Welcome to the slighly belated February Steam Thread, apologies for the STEAM GOTY delay but this will be the month for the results.
Check out Toma's [GOTY] IndieGAF recommends: The 50 Best Indies of 2014
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Apotheon - Uzzy
Apotheon, by Alien Trap Games, is a side scrolling metroidvania game, set in the world of ancient Greek mythology. Apotheon sees
you cast as as humanity's last hero, Nikandreos, who after the Greek gods abandon humanity, must fight his way through hordes
of mythical enemies and search for divine treasure, in order to scale Mount Olympus to claim the divine powers the Gods wield to
save mankind.
The thing that stood out most about this game to me was it's amazing art design. It's essentially an interactive piece of ancient
Greek art, like the kind you'd see on pottery. It looks like nothing I've seen before, which for me, is always something to get excited
about. Gameplay wise, it's promising a combat system that relies on timing and positioning, and a wide variety of weapons and armour
types to get to grips with. Exploration will also play a key part, with upgrades and better weapons hidden away behind locked doors,
forcing you to search the amazing looking world.

Rise of Incarnates - Rayge
Rise of Incarnates is Bandai Namco’s foray into F2P territory on PC. It’s 2v2 arena fighter using both melee and ranged attacks much
like Gundam Extreme VS. Namco really seems to want to make this game somewhat DOTA 2-esque in their method of content delivery
by allowing people full access to the roster and allowing players to customize their character. The roster, while small, offers a variety of
combat styles ranging for people fighting on motorcycles, to a mad doctor surfing on dead bodies, to your typical form changing badass
sword wielder. The game is also going to allow players to customize character’s movesets according to playstyles.
This is a game where good team work will prevail and lone wolves will more than likely get annihilated. As seen in some of the recent
gameplay footage of the game, it looks like partners will need to help set each other up to help maximize damage potential within a
fight. The combat looks very fluid, moves flow together nicely, and Super moves allow for quite the spectacle for people viewing on
the sidelines.
Personally, when I first heard about this game I grew disinterested pretty quick with it. But over the months, after seeing more and more
gameplay, the game is starting to get excited for it. While there are something that just don’t vibe well with me in terms of aesthetics, the
actual game mechanics and how they are approaching the F2P model is keeping attention on it. The game will be released around
February 3rd or 4th so check it out… It’s free.

Tizoc: The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match is the latest revision of King of Fighters 2002, considered one of the best KoF games
in the series. KoF 02 UM updates much of its combat system allowing players to perform stronger supers without having to enter into
MAX Mode, along with various gameplay rebalancing. Furthermore, it features the biggest roster in a KoF game featuring 66 characters
including all bosses from the NESTS Saga sans K9999. The port's online is handled by Code Mystics so expect the online to
perform as well as KoF 98 UM. Overall, the game's system allows for more flexible and flashy combos, and is a great game to play
with others offline as well.
Rayge: Hopefully Code Mystics learned a few things from KOF98UM. While Final Edition was the most up to date version of the game in
terms gameplay, it lacked a lot of features that made the PS2 version really great (they went with the XBLA release for this game). The
lack of 3D backgrounds, filters, rearranged soundtrack, color editing, and extra artwork was really upsetting to a lot of fans expecting
something more from a “Final Edition.” On top of that the online during the initial release was abhorrent.
This is probably getting people worried about the release of KOF2002UM, and they should be worried. But hopefully Code Mystics has
learned from their mistakes. Also seeing as how there isn’t any other version of this game, all the extra goodies that people are expecting
for this game will be there. Now on the good. While most people consider 98UM to be the end all be all of classic KOF games, 2002UM
holds that title for me. The game offers a cast 66 characters with the only person missing being K9999 due to copyright issues with Akira.
New moves have been added or improved visually while also making them easier to execute within a real match. All the character
artworks have been redone by the talented Hiroaki and the game also includes an arranged soundtrack for those looking to spice things
up. I’m excited about this release as this is the first game I ever played at a fighting game tournament and it’s also my 2nd most played
KOF ever. I was still not grasping how to correctly play fighting games back in 2003, so now I’d like to give this another go. If you’re
interested in some matches just add me and we can get some practice in. The game is currently discounted at $11.99.

Way of the Samurai 4 - Kurt Russell
Way of the Samurai 4 is Ghostlight's latest PC release. For those who haven't been following the company's work, they are a British
publisher which focuses on bringing Japanese games to Western audiences, and as of late, has been bringing many of those games to
PC. After that quick intro, let's concentrate ourselves in Way of the Samurai 4, which is the second WotS game to come out in non Sony
platforms (and the first on PC) Players start the game as a nameless Samurai who arrives in a fictional Japanese port town in the middle
of the 19th century, just as foreigners start to influence Japanese life. Upon arrival, the player can choose to align with different factions
(foreign powers, Shogunate forces or rebels who want to expel the foreigners) This non linear approach also translates to the gameplay,
as players are able to experiment with different fighting styles, character customization options (though the character's gender is always
male) important decision making and also ten different endings.
Though the game is single player only, there's a form of multiplayer interaction because if the user is online, their character will appear in
other player's game, and if defeated, they will drop a customized sword. This new PC version features Steam Trading Cards,
Achievements, Cloud Saving support and also supports either keyboard or controllers.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2 - Dr Dogg
Hot on the heels of Resident Evil HD Remastered comes Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (Liverpool 0) the sequel to 2012's 3DS game and
later 2013's HD port. This time our protagonists are series favorites Claire Redfield and Barry Burton. Claire now works for a
anti-bioterrorist organisation Terra Save. Barry's daughter, Moira is attending Claire's welcoming party when unknown armed forces
storm the Terra Save office. Claire and Moira are knocked unconscious to latter awaken in a darkened prison facility on a remote island.
Barry set's off to the facility to rescue his daughter while when he arrives befriends a young girl, Natalia, who has strange powers.
Revelations 2 is set between RE5 and RE6. Still following an episodic structure of the first game but this time being released in
installments. Gameplay looks largely the same with the mix between exploration and more mobile combat with a sprinkling of puzzle
solving thrown in. Also Raid mode is back as well with some 'interesting' footage of new features like gestures.

Evolve - jshackles
From the creators of Left 4 Dead, this 4v1 action FPS has you joining forces with 3 teammates to take down a huge player-controlled
monster, or being the monster to try your hand at taking down 4 opponents. In addition to the online multiplayer aspects that the game
is tailored to, Evolve will also feature a single-player offline mode where you can hone your skills by using the monster to take on 4 AI
opponents or choose a team of 4 hunters and swap between them using the D-Pad while the AI takes over the rest. 2K Games promises
balanced and competitive gameplay, various unlockable upgrades and perks, a free copy of Left 4 Dead, and a "PC Monster Race"
version that includes a ton of future DLC.

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires - Chariot
Hold on, isn't Dynasty Warriors 8 already on Steam?
Yes, but this is Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, which trumps DW8 Extreme with a lot of fun features. While it retains the Dynasty Warriors
typical gameplay of slaughtering through hordes of enemies with a huge variety of different characters and weapons, Empires adds an
character editor that allows you to create your own chinese general to conquer the country in the new conquest mode with their own
edited banners, soldiers and horses. You can set policies, command other generals and use Stratagems to give you an edge in the
coming fight. And you can even marry and have children that inherits stats from their parents. Stop letting random chinese historical
and fictional figures conquer China, it's time for you to step up and unite the land. Again.

Anyone can write a recommendation for an upcoming game for next month, just send a a PM of the game you want to write about and
your thoughts on why it's good/why people should play it. Please make the sure recommendation is 60+ words at least and try and hand
it a few days before the month ends so I can add it to the next thread.
Gaffers writing recommendations for upcoming Steam threads:
- Assassin's Creed Rogue. - Dr Dogg
- GTAV - Dr Dogg
- Dead or Alive 5: Last Round - Bayonetta