
Developer: Nintendo EAD / Argonaut Software Ltd.
Publisher: Nintendo
Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Classic Edition / Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Famicom
Release Date:
September 29, 2017 (NA/EU) | September 30, 2017 (AU) | October 5, 2017 (JP)
Genre: The Dark Souls of Star Fox
Official Site: Europe | Australia | North America | Japan
Game manual: English (PDF) | English (Web) | Japanese
Reviews: Here!

Star Fox 2 is the long-lost follow-up to the original Star Fox / Starwing. Originally planned for release in 1995 or 1996, the game expanded the scope of the original with all-range mode battles and strategic elements, powered by the enhanced SuperFX2 Chip used in Yoshi's Island. Star Fox 2's release was canceled in favor of Star Fox 64 for the N64. The interviews in the LEGACY section show how Star Fox 2 influenced later games in the series and how the developers kept coming back to ideas from this lost treasure. The leaked ROMs of Star Fox 2 that people have had access to over the years have never been of the fully finished, polished, and Mario Club-playtested version and even lacked some core features. It is now available for the first time as part of the SNES Classic emulation-based micro-console developed by NERD (Nintendo European Research & Development).
Below is a comparison between the original beta title screen and the title screen of the final build:

To access Star Fox 2, you have to beat the Corneria stage in the original Star Fox (the first level).

Andross is defeated. Or so you thought. The floating-head space wizard ape spitting polygons survived and returned to take over the Lylat system planet by planet. Corneria is the last line of defense. Team Star Fox has been called in to save the day, strengthened by two new crew members, Miyu and Fay (bottom row, mid and right, respectively). You need to apply all your skill and wits to fend off Andross' forces making their way to Corneria.

TIP: The game's official manual is linked at the top of this post in the info table in PDF or HTML format! A highly informative read that includes development insights, trivia, and images of original design docs!
You can select from six characters, split into pairs of two that pilot the same type of Arwing (prototype, armored, or light). The way the things unfold will be determined by your choice of main pilot and wingman.
BONUS TIP: NORMAL = EASY; HARD = NORMAL; EXPERT = HARD! Play this at least on HARD for the "real" experience that is Star Fox 2. Don't normal it through and then go all "meh"! The things you need to worry about in terms of strategy and threats changes greatly on the higher difficulty levels.
Next you go to the map screen. This map works similarly to a Rogue-like in that the enemy units move simultaneously with your movements on that map. If your Arwing and the enemy meet, battle ensues. While in battle view, the enemy forces will keep moving towards Corneria, but their movement will be slowed down so getting out of battles quickly is always a priority. There are various mission types, dependent on if it's a planet mission, a space battle, or a fight with a battle carrier.
This game is the origin of the Arwing's Walker Mode which will be coming in handy during various missions. Star Fox 2 is also where All Range Mode first appeared.

Also, thanks to a guy on GameFAQS, it's been discovered that the Pepper Medalsunlock a secret base where you can get powerups and the Homing Shot ability. It only appears when you get every coin in a certain difficulty though, so in Normal you have to get all 13 for it to appear, in Hard you need 19, and in Expert you need 20 (cumulative, over multiple playthroughs).
You can, when you pause there's an option that says "View 1", select it and switch to "View 2" for third person. Doesn't work the other way around though, in third-person segments like planets and inside carriers you can't change to first person.Question: Can I change my cockpit view from first to third person during space battles?
My beginner's guide is here! Many of its subjects have already been answered in this thread, but I've added many of own strategies.

SNES Classic: Developer Interview - Star Fox + Star Fox 2
Sao: How did it come about that you would include this game in Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System?
Miyamoto: The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System's producer said he wanted to include it. He said it had been through debugging and was a complete game, so it would be a waste not to put it out in the world.
Sao: If it was complete, why did you decide against releasing it before?
Miyamoto: We finished it in 1995, but the next year...

Recent Interview with Dylan Cuthbert on Star Fox 2 (Redbull)
Cuthbert: "I think there are a lot of game ideas in there that haven't really been explored in the Star Fox franchise so far; there's obviously a strategic element, but also a kind of Rogue-like element in the way the encounters and the story are automatically and randomly generated. Each time you play you'll get a different experience created from hundreds of hand-crafted arenas and puzzles."
Nintendolife Interview with Dylan Cuthbert
In a neat twist, it would be during the production of Star Fox Command that Cuthbert was re-acquainted with his past, ill-fated project. "During development we received a copy of the mastered Star Fox 2 ROM to play, and it was quite a blast." This ROM would have been the final game, complete with QA tweaks and ready for a release that never happened. Cuthbert is keen to point out that this version is far superior to the numerous leaked prototype ROMs which are currently doing the rounds on the web - the leaking of which has been erroneously attributed to himself. "There are a few ROMs on the net in various conditions," he states. "But the ones I checked out are all old and they don't have the randomizing Rogue-like stuff working or all the encounters in place, so you don't really get the feel of the game we were making."
I always loved Starglider 2 on the Amiga:
Star Fox 2 reminded me even more of it, so I've asked Dylan Cuthbert directly. This little thread might be interesting to fellow Star Fox fans.
Dylan Cuthbert, SF2's lead programmer, was kind enough to answer a few of my questions about the game and Argonaut's work with Nintendo over at Ars. Including his admission that he learned about the game's re-release from a Twitter post.
ArsTechnica: Star Fox 2 is an unusual game in terms of having a looser structure, letting players choose missions, and having a base-management element. It feels more like a '90s PC game, to be honest. Was there a culture clash between Nintendo and Argonaut in terms of how this game ultimately felt, or did the companies align conceptually on how Star Fox 2 would differ from the first?
Dylan Cuthbert: The main thrust of the game design came from [Animal Crossing creator and Star Fox Director Katsuya] Eguchi. At that point, the only person with design input on the team from Argonaut would have been me, and Eguchi and I were always on the same page regarding the game's direction. I think this is why the original Star Fox also turned out so well. He used to play a game in his youth called Star Luster, and he was also into board games such as a Monopoly-like game [Fortune Street] that was popular on the SNES [in Japan] at the time—so a lot of the more strategic ideas came from that background.

Iwata Asks: Star Fox 64 3D (more good stuff at the link!)
Yeah. We had quite a script for Star Fox 2 and had it running, with robots morphing and running, and attempted an all-range mode in which you could fly a full 360 degrees.
Um...what's Star Fox 2?
Huh? You don't know about Star Fox 2?
Yusuke Amano [Director: Splatoon; was a coordinator on SF643D]
No, it's the first I've ever heard of it!
What?! No one told you about it?! It's the Star Fox game that almost was!
It never got released.
Star Fox Zero: Developer Interview Part Two
Miyamoto: Yes, in this title, the Arwing can turn into the Walker, which can travel on land. The idea for this goes right back to the legendary Star Fox 2 which was in development for Super Nintendo but got cancelled once we knew the Nintendo 64 was on the way. In Star Fox 2, you could transform into a robot in order to get into narrow spaces like enemy battleships. Now in this new title, you can press the A Button whenever you like and turn your ship into the Walker.
Nintendo of Europe Interview: Star Fox Command
Nintendo of Europe: Imamura-san, why did you decide to bring strategy to a series that is most famous for being purely a shooter?
Takaya Imamura: "A game called 'Star Fox 2', which was not actually released, once existed. In that game, there was a strategic system, which we thought suitable for Nintendo DS. That is how we started the project."
IGN Interview: Star Fox Command
Cuthbert: [...]We spent three months putting a lot of love into a copy of the original Star Fox, and we had one stage very similar to the original Star Fox running on the DS. We showed that to Imamura-san and he said "We'll redesign it to work with the DS better and maybe take some ideas from Star Fox 2 and make a fully fledged Star Fox."
Cuthbert: And Star Fox 2 was developed fully to completion and that was all range, there were no rails in that game either. And a lot of the people involved in that game were upset that it didn't get released. [...]
Celebrating the announcement of Star Fox 2's release as part of the SNES Classic:

Jordan Armaro (Nintendo EPD), Takaya Imamura (Nintendo EPD), Kazushi Maeta (Q-Games), Dylan Cuthbert (Q-Games), Swery65 (Swery!?)

Dylan Cuthbert (Q-Games) & Takaya Imamura (Nintendo EPD)

Dylan Cuthbert and Giles Goddard (formerly of Argonaut) play the original Star Fox:

Dylan Cuthbert on Dev Plays with Star Fox (also goes over Star Fox 2 with some dev details)

Dylan Cuthbert on Dev Plays with X (Game Boy)

zallard1, who was also a wizard in Star Fox Zero, doing an expert mode 34min speed run.
Published on Oct 2, 2017
Done on SNES Classic. This run uses the secret base that gives you back homing shot from the beta, as well as free goodies to start your run off. It also starts with double lasers on both characters, which is unlocked by beating the game with that character with a star rank or better (doing this with all characters unlocks Corneria's music during the character selection).
yes, the title is a Battle for Endor reference