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Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, on June 8 - Tizoc
A remake of the 1989 classic 2D Action Adventure game. The original game is included in the game and one can switch between the original Master System visuals or even the music. The game also keeps the original's password system and any password you use in this ver. of the game will work with the original game as well.

Micro Machines World Series, on June 30 - Tizoc
The latest entry in the Micro Machines series brings the classic overhead view racing allowing for up to 8 players to race against each other, now with the vigorous vocations of BRIAN BLESSED.

Get Even, on June 20 - Tizoc
A first person view thriller action adventure game. Black - an ice-cold mercenary and hired gun - awakes in a mysterious old asylum with no memory of his past.
Under the guidance of his anonymous captor, Red, Black embarks on a form of treatment, facilitated by a unique technology - a headset that allows the user to relive their memories and experience them again in the present.
And so Black tries to remember.
With the help of the Pandora headset, he travels into the depths of his own mind to explore the truth behind the only thing he can remember: the rescue attempt of a teenage girl with a bomb strapped to her chest.

Children of Zodiarcs, on July 18 - Tizoc
An indie Strategy RPG inspired by jRPGs of old. It features a deck building mechanic wherein cards are used to issue actions while in battle.

The Letter, on July 24 - Tizoc
A horror visual novel featuring multiple endings and a 'craft your story' style narritive. Seven people are trapped in an old mansion said to be haunted by a vengeful spirit, and together they must find a way to escape.

Fire Pro Wrestling World, on July 11 - Tizoc
Cult classic Fire Pro arrives on Steam offering a wide array of customization to wrestlers, their moves and even the ring.

Wild Guns Reloaded, on July 11 - Tizoc
A shooting gallery style game that supports up to 4 players. The game is a remaster of the original SNES game and is a must for fans or arcade-y and multiplayer games.

Yankai's Peak, on July 13 - Tizoc
A puzzle game where you move colored pyramids around to place them in their designated slots. Some pyramids need to be linked together to move them around, adding more to the challenge.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles, on July 18 - Tizoc
An Adventure game where you explore areas and socilize with the locals; much of the gameplay is about arming, crafting, cooking, fishing and brewing in order to build these relationships.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, July - Dragon1893
After travelling all over Liberl in Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel takes us to the neighbouring country of Erebonia. Even though each subseries focuses on a specific country, the events are connected in the grand scheme of things, with implications for the entire Zemurian continent.
The player assumes the role of Rean Schwarzer, a student of a military academy and one of the elements of class VII. At first life is how you'd expect it to be in an academy and Rean will have the chance to bond with his classmates, with a system similar to Persona's social links.
Like you're bound to expect if you've played Trails in the Sky, the game takes its time to build the world and characters, but make no mistake, shit will hit the fan.
Cold Steel marks the series jump to full 3D graphics, but don't expect much. Hopefully the PC version will bring some improvements but to be blunt, outside of the 720p resolution the PS3 version literally looks like an average PS2 game. Models and animation are as basic as you could possibly get away with when the game released.
Don't let that stop you though, everything that makes Trails great is here. Even though the writing isn't quite on par with Sky, it's still better than most jrpgs. Same for Rean, nobody holds a candle to Estelle but forget the comparison and just take him as he is, with time you'll give him the credit he deserves.
Gameplay is fundamentally the same as in Sky, though of course there are some differences. If you're new to the series, know that battles are turn based but you can use your turns to move around the arena, useful for escaping the AoE of a spell for example. Characters gain abilities from quartz, which are set on a grid kinda like the materia from FFVII. Each character has a specific grid and quartz placement needs to be optimized to get the most out of it. Unfortunately the system has been simplified in relation to the Sky trilogy, some people like it better this way though.
The music is great as you'd expect. All in all, expect to put at least 60 hours into this, though its likely to be 80 or more, unless you only focus on the main story. In good Trails fashion, the first game ends with a huge cliffhanger, but the wait for CS2 will be short.
Bottom line: One of the best jrpgs you can find on steam, playing the Sky Trilogy first is recommended but not at all required. Just make sure you play each subseries in order.

Pyre, on July 25. - Uzzy
Pyre is the third game from Supergiant Games, the creators of Bastion and Transistor. It's a party based RPG which sees you leading a band of exiles through a forsaken land, competing in what looks like magical ice-hockey in order to survive and earn back your freedom. Most importantly, it's another chance to show off the amazing artistic talents over at Supergiant, with top notch art design and hopefully another amazing soundtrack.

Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar, on July 8. - Wok
Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar is a classic style turn-based roleplaying game in the tradition of Wizardry, Might&Magic, Lands Of Lore and Eye of the Beholder, which required 20 years to develop.

The End Is Nigh, on July 12. - Wok
The End Is Nigh is a sprawling adventure platformer where you die a lot, developped by Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel.

Aporia: Beyond The Valley, on July 19. - Wok
Aporia: Beyond The Valley is a first person adventure puzzle game, using CryEngine and published by GMG.

Obscure - Challenge Your Mind, on July 19. - Wok
Obscure - Challenge Your Mind is first-person puzzle/platformer adventure, taking the player in a journey inside an orphan's dreams.

Slime-san: Blackbird's Kraken, on July 20. - Wok
Slime-san: Blackbird's Kraken is a standalone campaing for Slime-san, which is a polished and funny 2D platformer developed by Fabraz.

The Low Road, on July 26. - Wok
The Low Road is an adventure point-n-click game set in the 70s, which received several awards in 2016.

Fighting Fantasy Legends, on July 27. - Wok
Fighting Fantasy Legends is role-playing card game set in the world of three Fighting Fantasy gamebooks by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone: City of Thieves, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and Citadel of Chaos.
If you have any other recommendations, please PM them over to me and I'll add them to the OP.

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- I want to compare prices to to other DD sites? - isthereanydeal.com
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