦ May 18, 2010 (North America) ♦ western, open world, action ♦ Rockstar San Diego
♦ May 21, 2010 (most of Europe) ♦ with online free-roam, co-op & competitive ♦ written by Dan Houser
♦ five years in the making
♦ May 18, 2010 (North America) ♦ western, open world, action ♦ Rockstar San Diego
♦ May 21, 2010 (most of Europe) ♦ with online free-roam, co-op & competitive ♦ written by Dan Houser
♦ five years in the making

XBOX 360 OR PS3 ?
Technically, both versions run great with only subtle differences between the two. Fanboys can use this comparison thread to discuss.
As for content, the PS3 version comes with an additional Gang Hideout and Outfit.
Although there is no real collector's edition with a cowboy hat or something, there is however an edition with some extras.
In North America, it's named Special Edition and includes the game's soundtrack, as well as some of the pre-order bonuses.
In Europe, it's named Limited Edition, and also includes the soundtrack and all of the pre-order bonus content.
Technically, both versions run great with only subtle differences between the two. Fanboys can use this comparison thread to discuss.
As for content, the PS3 version comes with an additional Gang Hideout and Outfit.
Although there is no real collector's edition with a cowboy hat or something, there is however an edition with some extras.
In North America, it's named Special Edition and includes the game's soundtrack, as well as some of the pre-order bonuses.
In Europe, it's named Limited Edition, and also includes the soundtrack and all of the pre-order bonus content.

America, early 1900's. The era of the cowboy is coming to an end.
When federal agents threaten his family, former outlaw John Marston is sent across the American frontier to help bring the rule of law.
Experience intense gun battles, dramatic train robberies, bounty hunting and duels during a time of violent change.
"It's America. The birth of modern America. What was gained and what was lost.
From our perspective, this movement from some kind of violent freedom to some kind of situation of much more overt state control; the movement from the individual to a larger collective where you have a lot less individual control over your life, or at least it feels that way. Whether you have that control or not is not clear but I think that movement from a primitive time to a time where we can see enormous parallels with our own time is what we found interesting about that period."
-- Dan Houser
When federal agents threaten his family, former outlaw John Marston is sent across the American frontier to help bring the rule of law.
Experience intense gun battles, dramatic train robberies, bounty hunting and duels during a time of violent change.
"It's America. The birth of modern America. What was gained and what was lost.
From our perspective, this movement from some kind of violent freedom to some kind of situation of much more overt state control; the movement from the individual to a larger collective where you have a lot less individual control over your life, or at least it feels that way. Whether you have that control or not is not clear but I think that movement from a primitive time to a time where we can see enormous parallels with our own time is what we found interesting about that period."
-- Dan Houser

"I grew up in the foothills of gold-rush country in California and spent my summers camping in the mountains and deserts of the West. So these locations are very personal to me.
Visually, we wanted to push the theme of the dying of the Old West by showing the harshness of the environment: everything is sun-bleached and scorched, dirt and dust float in the air continually, grit and grime are in every corner of every room. Life back then was difficult, so we made it that even the buildings look as though they've lived a hard life. Along with layering dirt and grime everywhere, one of the things we did was keep the colour saturation of the world low.
Happy, bright colours tend to make for a light-hearted or fantasy experience, which was the polar-opposite of what I wanted to achieve. That isn't to say the game is black and white, but it does allow for the colourful moments to mean much more. For example, the sunsets in our game are the moments where we bring focus to the vastness and grandeur of the open landscape."
-- Daren Bader, Creative Director
Visually, we wanted to push the theme of the dying of the Old West by showing the harshness of the environment: everything is sun-bleached and scorched, dirt and dust float in the air continually, grit and grime are in every corner of every room. Life back then was difficult, so we made it that even the buildings look as though they've lived a hard life. Along with layering dirt and grime everywhere, one of the things we did was keep the colour saturation of the world low.
Happy, bright colours tend to make for a light-hearted or fantasy experience, which was the polar-opposite of what I wanted to achieve. That isn't to say the game is black and white, but it does allow for the colourful moments to mean much more. For example, the sunsets in our game are the moments where we bring focus to the vastness and grandeur of the open landscape."
-- Daren Bader, Creative Director

The map is roughly twice the size of San Andreas and three times the size of Grand Theft Auto IV's Liberty City.
♦ based on: New Mexico, Texas
New Austin is home to scattered townships and forts - but far from tamed. Savage outlaws and wild animals still roam the open spaces, and wary travelers share the newly cut roads with as many bandits as farmers. Trains and coaches move quickly between the larger towns, but a sidearm is a necessity when traveling by horseback.
♦ based on: Mexico
Red soil, enormous mesas and scorching midday sun make passing through these lands an unforgettable journey. In quieter times, the locals are not likely to bother a stranger - but there is talk of a civil war brewing in the hills, and mounted army patrols are quick to extinguish any signs of trouble.
♦ based on: Wyoming, Colorado
Home to the bustling Blackwater, one of the many modern, burgeoning new townships that sprung up across America in the dying days of the Old West.
West Elizabeth may provide a taste of early 20th century modernity, but also its fair share of wilderness and danger. From the wolves prowling the snows of Nekoti Rock to the fierce Grizzlies in the forests above Manzanita to the ruthless card sharks at the tables in Blackwater - traveling the North requires caution and wile.
♦ based on: New Mexico, Texas
New Austin is home to scattered townships and forts - but far from tamed. Savage outlaws and wild animals still roam the open spaces, and wary travelers share the newly cut roads with as many bandits as farmers. Trains and coaches move quickly between the larger towns, but a sidearm is a necessity when traveling by horseback.
♦ based on: Mexico
Red soil, enormous mesas and scorching midday sun make passing through these lands an unforgettable journey. In quieter times, the locals are not likely to bother a stranger - but there is talk of a civil war brewing in the hills, and mounted army patrols are quick to extinguish any signs of trouble.
♦ based on: Wyoming, Colorado
Home to the bustling Blackwater, one of the many modern, burgeoning new townships that sprung up across America in the dying days of the Old West.
West Elizabeth may provide a taste of early 20th century modernity, but also its fair share of wilderness and danger. From the wolves prowling the snows of Nekoti Rock to the fierce Grizzlies in the forests above Manzanita to the ruthless card sharks at the tables in Blackwater - traveling the North requires caution and wile.

Fun facts:
♦ You can fast travel from any campsite to any visited town.
♦ When you're stranded in the middle of nowhere, the game will make sure there's a wild horse around for you to capture.
Methods of transportation:
Obviously! There is however quite a variety of breeds, with different personalities, speeds and stamina. Wild horses can be tamed.
♦ Horses auto-jump over obstacles, but aren't stupid and won't jump off cliffs.
♦ There are also mules and in MP even a Tijuana Zebra.
Stagecoaches and other horse-drawn used vehicles. Some towns have one that can be used as a taxi.
Some areas have a railroad network which you can use. Trains and taxi stagecoaches allow you to either enjoy the ride or skip the travel.
♦ You can fast travel from any campsite to any visited town.
♦ When you're stranded in the middle of nowhere, the game will make sure there's a wild horse around for you to capture.
Methods of transportation:
Obviously! There is however quite a variety of breeds, with different personalities, speeds and stamina. Wild horses can be tamed.
♦ Horses auto-jump over obstacles, but aren't stupid and won't jump off cliffs.
♦ There are also mules and in MP even a Tijuana Zebra.
Stagecoaches and other horse-drawn used vehicles. Some towns have one that can be used as a taxi.
Some areas have a railroad network which you can use. Trains and taxi stagecoaches allow you to either enjoy the ride or skip the travel.

"It's always worth sitting at camp with random strangers, you never know what interesting stories you might hear. Some Mexican dude was just telling me about a prostitute he'd seen who could "shoot water out of her concha with the force of a hose.""
--Gary Whitta
♦ no NPC (non-playable character) is the same, their appearances are randomly generated
♦ hundreds of random events (which happen to NPCs as well)
♦ there are still native Americans, but not living in tipis anymore
♦ houses can be broken into, possessions can be stolen
♦ gangs can take over towns
♦ after you've eliminated every inhabitant, ghost towns will remain abandoned for two to three in-game days
♦ gang hideouts can be cleared out
♦ wanted posters to find and capture criminals dead or alive
--Gary Whitta
♦ no NPC (non-playable character) is the same, their appearances are randomly generated
♦ hundreds of random events (which happen to NPCs as well)
♦ there are still native Americans, but not living in tipis anymore
♦ houses can be broken into, possessions can be stolen
♦ gangs can take over towns
♦ after you've eliminated every inhabitant, ghost towns will remain abandoned for two to three in-game days
♦ gang hideouts can be cleared out
♦ wanted posters to find and capture criminals dead or alive

"Rockstar has a very odd place in the industry because there's an audience who appreciates the way its games criticize our culture and there's an audience who just love running around and blowing things up. I think the first group will love to see Rockstar explore the mythology of the Old West, but it's hard to know if the second will find that as interesting."
-- Tom Bissell, author
-- Tom Bissell, author

♦ movement: left analog, X/A to sprint (tap, then hold), square/X to jump & climb
♦ camera: right analog (press for Dead Eye)
♦ weapons: d-pad hotkeys, L1/LB weapon wheel, circle/B to holster your weapon
♦ shooting: R1/RB cover, L2/LT to aim, R2/RT to shoot, square/X for an evasive roll
♦ horse: d-pad up to whistle for a horse, triangle/Y to mount
♦ (dis)mount: triangle/Y
♦ movement: left analog, X/A to use spurs (increases speed), R1/RB to pull on reins (slow down)
♦ shooting: L1/LB to draw a weapon, L2/LT to aim, R2/RT to shoot
♦ camera: right analog (press for Dead Eye)
The game has three difficulty settings, each with their own aiming system.
♦ Casual (full auto-aim + faster regenerating health)
♦ Normal (snap-to-target with precise aiming using the right stick)
♦ Expert (free aim)
Most missions have checkpoints.
When injured, your health regenerates, but you can speed it up with food or medicine.
There are many outfits to buy and earn. Ranging from your original cowboy garments to elegant suits. There is also headgear (ie hats & bandannas) and you upgrade things like bandoliers to carry more ammo.
Marston can carry a ton of stuff with him.
♦ campsites (which can be set up anywhere to add new "safe houses")
♦ newspapers
♦ treasure maps
♦ wanted posters
♦ weapons & binoculars
♦ various story-related items
♦ movement: left analog, X/A to sprint (tap, then hold), square/X to jump & climb
♦ camera: right analog (press for Dead Eye)
♦ weapons: d-pad hotkeys, L1/LB weapon wheel, circle/B to holster your weapon
♦ shooting: R1/RB cover, L2/LT to aim, R2/RT to shoot, square/X for an evasive roll
♦ horse: d-pad up to whistle for a horse, triangle/Y to mount
♦ (dis)mount: triangle/Y
♦ movement: left analog, X/A to use spurs (increases speed), R1/RB to pull on reins (slow down)
♦ shooting: L1/LB to draw a weapon, L2/LT to aim, R2/RT to shoot
♦ camera: right analog (press for Dead Eye)
The game has three difficulty settings, each with their own aiming system.
♦ Casual (full auto-aim + faster regenerating health)
♦ Normal (snap-to-target with precise aiming using the right stick)
♦ Expert (free aim)
Most missions have checkpoints.
When injured, your health regenerates, but you can speed it up with food or medicine.
There are many outfits to buy and earn. Ranging from your original cowboy garments to elegant suits. There is also headgear (ie hats & bandannas) and you upgrade things like bandoliers to carry more ammo.
Marston can carry a ton of stuff with him.
♦ campsites (which can be set up anywhere to add new "safe houses")
♦ newspapers
♦ treasure maps
♦ wanted posters
♦ weapons & binoculars
♦ various story-related items

Choices you make will affect your levels of Honor and Fame, changing the way townsfolk respond to you and gaining you the reputation of a well-respected and law-abiding gunslinger - or a notorious outlaw.
Your Honor changes based on the choices you make. Behaving honorably by rescuing stranded travelers, helping townsfolk in need or choosing to capture instead of killing criminals for bounty will increase your Honor. Honorable men earn favorable discounts with merchants, and lawmen turn a blind eye to small crimes. You are of course always free to choose a dishonorable path instead; killing townsfolk, stealing horses and robbing banks will see your Honor plummet… but it might also make you rich.
The actions you take will also affect your Fame throughout the territories. Becoming more famous will have its rewards: people will come to you for help and greet you by name; shopkeepers will give you discounts, and new opportunities for work will open on the frontier. But a famous gunslinger attracts attention, and gunfighters will come out of the woodwork to challenge you to duels in the hope of making a name for themselves.
Your Honor changes based on the choices you make. Behaving honorably by rescuing stranded travelers, helping townsfolk in need or choosing to capture instead of killing criminals for bounty will increase your Honor. Honorable men earn favorable discounts with merchants, and lawmen turn a blind eye to small crimes. You are of course always free to choose a dishonorable path instead; killing townsfolk, stealing horses and robbing banks will see your Honor plummet… but it might also make you rich.
The actions you take will also affect your Fame throughout the territories. Becoming more famous will have its rewards: people will come to you for help and greet you by name; shopkeepers will give you discounts, and new opportunities for work will open on the frontier. But a famous gunslinger attracts attention, and gunfighters will come out of the woodwork to challenge you to duels in the hope of making a name for themselves.

There are over 30 weapons in the game, including:
♦ Cattleman revolver
♦ Colt Police Positive revolver
♦ LeMat revolver
♦ Schofield revolver
♦ Borchardt C-93 pistol
♦ Colt 1903 pistol
♦ Mauser pistol
♦ Volcanic pistol
♦ Carcano rifle
♦ Henry rifle
♦ Krag-Jørgensen M1898
♦ Sharps rifle
♦ Spencer repeating rifle
♦ Springfield Model 1873
♦ Winchester 1894
♦ Winchester 1903
♦ Browning Automatic 5
♦ Winchester Model 1897
♦ Double-barreled shotgun
♦ Sawed-off shotgun
♦ Knife
♦ Throwing knife
♦ Lasso
♦ Dynamite
♦ Molotov cocktail
♦ Cattleman revolver
♦ Colt Police Positive revolver
♦ LeMat revolver
♦ Schofield revolver
♦ Borchardt C-93 pistol
♦ Colt 1903 pistol
♦ Mauser pistol
♦ Volcanic pistol
♦ Carcano rifle
♦ Henry rifle
♦ Krag-Jørgensen M1898
♦ Sharps rifle
♦ Spencer repeating rifle
♦ Springfield Model 1873
♦ Winchester 1894
♦ Winchester 1903
♦ Browning Automatic 5
♦ Winchester Model 1897
♦ Double-barreled shotgun
♦ Sawed-off shotgun
♦ Knife
♦ Throwing knife
♦ Lasso
♦ Dynamite
♦ Molotov cocktail

"Sometimes you can be the hero, sometimes you can be the bad guy, and sometimes while you're deciding what to do, a bear comes out of nowhere and eats someone."
-- Dan Houser
-- Dan Houser

The game will present you with various challenges (Start -> Journal) in each of the following categories.
There are over 40 animal species to hunt, ranging from beavers to grizzly bears. Use bait to attract animals.
Meat, skin, horns, claws and more can all be exchanged for money.
♦ horses, cows, pigs, chickens
♦ dogs, coyotes, wolves
♦ cougars, grizzly bears
♦ deer, bison, bighorn sheep, elk
♦ rattlesnakes, armadillos, beavers
♦ vultures, bats
♦ ...
A treasure map will lead you to gold... and another map.
Wanted posters feature criminals which can be tracked down for a reward.
When given a "dead or alive" option, the latter nets you a larger reward. If you kill the felon, proof of death must be brought back to town.
Plants and flowers can be sold to pharmacists.
There are over 40 animal species to hunt, ranging from beavers to grizzly bears. Use bait to attract animals.
Meat, skin, horns, claws and more can all be exchanged for money.
♦ horses, cows, pigs, chickens
♦ dogs, coyotes, wolves
♦ cougars, grizzly bears
♦ deer, bison, bighorn sheep, elk
♦ rattlesnakes, armadillos, beavers
♦ vultures, bats
♦ ...
A treasure map will lead you to gold... and another map.
Wanted posters feature criminals which can be tracked down for a reward.
When given a "dead or alive" option, the latter nets you a larger reward. If you kill the felon, proof of death must be brought back to town.
Plants and flowers can be sold to pharmacists.

♦ card games (Texas hold 'em, Blackjack, etc.)
♦ knife game / 5-finger fillet
♦ Liar's Dice
♦ horseshoes
♦ arm wrestling
♦ movie theatres
♦ knife game / 5-finger fillet
♦ Liar's Dice
♦ horseshoes
♦ arm wrestling
♦ movie theatres

♦ cattle herding
♦ burglary
♦ bank robbery
♦ dueling
♦ sharpshooting (birds)
♦ racing
♦ burglary
♦ bank robbery
♦ dueling
♦ sharpshooting (birds)
♦ racing