Thanks to ZeroAKA for the post in the Vita thread. and the original from Silconera
The story of Soul Sacrifice Delta aims it's sights on classical fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm.
However the SS team dont think that the original Grimm fairy tales are dark enough so they've injected their own brand of storytelling to make it more interesting. And I love it.
The story of Soul Sacrifice Delta aims it's sights on classical fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm.
However the SS team dont think that the original Grimm fairy tales are dark enough so they've injected their own brand of storytelling to make it more interesting. And I love it.

The story in the PlayStation Vita game starts the same as the fairy tale with three sisters and the two older ones going to a dance arranged by the king. The younger sister is stuck at home cleaning the house and longs to go to the ball, but theres no Fairy Godmother in Soul Sacrifice. So, Cinderella uses a poisonous centipede to poison her oldest sister and dresses up as her.
Since this is a masked ball, Cinderella slips in without a problem. However, the prince who has a fondness for feet mistakes Cinderella for her eldest sister. When the prince tracks down the older sister (expecting Cinderella) he touches her foot and then licks his fingertips. He realizes he found the wrong woman and Cinderella is exposed. Cinderella misunderstands and flees leaving her shoes behind. While on the run, her foot gets caught in a giant rock. The prince finds Cinderella and the explanation of why the prince loves feet is revealed hes into foot odor, which Cinderella wasnt aware of. Cinderella then thinks back to the centipede and fuses her body with the insect to please the prince with infinite feet.

And you can see a visage of the prince licking Cinderellas centipede feet in these Soul Sacrifice Delta screenshots.