Developed by: Insomniac Games
Platform: PlayStation 3
Genre: First Person Shooter
Players: 1-16
Release Dates:
North America - September 6th
Europe - September 9th
| Warning: Spoilers |
Time Line:
In Tunguska, Sibera, a mysterious explosion causes and environmental catastrophe, flattening 2,150square kilmeters of forest. The resulting changes to atmospheric pressure register on barographs as far away as Iceland.
1921 - Russia cuts off all communication with the outside world. As a result, they construct the Red Curtain, a fortified barrier that stretches the entirety of Russias western border.
1927 - The Chimera begin their assault on Russia. Unable to fight, Russian scientists seek to find a cure for the Chimeran Virus, led by Dr. Fydor Malikov.
1949 - The Chimera have completely overrun Russia, and break through the Red Curtain. The entirety of Europe is captured and converted within the year.
October 1950. Project Abraham begins on a secret military base in Alaska. It was an initiative by the Special Research Projects Administration (SRPA) to cure the Chimeran Virus (then known to be the European Influenza to the rest of the world). Seven volunteers are selected for testing. Out of the 6 tested, only two survived. Nathan Hale, and Joseph Capelli. The last subject was released before the project was decommissioned in December. Survivors of the project give birth to a breed of new Soldiers, known as Sentinels.
In 1951, the United States commences Operation Deliverance. The US Army Deployed a task force of more than 5,000 Soldiers; among them was Sgt. Nathan Hale. The task force was to aid the British in the fight against the Chimera, in exchange for a captured Angel, a breed of Chimera that could help turn the tides of war. The task force was wiped out almost immediately after landing by a Chimeran spire missile, the only survivor was Nathan Hale. Sgt. Hale would go on to destroy the Chimeran tower located in London. Later, Sgt. Hale is recovered by United States Black Ops Soldiers, and taken to Iceland.
Two years after the events of Resistance: Fall of Man, the United States finds itself under attack against a growing and near unstoppable Chimeran force. The Chimera push their way through the Liberty Defense Perimiter, crushing the United States in their path. As a last ditch effort, Nathan Hale and fellow sentinels proceed with Operation Black Eden. A fission bomb is planted on a Chimeran Warship, eliminating the fleet as it explodes over the Chicxulub Crater. Joseph Capelli and Nathan Hale are the only survivors. Cappli awakens to find Hale has been completely overrun by the virus, and has lost his humanity. To preserve Lt. Hales dignity and honor, Capelli executes him.
Following Operation Black Eden, Joseph Capelli is dishonorably discharged from the United States Army for murdering Lt Nathan Hale. 4 years later, Joseph has settled down in Haven, Oklahoma with his wife Susan, and son Jack. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction, only pockets of resistance remain, fighting and living underground. Dr. Fydor Malikov finds Joseph, and tells him he believes he knows how he can stop the Chimera once and for all. With a deadly winter on the horizon, Capelli regretfully joins him, knowing its the only chance his family has to survive.
All of these instruments of death,excluding the sledge hammer can be upgraded twice.
Carbine - Your basic military issue assault rifle. The Carbine is a do all, kill all weapon. With an under-barrel 40mm grenade launcher, the Carbine is a dynamic killing machine good for close to mid-ranged combat.
Bullseye - A staple of the Resistance Universe. This is the Chimeran version of the assault rifle. It fires high powered energy rounds, and carries tag rounds. Once an enemy is tagged, all subsequent shots will follow the tag, inflicting
massive damage on the target.
Auger-Chimeran beam-rifle that can shoot and penetrate through solid surfaces. Advanced optics allows to see enemies behind solid walls or when they're
. Secondary function deploys a protective energy-shield that can be penetrated only by melee attacks or another Auger beam
HE 44 Magnum-6-Bullets Baby that rips everything that stands on it's way. Perfect for skull-popping or ordinary blasting fun. Secondary function allows to detonate bullets when already inside the targets' body inflicting damage to all targets in vicinity.
Rossmore - The Rossmore is more than a basic shotgun. It is capable of firing incendiary ammunition, and carries a powerful concussion grenade capable of disorienting targets and setting them ablaze. This weapon is king of close-quarters gun fights.
Marksman - Returning from Resistance 2, the Marksman once again dominates outside of mid-range, but isnt quite as powerful at sniper range. With a powerful 3-round burst, the Marksman is capable of taking out enemies at long range. It can also deploy a stationary turret to inflict damage on enemies.
Deadeye - The Chimeran Sniper Rifle. This weapon fires deadly energy beams to inflict damage on its target. The secondary fire is a charged round capable of downing a target in one hit. In its upgraded state, the secondary fire can pass through most surfaces, killing targets behind cover.
Mutator - The Mutator. This weapon tosses toxic chemical rounds capable of turning enemies into living flesh bombs. Its secondary fire is a gas canister that does damage over time to its enemies. Enemies that blow up will damage other allies, potentially killing them. This is a fantastic weapon for crowd control, given its potential for damage.
Note: Refer to the Mutator as the poop pipe.
Atomizer - The Atomizer functions similarly to a Gatling gun...if said gun shot high charged beams of electricity and ripped its enemies apart atom by atom. Its secondary fire launches an electro-static orb capable of latching on to enemies and electrocuting them when they are within range.
Firestorm -Chimeran rocket-launcher with tracking/homing function. Can be used on all types of targets and it is the only weapon that can take down Chimeran air-carrier units (Dropships).
Cryogun -Very advanced ice machine. It shoots ice-rounds that instantly freezes enemies on spot and allows to take them down with melee attack or with some other weapon. Secondary blast shoots a radiant freeze-wave that freezes larger groups of enemies.
Sledge hammer-Ordinary heavy hammer used for stone crushing. Have no secondary function, only primary: to melee-crush everything that stands on it's way.
Berserk System - In Resistance 3, the Berserk system has been retooled to reward players for kills rather than filling a meter for any experienced gained. In order to earn a Berserk, a player must achieve consequtive kills without dying. If a player dies, the Berserk is kept, however, it does not count toward the next Berserk, and the player will not be able to earn another until the existing Berserk is used.
3 Killstreak - Players who kill 3 consecutive players will earn an Assault Shield or Invisibility for Humans and Chimera, respectively.
6 Killstreak - 6 consecutive kills will net the player access to the devastating Auger.
9 Killstreak - Gaining 9 consecutive kills will allow the player to wield a massive Grenade Launcher while geared in Power Armor for Humans, or mutating into a Chimeran Raveger.
Abilities - Resistance 3 borrows some elements from Resistance 2s Co-op Mechanics with its unique Abilities system. Players have access to ablities that either augment their own status (Tactical Abilities), or buff their team mates (Support Abilities).
Bubble Shield - The bubble shield allows players to deploy a large dome-like shield that protects players and their allies. While they will prevent players from taking damage, they can only take a fixed amount of damage, and shots can pass through once it is weak enough.
Spotter - Spotter Marks a target, highligting them in red. This is particularly useful in helping the team finish off targets should you fail to kill the enemy. It also makes then easily identifiable to other players.
Ammo Beacon - The Ammo beacon is one of the most useful abilities in the game, allowing players to replenish their own ammo, as well as that of their allies, so long as they are within the area of effect. The ammo beacon also negates the necessity to reload. When upgraded, it can replenish secondary fire, as well as grenades. Perfect for battles that would otherwise require heavy fire and reload.
Radar Beacon - Similar to the Ammo Beacon, the Radar Beacon will aid your allies with enhanced radar detection, so long as they remain within its area of effect.
Health Beacon - The health beacon will allow players to deploy a regenerative ring that will heal all players who are within its area of effect. This is a powerful tool for a speedy recovery after an intense fire fight.
Decoy - The decoy will drop a stationary Hologram that mimics the players movements and actions. While it is easy to spot, it is very effective for those players who wish to remain stationary and wait for their prey to find them.
Doppelganger - Similar to the Decoy, the Doppelganger deploys a hologram. The key difference is that this hologram will follow directly beside the player, possibly luring enemy fire and allowing the player to get the drop on his enemies.
Lighting Shield - Affectionately referred to as the Electric Hoola Hoop, the Lightning Sheild will protect players from Melee damage, and in return, deal damage to the enemy. Very handy for snipers who want to take those extra precautions to prevent stealth melee kills.
Dash - The dash ability will allow players to quickly travel a great distance in a very short period of time, allowing them to close the gap in a particularly snappy fashion. Very useful for short ranged weapons like the Shotgun, Mutator, and Atomizer.
Turrets - A deployable automated turret capable of defending an area within its range. It is armed with a fast firing machine gun as well as rockets.
Perks - In addition to Berserks and Abilities, Resistance 3 also introduces a perk system to the title that allows players to augment their performance while equipped.
Strapped - Allows players to carry two primary weapons. When upgraded, offers an additional primary weapon slot.
Gunslinger - Improves hip-fire accuracy as well as reload times when upgraded.
Leaper Corpse - The bane of many mans existence, this perk will spawn a gang of leapers from your rotting corpse after youve been destroyed by the enemy in a most embarrassing fashion (NOOB). Upgrades offer more leapers as well as Spitters.
Air-cooled Barrel - Increase your rate of fire while in ironsights. The upgrade will allow you faster aiming and movement speed while in ironsights.
Body Armor - Increases player health, but also decreases player movement speed. Upgraded body armor will yield faster movement speed (which is still slower than the default movement speed).
Tracker - Tracker will display the footprints of enemies throughout the map. Upgraded tracker will show fresh tracks as warm and older tracks as cold, making it easier to find closer targets.
Vital Signs - Allows you to see the health of an enemy when their nameplate is visable. Upgraded vital signs also display an icon showing enemys selected tactical ability.
preview of it:
Thanks B33 and Skidd!
Community Links:
MyResistance - The Official Resistance community website.
Global Resistance - A social strategy game within the Resistance Universe. Playing will unlock additional content in Resistance 3 (Multiplayer skins, concept art, titles, etc).
Insomniac Games - Insomniac Games Community Forum
Resistance: Fall of Man - The official R:FoM website, featuring an in-depth time-line of events from 1908 to 1950.
Project Abraham - Project Abraham Website. Catch up on character info, and see people get injected with the Chimeran virus and the nasty after effects.

Q: Will the 8 player co-op from Resistance 2 make a return in Resistance 3?
A: No. The larger co-op campaign was scrapped to focus entirely on the SP and MP experience. The Campaign can still be played via 2 player co-op, either online or offline.
Q: How do I upgrade my weapons in Multiplayer?
A: You must earn a custom load out prior to purchasing and upgrading weapons. Once you have reached the appropriate level, you will be able to purchase and upgrade all unlocked weapons and abilities using Skill Points.
Q: How do I earn Skill Points?
A: Skill Points are earned as you level up in Multiplayer.
Q: Does Resistance 3 feature a New Game+ mode?
A: Yes, R3 has New Game+. You will be able to replay the campaign and fully upgrade your arsenal, as it wont be possible in one play-through.
Q: Will Resistance 3 mark the return of the weapon wheel?
A: Yes, the weapon wheel makes its glorious and triumphant return in Resistance 3.
Q: Will Resistance 3 feature dedicated servers, similar to its previous two titles?
A: Yes, Resistance 3 will feature dedicated servers for multiplayer.
Q: Does Resistance 3 have PlayStation Move support?
A: Yes, R3 wlil support PlayStation Move, as well as 3D for those with 3D sets.
Q: What difficulty should I start on?
A: The game has been tuned for Hard difficulty, so this will be the ideal experience (unless youre made of wet toilet paper).
Q: When will the Demo for Resistance 3 go live?
A: The demo will be available on September 6th.
Q: Does R3 feature a cinema mode or custom soundtracks?
A: No, R3 will not have either of these features.
Q: How many MP maps will be featured in Resistance 3?
A: There are over 10 maps, some with varying sizes. There are maps specific to 2v2 and 4v4 games. All maps will not support all game types.
Q: Is there any post game release content planned?
A: Yes, there is post-release support and content planned and in the works.
Many thanks to MrPliskin for making the topic, and to Y2Kev for posting it.