Developer: dakko dakko
Release date: May 15, 2014
Price: £8.99, €9.99, $9.99 USD, $10.99 CAD.
Platform: Wii U exclusive at launch; DX Version now out in EU for PS4/Vita
Genre: Literally on-rails shooter with platforming action
Easily pronounceable acronym for ease of discussion: SKAHBOR
Official site: http://www.scramkitty.com/
OT title explanation/song to listen to while reading the OT: www.youtube.com/watch?v=01QA90IuOYY
Supported Controllers: GamePad, Wii U Pro Controller
**Pro-tip I found on Miiverse: the more health you have, the higher you jump**
Story and Gameplay
Scram Kitty is at the mercy of an ever-expanding army of maniacal mechanised mice! You must use your magnetic Spinboard to ride energy rails deeper and deeper into the station and defeat the twisted mouse creations of a science experiment gone terribly wrong.
With a unique control system that allows for full 360-degree platforming action and thrilling 2D shooting, Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails will see you glide along glowing rails, leap across chasms and create arcing streams of shots as you rid each stage of its rodent aggressors and rescue all the cats imprisoned within.
•Multi-objective stages
•Distinctive weapons for ultimate destruction
•Thousands of miserable mice minions to defeat
•Gorgeous pixel graphics mixed into 3D worlds
•A blistering original electro-synth soundtrack
•Challenge Mode, for the truly dedicated
•Play on the GamePad with Scram Kitty providing commentary on the TV for others, or play on the TV with Scram Kitty's commentary shown on the GamePad

Launch trailer:
Cubed3 - 9/10
Treasure-like in its level of sheer ingenuity, Dakko Dakko's Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails is the sort of addictive shooter that is a must-own for Wii U owners and belies its initially brief appearance in the length stakes. Not exactly short to start with - thanks to the difficulty stakes - it is the draw of coming back to better times in the Challenge mode or uncovering every hidden kitty on each stage that brings considerable added value to what is already a bargain at just £8.99 / €9.99.
Critical Gamer - 9/10
Exquisitely designed and ferociously addictive, Scram Kitty is already quite clearly one of the best games of 2014. As good as their previous games are, this is Dakko Dakko’s masterpiece in the true sense of the word; a truly great work that proves them masters of their art.
Push Start - 9/10
Don’t be fooled by this title’s cutesy look, Scram Kitty has all the ingredients of a classic platformer in the making. Great level design coupled with high levels of challenge create a rhythm that most other games in the genre miss; this title will surely be an influence of similar games to come.
ONM UK - 9/10
As fun as it is tough and cute to boot, there's nothing else quite like Scram Kitty And His Buddy On Rails on Wii U, or anywhere else, for that matter.
God is a Geek - 9/10
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails, with its strange design and riveting gameplay, echoes this side of the feline personality, too. Captivating stuff.
Nerds on the Rocks - 8.57142857/10 (aka 6/7)
Scram Kitty is a fun, but tough game. Once you wrap your head around the game’s mean hook, I believe you will be addicted. And for $10 bucks you really can’t go wrong trying it out.
Nintendo World Report - 8.5/10
Expansive DLC - 8/10
Despite the game being good for a one-off, that one, solid playthrough, features many hours of heart-pounding, retry-after-retry action, that is always varied and fulfilling.
Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails is quite an engaging game, but you need to learn it to fully understand it.
Edge Magazine - 8/10
Come to terms with its idiosyncrasies and you’ll find a unique and wonderfully characterful action game; it’s well worth suffering those early scratches for the moments where it really begins to purr.
Eurogamer - 8/10
A wonderfully idiosyncratic creation that, despite its smorgasbord of influences, feels like nothing else.
Nintendo Life - 7/10
While it's probably not a top tier download title, Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails is still an entertaining and fun game, with big, challenging levels that all have plenty to do.
Special Thanks
Nibel, for designing an awesome banner.
Grizzo, for finally getting a Wii U.
daydreaming, for surely taking a free moment from Mario Golf to check this out. I hope.