Welcome to the official thread for Shütshimi: Seriously Swole, a unique mix of shmup action and WarioWare!

Release date: August 25, 2015 [US]; Soon [EU]
Platform(s): PC/Mac/Linux; PS4/Vita; WiiU (soon)
Price: $9,99 [US]; 9,99€ [EU]
Developer: Neon Deity Games
Publisher: Choice Provisions
Homepage: http://shutshimi.com/ (@Shutshimi)
Purchase on Steam - Purchase on PSN (US only for now, Cross-Buy enabled!)

On first impression, Shütshimi is reminiscent of games like Parodius and Cho Aniki. While it is a frantic and eccentric horizontal-scrolling shoot'em up, it differs greatly from its inspirations by introducing a randomly generated wave-based structure with WarioWare-like modifiers into the mix. Before each round, the player has ten seconds to pick an item from the shop which will have all kinds of whacky effects on the next wave. Since each wave only lasts ten seconds, as well, things are constantly unpredictably out-of-control!
Initially a Game Jam game that was then expanded into an XBLIG and PC title, the 'Seriously Swole' epitheton was devised as an update that would bring some minor enhancements to the game. However, the update grew bigger and bigger over time, at which point Neon Deity Games decided to shoot for an even more fully-fledged release, targeting Playstation platforms, as well as WiiU and Steam.
The vastly expanded version of the game now features 2-4 player local co-op, a ton of new power-ups, new and updated sprites and backgrounds, a lot of additional songs, new enemies and bosses, extra hats (yes, the game has hats!), and, last but not least, cross-save, Trophy support and online leaderboards!
Initially a Game Jam game that was then expanded into an XBLIG and PC title, the 'Seriously Swole' epitheton was devised as an update that would bring some minor enhancements to the game. However, the update grew bigger and bigger over time, at which point Neon Deity Games decided to shoot for an even more fully-fledged release, targeting Playstation platforms, as well as WiiU and Steam.
The vastly expanded version of the game now features 2-4 player local co-op, a ton of new power-ups, new and updated sprites and backgrounds, a lot of additional songs, new enemies and bosses, extra hats (yes, the game has hats!), and, last but not least, cross-save, Trophy support and online leaderboards!

Announcement Trailer
Release Trailer

IndieGames - No Score
Shutshimi was a great game on its own, but all of the touch ups, visual improvements, and new additions make Shutshimi: Seriously Swole the definitive shotgun-wielding goldfish game. It takes the strong gameplay Neon Deity Games created and just refines and improves it, giving you a whole lot more game to play and a whole lot more goofiness to discover. It's an unending treasure trove of laughter and frantic fun - a perfect way to slap a smile on your face in seconds.
Operation Rainfall - 5/5
For a mere $9.99, I think Shutshimi is a great bargain. It offers a game so strange that it stands out from the pack, and it’s simple nature keeps me replaying it just for kicks. Though the version I reviewed was on my Vita, the game is also available on PS4 and Steam, and will eventually make its way to other consoles. If you like crazy games or SHMUPs, or just want to take your anger out on some laser-spewing sharks, you won’t go wrong with Shutshimi. Well done, Neon Deity Games and Choice Provisions. This fish is worth keeping!
Slant Magazine - No Score
You could imagine Shutshimi being rejected by “serious” players, especially overly analytical ones. Or maybe they would laugh at Neon Deity's parody of masculine resistance in the cigar-smoking protagonist. Still, there's a fundamental seriousness to the game: When one becomes familiar with the assorted bonuses and hindrances, strategies will emerge and adaptation must occur as the screen fills with unholy animals. Similar to the arcade masterpieces, this cartoon is no joke.
PSN Stores - 4/5
Defunct Games - B
The Vita Lounge - 3.9/5
PlayItalia - 7.5/10
TechRaptor - 7/10

Thanks to the generosity of Neon Deity Games, there will be 50 Steam codes and 50 PSN Codes (US only!) given away in this thread. To participate, leave a post in this thread and write a few (or more than a few) sentences on your favourite fish-related video game! Don't forget to specify your platform!
As of September 29 there's only a few Steam codes left, while all PSN codes have been given away to GAFfers. Enjoy and don't forget to post impressions!
One more condition that yours truly borrowed from Toma's giveaway threads: If you've won a code and have spent some time with the game, please post some impressions in the thread!
As of September 29 there's only a few Steam codes left, while all PSN codes have been given away to GAFfers. Enjoy and don't forget to post impressions!
One more condition that yours truly borrowed from Toma's giveaway threads: If you've won a code and have spent some time with the game, please post some impressions in the thread!

Thanks to Wayne Kubiak for the banners!