Disclaimer: This Official Thread was written and designed by Junior Member, DigitalHitmann, all responsibility is therefore forwarded onto them. Any questions, comments or concerns should be redirected to the above stated. The original poster is merely posting as a courtesy due to lack of posting privileges that conflicted with the release of the title and Official Thread. Thank you for understanding. Without further adieu, welcome to a game of Life and Hometown...
Title: Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Platforms: Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita
MSRP: 59.99$ (Playstation 4) / 39.99$ (Playstation Vita) / Special Editions Available
Region: SEA / Cero
Release Date: March 26th, 2015
Rating: Cero D 17+

Official Websites*:
Senran Kagura Portal
Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Kenichiro Taka Official Twitter
*Links herein may contain content not suitable for work place environments [NSFW] or those with a lack of Life and Hometown knowledge.

Various preorder incentives have been offered by retailer. There are over 10+ individual, unique, preorder bonuses of physical goods from posters to wallscrolls, and even mousepads. Below you can find an assortment of a select few. We do not endorse, nor are we sponsored by any of the following:
Additionally, first run copies of the game recieve a two disc soundtrack, a 52-page artbook showing concept art and character bios, as well as a Kafuru (PS4) or Hanabi (PSV) Ultra Rare card for use in Senran Kagura New Wave, a mobile game published by Gree & Mobage. You can also get a Super Rare card for use in Marvelous Games' DxD New Fight game for Playstation Vita.

*Addtional images available on Senran Kagura website.

"The story of Senran Kagura: Estival Versus revolves around the twins, Ryona and Ryobi, who encounter their sister Ryoki, who was supposed to be deceased. The games latest video shows exactly how they meet, and the beginning of the eight days theyll never forget."
"Beginning with the very starting point of the game, showing the twin sisters Ryona and Ryobi looking like theyre about to pay a visit to the grave of their deceased sister, Ryoki. As they approach, they notice a little gathering around a bon fire, where a group of girls appear to be holding some sort of ceremony, with some female spirits appearing out of mysterious purple flames."
"The old lady is then heard sending off one of the spirits. The twins are shocked when they see the spirit of their older sister Ryoki, prompting Ryona to jump in to tell the old lady to leave her alone."
"Ryoki then gets sealed into a coffin, which glows then follows up with an explosion, leaving the two girls on their own. Ryona seems to have a bit of a masochistic side to her, as she exclaims that she enjoyed the pain like none other, and wants to do it again. The two get blasted away, but are determined to reunite with their sister, so they decide to go towards the bright light."
-Introduction provided by Siliconera.

Throwing their Shinobi scrolls into the air, the girls undergo a transformation similar to Sailor Moon. This unlocks the ability to use their nippon arts. Each art requires a certain amount of scrolls denoted by the icons next to their portrait and health bar.

Updated Dressing Room:
The Dressing Room, where you can change your costumes and communicate with the girls, has been powered up. In addition to new costumes, all the costumes from the previous game have also been renewed. And in addition to rub and tear, new whisk, pinch, and pull interactions have been added, as well.

Costume Break:
As the girls take considerable damage, their costumes begin to break and shred revealing their undergarments, lingerie, and bikinis. In Estival Versus, when the girls get wet, their undergarments also show through their costumes unlike in previous titles.

Photo Mode:
In Estival Versus, you will be able to pick five characters that appear on your home screen. You can swap them in an out at your leisure as well as dress them in different attire from costumes, to undergarments, to lingerie. Additionally, you can pose them in various stages, poses, and facial expressions.

Purupuru Finish:
Complete costume destruction has been added as part of the new system Purupuru Finish. Purupuru Finishes are invoked under specific conditions, and will let you enjoy various situations such as slipping on soap, crashing into an octopus trap, or getting caught in a cherry tree.
-Some Gameplay information provided by Gematsu.


We would like to express our thanks and gratitude towards both Marvelous Games and Kenichiro Taka for creating and publishing such wonderful games with beautiful artwork. Without you, our visions of Life and Hometown would be dull and uneventful.
Thank you to xSeed for publishing previous Senran Kagura games in the United States and Europe, we hope to see you on the bandwagon for Estival Versus some time in the near future.
Additionally, I want to personally thank CureVylash for helping me post my first, of hopefully many, Official Threads as well as everyone from the Senran Kagura Community Thread who gave me input on all the custom banners I made and helped me shape this OT to what it is.
CureVylash note: As for the thread title...
Wow that's mean. Don't kick any Senrans into soccer nets please.
Except maybe Yumi. Yumi deserves to be bullied, and only her.
Also, Yumi getting bodied at the end, yessssssss
Yumi is bad.
Eat it, Puruzi