What is Solforge
SolForge is a free-to-play digital collectible strategy game that combines all the depth of a traditional trading card game experience with the convenience of online and mobile gaming. In SolForge, you take on the role of a Forgeborn, one of the select few who can wield the magic of the SolForge itself. You collect cards that represent ferocious creatures and powerful spells, and use those cards to construct decks and battle AI opponents or test your skills against other players in the arena.
Goal of the Game
You and your opponent each start a game of Solforge with 100 health, and the goal of the game is to reduce your opponents health to 0 by dealing damage with your creatures and spells. How you do thiswhether its by attacking with a swarm of creatures to win as quickly as possible or playing defense with powerful spells until you can take over the game with a single unstoppable monsteris completely up to you.
The Field

Most of the action in SolForge takes place on a board known as the field. The field has five columns, known as lanes, and each lane is split into two spaces, one for each player. These spaces are where you deploy your creatures to battle against your opponent. Your creatures always battle the opponents creatures in the same lane, or deal their battle damage to your opponent directly when there is no creature opposing them. Each player can have no more than one creature in each lane.
Leveling up

Cards in SolForge have three levels, and they transform as the game goes on. At the beginning of a game, your avatar and all of the cards in your deck start at level 1. When you play a card, it levels up, which means a higher level version of that card is into your discard pile. Every four turns, you level up, and you reshuffle your discard pile into your deck, allowing you to draw your higher level cards.
The higher levels of a card are usually more powerful versions of the low levels, but some cards transform in different ways. You can tell what level a card is by looking at the icon in the upper right hand corner. You can always look at the different levels of any card by selecting it in game.
Playing Cards
- Each turn, you will draw a hand of five cards from your deck and play up to two of them.
- The exception to this is the player who takes the first turn of the game only plays one card on that turn.
- There are no costs associated with playing a card. To play a card, simply select it in your hand and make any necessary choices.
- At the end of your turn, all of the cards remaining in your hand go to your discard pile and you draw a new hand of five cards for the following turn.
Turn Structure

What's new in the Rise of the Forgeborn expansion?
- 100 new cards
- Card forging. You can now craft any card in the game for silver (the f2p currency) and breakdown excess cards you have for silver as well.
- New prize structure.
Free 2 Play Structure
- There are 2 currencies in the game: Silver and Gold. Silver you earn by just playing the game or breaking down excess cards. Gold is purchased with cash.
- Boosters are bought with silver or gold.
- Legendary Chests (which contain more cards of better quality then standard boosters) can only be purchased with Gold or won through the games tournaments.
- There are daily prizes to win for just logging in, winning 1 match, 3 matches (both of these can be against the AI) and for winning an online match. You also get some silver for every online match you win after the first.
- Tournaments are entered with event tickets. Tickets can be purchased with Gold or Silver and can be won in the daily prizes.
Where to play
iOS App Store
* There is an android client in beta testing.