
Sony has been sending out a survey to get feedback on creating the “greatest PlayStation experience”, based on the latest report.
Reddit user Pixietails has shared that they received an email from Sony about providing feedback on creating the “greatest PlayStation experience”. They had previously been asked by the console maker to sign up for a research program in an earlier email.

As per its email, Sony seeks passionate gamers who want to provide feedback on the games they enjoy. Whether through playtests or interviews, the company is looking for new ways in which participants can let it know what they think so that it may create “the greatest PlayStation experiences” for its consumers.
Upon signing up, Sony informed the Reddit user that when a study opens up that matches their gamer profile, they may be contacted via email or phone to see if they are available and qualified. If selected, they will be compensated for their time and expertise.
Such market and product research surveys are nothing new, and other companies also send out similar surveys to recruit participants. As for what specific goal the console maker has set to create “the greatest PlayStation experiences” is anyone’s guess. Perhaps participants are asked for their preferred genres and first-party content, so that Sony may tailor content and features more in line with them.

Sony Is Sending Users Survey To Create The "Greatest PlayStation Experience"
Sony has been sending out a survey to get feedback on creating the "greatest playstation experience", based on the latest report.