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Six things I want to see from GTA VI and five things from Saints Row 5

GTA VI (Rockstar)
  • The return of the sixth star wanted level. Give me tanks! Give me humvees! Give me soldiers with M-16s!
  • One or two playable protagonists. One less playable protagonist than GTA V for a more focused story.
  • More interiors to enter. And make them accessible while free roaming, not just in the story missions.
  • Post-launch story DLC (see Episodes from Liberty City) alongside the usual updates for GTA Online.
  • A fun melee combat system. If Sleeping Dogs could do it, you can do it too.
  • Despite faster loading in the next-gen consoles, continue the tradition of showcasing amazing artwork in the loading screens.

Saints Row 5 (Volition)
  • A mostly serious but also sometimes funny story and setting focusing on gang violence.
  • Three or more varied and unique enemy factions.
  • More interiors to explore. A giant mall, courthouse, college campus, prison, nuclear power plant etc.
  • Layered clothes customization. Seemingly endless possibilities.
  • An updated graphics engine and less cartoony graphics overall.
Feel free to post your own list for the two upcoming games.
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Saints row stopped being good after 2. It got way too over the top.

GTA6- 1 character for the love of god
I was just about to post this exactly. After the 2nd one, it became one of my favorite series to one of my most disappointed series. OG Saints Row and the 2nd title filled in the gap that GTAIV left out from it's previous iterations.


I want fully modelled and animated sex scenes both first and third person with my scanned face imported in the game engine with slow-mo and also speed-up depending on my mood and how close I am plus fully voice acted moaning conveying the total ecstasy of sexual pleasure. I want to live out my wildest and kinkiest fantasies. In both of those games. Make it happen.

Rossco EZ

I want fully modelled and animated sex scenes both first and third person with my scanned face imported in the game engine with slow-mo and also speed-up depending on my mood and how close I am plus fully voice acted moaning conveying the total ecstasy of sexual pleasure. I want to live out my wildest and kinkiest fantasies. In both of those games. Make it happen.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
My wishlist for GTA VI is basically to improve the shooting mechanics. It was slow and dated as fuck in RDR2 (great game still), so it would be cool to see improvements there.


ChatGPT 0.001
Honestly think they should slow down the rockstar games we’ve seen them release 3 on PS2, a bunch on PS3 and people will tell you they’re the #1 developer GTA6 will be BIG, PS5 will allow them to create a another masterpiece.


Ramp up that Euphoria engine to the max, or the same amount that they had with GTA IV. V feels tame and it’s not as fun to get your character drunk, flipping over cars, or seeing the enemy AI stumbles as in previous game.

But given what I’ve seen in RDR2, I might not have to worry about that lol.

Also, bring back the old vehicle missions. I wanna do some arcadey vigilante missions or be a medic post-game.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
All I want from GTA VI is a great atmosphere.

GTAs IV and V didn't really do it for me, like GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas did.
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Writes a lot, says very little
All I want from GTA VI is a great atmosphere.

GTAs IV and V didn't really do it for me, like GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas did.

True. If its not in South America about some Narcos shit, I want GTA Chicago. If they don't do anything with that drug war / terf war, it will be quite a shame. So much content can be done with that narrative.


One mechanic that seems strange they've never fully integrated is human shields. We should be able to grab any NPC and use them as a human shield and the police should become far less likely to shoot at you when you do it.

Another thing I'd want is some sort of repeatable side activity that is combat centric. It was a pretty big missed opportunity in GTA V that they didn't really have any combat focused side missions. We could race, ride bikes, parachute, fly planes, but no combat oriented ones, despite an abundance of narrative justification. Frank should've been doin' stick ups on the ballas and vagos with Lamar, Trevor could be sabotaging The Lost's operations, and FIB Dave should have given Michael some wet work assassination missions not related to the stock market, just sort of covering up FIB loose ends...
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Just give me controls that are not garbage, that is by far my biggest beef with Rockstars more recent stuff... character movement is akin to wearing the iron boots from ocarina of time 24/7.


Agree with the 6 things.

Bring back simple driving Contros like GTA 4 / sleeping dogs.
Im not good at driving games especially when they feel like Sega Rally...

Get rid of the rockstar mission structure


Saints Row really needs to get a grip. There's a huge GTA6-sized hole in the market now which they could easily exploit. I'm not sure why they gave up on the crime sandbox approach and decided to become a shitty super hero series.


Saints Row really needs to get a grip. There's a huge GTA6-sized hole in the market now which they could easily exploit. I'm not sure why they gave up on the crime sandbox approach and decided to become a shitty super hero series.
Making a game that fills that hole is super hard and super expensive and I am not so sure they are up to the task but generally speaking you're right

i always wanted the

" restriction mode"

hit a red light? get pulled over
etc lolllll
Don't pay taxes? Go to prison

Cutty Flam

They need better DJs for the radio stations picking the songs in the soundtrack. GTA V had like zero synergistic carryover from song to song. Nothing about that OST was great. There wasn’t a unifying theme either like in Vice City and to a lesser extent, but still had a theme the same, San Andreas

I hope they have a soundtrack that will stand the test of time like Vice City’s

Gotta pick timeless cuts. Also miss the humor from the radio stations. It was way better w/ the PS2 GTAs. Always thought IV and V weren’t as hilarious when it came to the talk show radio stations


All I want is for GTA 6 cars not to explode from collisions.

It annoyed the hell out of me in GTA V.


They/Them A-10 Warthog

-Full character creation for single player (can be male or female)
-Better shooting system with projectiles (no hitscan)
-Really in depth clothing system
-Really in depth vehicle modding
-really in depth gun modding
-set in Vice City and "Cuba" in the 80s
-Something different for the story
-Multiple golf courses :p

Saints Row

-Return of their great character creator but expanded
-Take a step back to Saints Row 2 wackiness (or at least in between 2 and 3 levels)
-Shooting uses projectiles and not hitscan
-Return to Gang v Gang
-No superpowers
-complete reboot
-really in depth vehicle modding
-really in depth gun modding
-Set somewhere in the south (like a fictional Atlanta or New Orleans)


I'm fine with the wackiness of the Saints Row series just please for the love of God don't put the next game in Steelport again.

As for GTA they need to get some new writers because the story and MC's for GTA four and five sucked.


Unpopular opinion but I'd prefer if they eased up a bit with all the little details and really focused on nailing the core gameplay.
It's cool that flip-flops do flop, that characters have subtle twitches when sleeping or that your wife will yell at you if you go swimming and enter the house while you are still wet.......... But I'd sort of prefer if the shooting and mission design weren't terrible.
Unpopular opinion but I'd prefer if they eased up a bit with all the little details and really focused on nailing the core gameplay.
It's cool that flip-flops do flop, that characters have subtle twitches when sleeping or that your wife will yell at you if you go swimming and enter the house while you are still wet.......... But I'd sort of prefer if the shooting and mission design weren't terrible.

Yeah this isn't unpopular since the core gameplay for most gta games have been outdated for years now.

Now what I'd like for GTA 6:

-For the love of all that is good: No MORE TAPPING A BUTTON TO RUN! Seriously, who the fuck at R* keeps shoe horning this in???? Almost Nobody like this feature like at all! There's a reason why other developers only have you hold down a button to run because its intuitive and more convenient!

-Better Mission Structure. More choices during missions that affects the outcome and story as a whole would be a welcome change instead of "Do the mission our way or you fail" Rhetoric that plagues every R* game as of late. Now this doesn't have to apply to every mission but we need more freedom in missions

-Better combat. Seriously the combat in 5 is outdated af tbh. The heavy reliance on auto aim & ai enemies who constantly do the same dumb things over & over(Like trying to block your vehicle with their vehicle when your in a massive truck or tank, etc or giving them excessive aimbot to compensate for their lack of intelligence). Also, a more fair combat system where enemies can miss their shots & not kill you in seconds would be great.

-A better structured story with more interesting character who have genuinely different personalities & are not just parodies of R* execs...A better protagonist who doesn't have a flat personality either

-A Better soundtrack that flows well.
-more accessible interiors > bigger map
-single player story/campaign. single player dlc would be nice.
-more realistic police enforcement? eg., if you blow through a red light in front of a cop, the cop should pursue you.


Make cheat codes great again.



Writes a lot, says very little
-more realistic police enforcement? eg., if you blow through a red light in front of a cop, the cop should pursue you.


For some of us in America....running a red light or bumping into a cop car can result in them just firing 100 rounds into you LOL! (i kid I kid....sorta)

I feel being able to peacefully pull over and have them handcuff you is one of my favorite features in the newer GTA games, I'd like the option to toss your gun or simply get tickets and have them talk shit to you (the speaking feature in RDR2 is greatly underrated, that feature really allowed you to shit talk or give a positive response and have character behave accordingly). So I hope being a felon in GTA VI means cops can talk to you differently then if you had no record at all or something or you could shit talk the officer and he goes from a ticket to beating your ass to shooting you lol

With GTA series taking shots at culture in America, I think it would be a funny thing to add. It might trigger some, but this happens in America enough to have it in the game and many can relate.

At the very least have a simulation option for some of this as I never understood having you break all sorts of traffic laws and cops don't care, bump into their car and its murder time.


Mission structure for sure needs to be addressed. For as much freedom as they give you when off mission, the level of restriction when on mission is worse than a lot of linear games which is absurd. I'd love to see missions where the only objective you get is to "kill [target]", as opposed to how current R* missions play out like: Go to X> make your way to 2nd floor> locate target> follow target> kill target> return to mission giver> mission over. Just tell me roughly where to go and give me an idea of who I'm looking for and let me loose. Also going one block in the wrong direction shouldn't fail the mission....
Mission structure for sure needs to be addressed. For as much freedom as they give you when off mission, the level of restriction when on mission is worse than a lot of linear games which is absurd. I'd love to see missions where the only objective you get is to "kill [target]", as opposed to how current R* missions play out like: Go to X> make your way to 2nd floor> locate target> follow target> kill target> return to mission giver> mission over. Just tell me roughly where to go and give me an idea of who I'm looking for and let me loose. Also going one block in the wrong direction shouldn't fail the mission....
Facts! No more automatic fails for going in the wrong direction or losing a scripted car that cant crash or be caught up to. No more having to go a specific area to kill someone just allow us the freedom to use whatever we want to finish the job. This is what Watch dogs does extremely well! Wanna go in stealth or loud? Go ahead! Wanna just use ur devices and hack ur way thru? Feel free!!
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