Welcome to the NeoGAF RESIDENT EVIL Community Thread. This thread will eventually be moved to the Community Forum.

As with the FINAL FANTASY Community Thread, this thread will serve as a place to discuss the Resident Evil (Biohazard) series. Good discussions to be had in here include:
- Tank Controls - Yay or Nay?
- Traditional vs. New Style Resident Evil
- Best and Worst games in the series
- Whatever happened to Sherry/Barry/Rebecca/etc.
As for actual rules, I'll just reuse Kagari's from the FF thread:
- No dirty, obnoxious fanart.
- Please don't insult other members for any reason. Let's all have fun here.
- No linking to scans or any other content that doesn't belong here. You should know this already.
- This isn't really a thread for news, so please keep that in their respective topics.
- To be helpful in discussion, please list the RE game you're talking about in bold at the start of your post.
And now, a very quick run down of the main games in the series:

Resident Evil (1996/2002) - PlayStation, PlayStation Network, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo DS, Wii, Sega Saturn, Microsoft Windows
Taking place in 1998, S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team's Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine are on a mission to rescue the Bravo Team and are trapped within a zombie-infested mansion that holds a very dark secret.

Resident Evil 2 (1998) - PlayStation, PlayStation Network, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows
On September 29, 1998, two months after the Spencer Estate incident, Claire Redfield (Chris Redfield's sister) and Leon Kennedy (a rookie cop) enter and subsequently try to escape the vastly infected Raccoon City and the clutches of William Birkin and his horrendous transformation.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) - PlayStation, PlayStation Network, Nintendo GameCube, Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows
Taking place simultaneously with Resident Evil 2, Jill Valentine, tries to escape Raccoon City and is chased by Nemesis in the process.

Resident Evil CODE: Veronica (2000) - PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Nintendo GameCube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows
On December 27, 1998, three months after Resident Evil 2, Claire Redfield continues searching for her brother, only to end up captured and sent to Rockfort Island. Claire encounters Steve Burnside and together they try to escape the accursed island, only to discover the secrets of the Ashford family. Chris Redfield later learns of his sister's capture and goes to rescue her, but his old captain, Albert Wesker, awaits.

Resident Evil Zero (2002) - Nintendo GameCube, Wii
A prequel to Resident Evil starring Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen. The game begins a day before the Spencer Estate incident (Resident Evil) where Rebecca stumbles upon a convict named Billy Coen and together they try to escape the the Arklay Mansion from James Marcus' sinister "leech" plan.

Resident Evil 4 (2004) - PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Nintendo GameCube, Wii, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Zeebo, iPhone, iPad
Taking place in 2004 in Southern Europe, Leon Kennedy ventures to the Las Plagas-infected village to search and rescue Ashley Graham, the American President's daughter. During this mission, he discovers the evil plan of the Los Illuminados cult and encounters Ada Wong again.

Resident Evil 5 (2009) - PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows
Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar venture to a remote village in Africa called Kijuju and discover that the villagers are infected with an advanced strain of the Las Plagas (Resident Evil 4). They also find out that Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield's long time rival, is working with Excella Gionne, the head of Tricell Africa, to develop the Uroborus virus.

Resident Evil: Revelations (2012) - Nintendo 3DS
Set in 2005, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine venture to a luxury cruise ship and discover that the ship has experienced a viral outbreak. An organization called Veltro is responsible for the incident and apparently has the capability of infecting much of the world if their demands aren't met.

Thanks to:
- ULTROS! for the descriptions and images, and for the idea for the thread
- Yama for the banner
- Kagari for providing a template for this thread and for moving it to the Community Forum in due time