Developer: Volition, Inc.
Platform: PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | PC
Genre: Action-adventure open world
Release Dates:
- August 20, 2013 (US)
- August 23, 2013 (EU)
Players: 1-2
Washington, D.C. Little did anyone know where the Saints would end up next. Following a string of politically-savvy missions against the enemies of freedom, the Third Street Saints swept the election and found
themselves running the number one gang in the world: America. After appointing their most trusted allies to the Cabinet, the Boss set about steering America toward a better tomorrow. And they just might have succeeded,
if the Zin Empire hadnt invaded Earth and set about subjugating the best and brightest minds the planet had to offer.
Including, of course, the Third Street Saints.

Saints Row IV continues on from the "Save Shaundi" ending to Saints Row: The Third. Taking place 5 years after the Saints rescue America from a nuclear rocket launched by Cyrus Temple, an alien race known as the Zin
led by Emperor Zinyak begin an invasion of earth. The Protagonist who is now the President of the United States is captured by the Zin along with his crew and placed in a virtual simulation of Steelport.
Inauguration Station
Currently available to download on PSN, XBLA and Steam! Create your character today!
GAF Character Creation Thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=645359

Player Voice Actors
- Nolan North
- Troy Baker
- Laura Bailey
- Robin Atkin Downes
- Diane Michelle
- Kenn Michael
- Sumalee Montano
- Keith David as himself
- Daniel Dae Kim as Johnny Gat
- Danielle Nicolet as Shaundi
- Jennifer Jules Hart as Shaundi #2
- Natalie Lander as Kinzie Kensington
- Terry Crews as Benjamin King
- JB Blanc as Zinyak/Phillipe Loren
- Michael Dorn as Maero
- Neil Patrick Harris as DJ Veteran Child
- Yuri Lowenthal as Matt Miller
- Arif Kinchen as Pierce Washington
- Tim Thomerson as Cyrus Temple
- Mike Carlucci as Zach
- Rob Van Dam as Bobby
- Rebecca Riedy as Asha Odekar
- Andrew Bowen as Josh Birk/NyteBlayde
- Michael Yurchak as CID
- TC Carson as Big Tony
- Ursula Taherian as Tanya
- Ogie Banks as Warren Williams

'Murrica stuff

Pre-Purchase Saints Row IV on Steam and get 3 exclusive Team Fortress 2 weapon costumes to use in Saints Row IV: The Rainblower, the Flamethrower and the Rocket Launcher.

Special Editions
Price: $99.99 | 99,99 | £89.99
- Saints Row IV: Commander in Chief Edition
- 12 inch Dub Step Gun replica
- 8 inch Johnny Gat Memorial Statue
- Dubstep Doomsday Button
Price: $130
- Saints Row IV: Commander in Chief Edition
- 12 inch Dub Step Gun replica
- 8 inch Johnny Gat Memorial Statue
- Dubstep Doomsday Button
- Light-up Rotating Display Case (numbered plaque)
- Velvet Pouch
Price: $1,000,000
- 1 Saints Row IV: Commander in Chief Edition
- 1 Virgin Galactic Space Flight
- 1 Full-Size Replica Dub-Step Gun (a much larger version of the one that ships with the Wub Wub Edition)
- 1 Hostage Rescue Experience
- Plastic Surgery
- Spy Training Day
- A Personal Shopper
- A Capsule Wardrobe
- 7 Nights at the Top Royal Suite of the Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai
- A week-long stay for two at the Jefferson Hotel in Washington DC
- First class flights for the trip to Dubai and Washington DC
- 1 Lamborghini Gallardo
- 1 Toyota Prius and 1 Years Worth of Insurance
- A Years Super Car Membership

Keith David (Vice President)
Having conquered stage and screen as an award-winning actor, Keith David went looking for new challenges. He found plenty when he signed on as the Boss' running mate. He helped secure the votes of the key thespian
demographic and continues to serve his country as a level-headed counterpart to the sometimes misunderstood President.

Ben King (Chief of Staff)
Back in the day, King founded the Vice Kings, one of the original gangs in Stilwater. But after being betrayed by those he trusted most, he left the gang lifestyle to pursue a lucrative career as a motivational speaker and
bestselling author. When the Boss was elected to the highest office in the nation, they turned to Ben King as their right-hand man.

Kinzie Kensington (Press Secretary)
The misanthropic former FBI agent may seem an odd choice to interact with the media, but Kinzies genius-level problem solving and natural savvy come in handy when selling the Presidents controversial policies to the press.

Shaundi (Director of the Secret Service)
Coming a long way from her stoner roots, Shaundi has proven herself again and again as one of the sharpest, best-prepared members of the Saints. She uses her planning acumen and technical know-how to
keep the President safe from their (many) would-be assailants.

Pierce Washington (Communications Director)
As the face of the Saints in their promotion and marketing, Pierce knows a lot about what folks want to hear. Therefore, he was the natural choice to oversee the flow of information coming out of the White House.
Of course, his job would be a lot easier if the President cared about how they were perceived by their constituents.

Asha Odekar (Special Liaison to the CIA)
After serving alongside the Saints in missions key to their ascendancy to the Head of State, seasoned MI6 agent and English native Asha Odekar now holds the role of special liaison to the CIA where she bridges
intelligence gaps between her home country and the United States.

Matt Miller (Assistant to Special Liaison Odekar)
Matt Miller first met the Saints as the adversarial head of the Deckers gang. The Boss soundly defeated him, though, and the computer genius fled to his English homeland where he not only won amnesty but a position
with the countrys spy network. Now an MI6 agent, Matt acts as Asha Odekars handler, overseeing her field operationsfrom a safe distance, of course.

Clifford Michael "Blitzball" Bleszinski (unemployed)
Cliff announced his departure from Epic Games on October 3, 2012. He has worked in Epic Games for 20 years and decided to chart the next stage of his career, giving the reason that he had been making games since he
was a teenager and he isn't really all that interested in games.

Zinyak, Supreme Overlord of the Zin Empire
A connoisseur of the finest things the universe has to offer, Zinyak has amassed a sizeable trove of the greatest treasures ever made. Now hes turned his eyes toward Earth and has abducted the best and brightest and put
them into the Simulation, a vast network he uses to break his captives wills.

The Zin Soldiers
Zin Soldiers are dedicated to Zinyaks vision of an ever-widening Empire. They are tasked with not only maintaining order within the real world but the Simulation as well. Among their ranks are highly-trained specialists adept
at various forms of combat tactics.

Guardians of the Simulation
The elite soldiers of the Zin Empire, the Wardens enforce the rules of the Simulation when the boundaries are pushed too far. Lieutenant Wardens, the upper echelon of their ranks, are imbued with abilities beyond the rank
and file - abilities the Saints may be able to exploit for their own gain.

moar gifs

Official Trailer
Independence Day Trailer
Meet The President
E3 Gameplay Demo
Inauguration Station
Dev Diary #1
Dev Diary #2
Dev Diary #3
Gat is Back
War for Humanity
Hail to the Chief #1
Hail to the Chief #2
Hail to the Chief #3
Average Metacritic score:
PC: 86
PS3: 77
360: 83
The Escapist: 100
A fantastic game, keeping up the series' tradition of giving players a wide open world and the tools to go absolutely bonkers within it. It's hilarious, it's action-packed, and most of all, its fun to play.
Joystiq: 100
Every single thing in Saints Row 4 is worth doing, which is a huge accomplishment on its own, but its story missions in particular are inventive, hilariously unexpected examples of truly inspired game design.
Destructoid: 95
What I love most about IV is how it puts the player first -- absolutely every new feature and ability gifted to the player seems designed purely to make the game more convenient to enjoy, and more fun to play.
PC Gamer: 90
It might not have the sheen of Grand Theft Auto, but Saints Row IV is both gloriously stupid and stupidly good.
Game Informer: 85
Saving Steelport may not be quite as novel of an experience this time around, but an arsenal of new abilities and weapons ensures that you are doing it with more style and spectacle than ever before.
Eurogamer: 80
Saints Row 4 may lack refinement - nothing thwarts a superhero quite so frequently as an overhanging roof or your homies standing in a doorway - but it compensates with sheer exuberance. It's a heartfelt love letter to the superhero genre and to a medium that makes such madness possible.
Giant Bomb: 80
The game is packed with some great moments that subvert the open-world crime genre even further than SR3 did, it's funny, and its references aren't just lazily tossed off, they're earned. You'll feel like you've played some of this before, but if you're at all interested in Saints Row's brand of weird, it's absolutely vital.
EDGE: 80
One things for sure: its the one weve been waiting to play.
GameSpot: 75
The simulated city of Steelport doesn't offer deep gameplay or the most satisfying challenge, but it is a great place to mess around.
IGN: 73
Its appeal is shortened by the ludicrous speed at which we can zip across it and grow tired of its lack of challenge.
TheSixthAxis: 70
A really fun game but its nothing at all original. Perhaps that shouldnt be said about something thats one of gamings few examples of a parody, but it really falters at the times it tries to do something entirely original, whether that difference be within its own series, genre or gaming as a whole.