Take this with a massive grain of salt. This stuff reads like fan fiction. Regardless, here's the "leak":
As you can see, there's a lot to unpack. But, this seems way out there.
- A new re release of Phantom Pain is being announced at Gamescom by Konami. Some of the press was shown it on Friday.
- Intention behind the release is to win back Western audience after the backlash that Survive got.
- They got Fukushima to helm the project, he's also the main writer. Team is Metal Gear veterans, with people who worked on Portable Ops and Ghost Babel on board.
- Game reuses everything from the base game, but restructures and recontextualize the story/cutscene.
- Full English redub (Japanese cast is mostly the same) with Big Boss being voiced by Richard Doyle, his MGS4 voice actor. Kiefer is, however, still in, voicing Ishmael and the Medic, with a handful of new lines (is in more of cameo role then anything) James Horan as Skullface, and Downes as Kaz are the only real returning actors.
- Story has been completely changed, and has approximately three hours of completely new cutscenes, and quite a bit of the old ones have been extremely edited.
- Ground Zeroes is fully integrated into the game, and serves as a prologue.
- One such example is a revamped intro, in which it depicts Morpho's crash at the end of GZ, in which you have limited control of Big Boss, crawling through the wreckage, and watching a XOF kill team lead by Skullface, killing a bunch of survivors, which is the trailer in it's entirety.
- Abducts Chico, and Skullface is about to deliver the coup de grace on Boss, when the Medic attacks him from behind. A small, but brutal CQC battle ensures, with Skullface eventually overwhelming Venom, before he's killed with a knife to his throat.
- Snake and Kaz are saved at the last minute, by a gunship, forcing XOF to retreat with Chico in tow. Trailer ends with Boss losing conscious, as he's being dragged into a heli by Cipher Special Forces led by Ocelot.
- To make things clear, the game is intended to stomp out Kojima''s vision of the series (despite the rendition being built on alot of unused concepts Hideo discarded).
- Reflected in the title, which is Metal Gear Solid 5, instead of V.
- Some discard previously, but brought back ideas include the hospital escape being far more horrific and demonic, Boss hallucinates the staff as Undead horrors.
- Quiet has been...reworked. The character has been split into two. "Quiet" now dies in the hospital after being set on fire "by" Ishmael (whose legit a hallucination/spirit of Venom) the AI buddy ally half of her character is now a Ukraine sniper, Albatross, a completely new character. Fully clothed, she's a mercenary in league with the Soviets. Still an AI buddy, but much more mundane, and is a associate of Ocelot.
- You get to bring generic Diamond Dog soldiers with you on missions, they act as expendable buddies. (And can be perma killed)
- D.D, D.Horse, and D.Walker are in unchanged.
- Entirely new buddies include Battle Gear, which was previously cut from the game. Basically the Zeke building segment of Peace Walker...with the addition of being able to drive it (deploying cost alot though). And Red. (Chico as he was supposed to be in Phantom Pain. Is also a midgame boss.)
- Only characters consist to their PP portrayal are Kaz (whose still an angry prick with the same role) and Huey (whose still a treasonous bastard) Ocelot and Skullface might as well be two completely different characters. Code Talker has been cut.
- Is being billed as a "game as a service". Reworked Kingdom of the Flies is a pre order bonus, and they'll be addition sub narratives as DLC. Only way really the higher ups greenlighted the project in the first place.
- Release date is December this year.
As you can see, there's a lot to unpack. But, this seems way out there.
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